My new SMETS 2 meters were installed in mid September. Since then, there has been no change in my account page. The last entry there was that my electricity and gas were to be supplied from 5 May.
My smart gas meter does not appear to be sending any data, I’m only getting a feed from the electricity meter.
I would like an idea of my usage, given the state of the fuel industry at the moment, I would at least like to have an idea if I will be in for some nasty surprises downstream.
Best answer by Jess_OVO
Updated on 07/02/25 by Emmanuelle_OVO:
Great to see you’ve already met our community volunteer and smart meter trouble-shooter, @Blastoise186.
Blastoise186 wrote:
Thanks for the question, this does sound a little strange and I would have expected your gas meter to have started sending in readings by now.
Just wanted to step in here just to clarify this point. As you mentioned your smart meters were installed in mid-September we’d generally advise that it can take up to 6 weeks from the install date for the meter details to be updated and your usage data to be populated both on your In-Home Display and on the usage pages of your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS).
There’s more info on this related topic, although I’m sure @Blastoise186 will be able to offer a slightly more technical explanation if you’re still noticing the same communication difficulties in a few weeks time.
Do keep us updated as we’re always happy to help and offer advice here where we can.
I'm at the point of giving up. Gas meter was sending smart readings to OVO for 3 days, and the electric meter started sending readings (including historical from the date it was installed) on Monday. Now, neither meter is actually sending anything to my account. The electric readings are estimated and the gas readings just stop dead on 30th July. Think I'll just wait the 6 weeks, not bother sending any readings unless they grossly overestimate, then get them out to fix this mess.
I have a feeling that even if the readings issue is connected to them not being fully commissioned yet, the IHD not even finding the HAN is another issue. I'd have thought it would at least connect then display no information, not just sit there with only a gas symbol telling me "connection lost". It's a local area network for crying out loud. The fact it was always a weak signal anywhere in the house, and almost non-existent in the places where it's actually worthwhile putting the IHD, pushes me towards a comm hub issue. But time will tell.
@BPLightlog Re the Ivie. They told me to do a full reset again, they'd done something at their end to uncouple it and it was as new again. Done that and it's now stuck at "joining smart meter network" and not getting any further. I now genuinely believe the meters aren't broadcasting the HAN. But it seems they don't want to do anything about it. Shame there's no way to check if there's a HAN being broadcast but it's obviously a hidden SSID I guess.
Supplied IHD still won't connect either. Meters showing the right serial numbers on my account but no readings going in. Heck, they're not even estimating my gas readings. Can't send manual ones cos the account says "your meters are sending us readings". Gonna be a cheap few months for energy then.
@BPLightlog Re the Ivie. They told me to do a full reset again, they'd done something at their end to uncouple it and it was as new again. Done that and it's now stuck at "joining smart meter network" and not getting any further. I now genuinely believe the meters aren't broadcasting the HAN. But it seems they don't want to do anything about it. Shame there's no way to check if there's a HAN being broadcast but it's obviously a hidden SSID I guess.
It’s not standard Wi-Fi so you can’t see the signal, except via the IHD and meter itself
GrumpyTrucker wrote:
Supplied IHD still won't connect either. Meters showing the right serial numbers on my account but no readings going in. Heck, they're not even estimating my gas readings. Can't send manual ones cos the account says "your meters are sending us readings". Gonna be a cheap few months for energy then.
Presumably you’ve checked for any auto readings on your account.
@BPLightlog I have. Both show smart readings up to 30th July then nothing since. The electric has some estimated readings since but the gas doesn't (as per pics)
Yeah, I get that with the HAN WiFi. Just a shame there's nothing that can at least check for the signal to save trying (and it's very trying) to book an engineer appointment with no information.
I've done as suggested in the previous page now and raised a complaint. Can't hurt I guess.
Mine do drop out for a day or two sometimes. Is it the Aclara meter they’ve installed? If so, there should be a HAN signal level displayed on the meter
The smart meter can take up to 6 weeks from the exchange date before it's set up properly and communicating with us in the way it should, so we’d advise you sit tight until this time has passed and it should be set up correctly on the online account before those 6 weeks are up.
You’ll only need to read the meter once a month at the most just to keep your bills as accurate as possible while we wait for the smart meters to communicate properly. You may be eligible for our Priority Services Register, which would open up the opportunity to have a meter reader come regularly to read the meter for free. You can fill out the online form here, and get in touch with the Support Team to arrange the reading appointments.
Mine do drop out for a day or two sometimes. Is it the Aclara meter they’ve installed? If so, there should be a HAN signal level displayed on the meter
It's showing a full strength HAN signal weirdly but absolutely nothing will connect. Not the Ivie not the supplied Chameleon (still grumpy it's a 3 generation old one but hey ho). The fact that both connected for about 48-72 hours then dropped off simultaneously still strikes me as odd and suspicious. And again, in the house the signal on the IHDs was barely 30-40% going off their indicators. The old S1 had 100% on the IHD even in the kitchen at the other end of the house.
Something is wrong somewhere, it's just what and where 🤷🤷
I went on supply with OVO (from Shell) on 13th of April. Meter worked fine with Shell since it was installed in December. Since 13th April I have ONLY TWO DAYS worth of readings bizarrely the 16th, 17th and about 1h worth of readings on the 18th May. nothing before nothing since! Loop has been working fine since December, getting somewhat cheesed off about this now have done 3 chats and the issue still isn’t resolved, grrrrrrrr
I had a Smart Meter installed several days ago. How long does it take for the readings to show up on OVO App. The app is still telling me I need to send meter readings every month and the historic meter readings do not show the final reading of old meter (should I submit this on app ??)
It can take up to five working days before the engineers report is processed - the final reading from the old meter will be uploaded from that just before the meters get swapped on the account.
If your meters have just been fitted you may not see this reflected on your online account straight away, we usually advise it can take up to 6 weeks from the date the meters were replaced. This is due to the fact that we need to confirm the final meter readings from your old meters before we can amend the details and start billing you on the readings received automatically from your sparkling new smart meters. You might notice a pause to your usual monthly billing during this time too.
You’ll now be able to make use of our Energy Tracker and Power Move!
Seems a bit strange. The installation engineer notes the final meeting reading of old meter but the information takes six weeks to get to OVO ! I could tell them the final reading today via the App if things are that slow.
It’s a maximum timeframe of 6 weeks, some customers will see usage on the online account right away.
We wait for the engineering report, we then need to update our billing system with the new meter details and final bill the account to the removal meter reading. We also need to update the national database of the meter exchange so that they have the new details on file. So the whole process requires the use and co-operation of third parties.
Just wondered roughly how long it takes before a replacement meter shows up on my account. My faulty day time meter was replaced on Monday and I’m hoping my account details will be updated with the new meter number before my next billing period on the 14th.
Nope. If the meter has been replaced recently, please don’t enter any readings until the meter details are fully updated. The Engineers Report will be used to fill in the blanks
I contacted the Support Team and it was a nightmare spent 90 minutes in chat going around and around in circles. They finally cut me off and closed the chat and l reconnected at number 87 in the queue so after 5 hours of trying to resolve l then gave up for the day :(
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