My new SMETS 2 meters were installed in mid September. Since then, there has been no change in my account page. The last entry there was that my electricity and gas were to be supplied from 5 May.
My smart gas meter does not appear to be sending any data, I’m only getting a feed from the electricity meter.
I would like an idea of my usage, given the state of the fuel industry at the moment, I would at least like to have an idea if I will be in for some nasty surprises downstream.
Best answer by Jess_OVO
Updated on 07/02/25 by Emmanuelle_OVO:
Great to see you’ve already met our community volunteer and smart meter trouble-shooter, @Blastoise186.
Blastoise186 wrote:
Thanks for the question, this does sound a little strange and I would have expected your gas meter to have started sending in readings by now.
Just wanted to step in here just to clarify this point. As you mentioned your smart meters were installed in mid-September we’d generally advise that it can take up to 6 weeks from the install date for the meter details to be updated and your usage data to be populated both on your In-Home Display and on the usage pages of your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS).
There’s more info on this related topic, although I’m sure @Blastoise186 will be able to offer a slightly more technical explanation if you’re still noticing the same communication difficulties in a few weeks time.
Do keep us updated as we’re always happy to help and offer advice here where we can.
It takes up to six weeks for newly installed meters to fully commission. Your IHD will switch to PAYG Mode automatically along with the meters if that’s what you’re on.
I've just had to have my smart meter replaced because the old one stopped working.
I can see that the new meter number is registered on my account, but it’s still (after about 2 weeks) showing as “Your electricity smart meter hasn't sent us any readings lately. “, so I’m having to update this manually.
When should I expect the automatic updates to be recognised by the billing system?
I’ve checked the meter to see if the little green LED for this function is operating, and it is. I am electric only so the gas LED doesn't blink.
It can take up to six weeks for everything to fully commission - try giving it a bit more time especially after one Smart Meter is swapped for another.
yes, I have a new IHD (though I have to walk down the corridor for it to sync with my meter). It’s an IHD6. (The one with the laughably short battery life, even when it’s turned off.)
and when it is synced it tells me the current reading (that’s the number that I use to enter manually on the web page, as I’m disinclined to go down to the car park and unlock the meter cupboard to check there.)
I have no idea how to tell if readings are getting to the DCC.
OK. The IHD has a unique identifier - a GUID - that isn’t published anywhere, so it can be used to tie you exclusively to the usage data that your meter is or isn’t sending to DCC. There are several companies that are able to access the data that DCC hold for their own purposes, and some of them make it possible for energy consumers to access their own data. I use, part of SMS, the smart meter people. If n3rgy can access your usage data, so can OVO. Have a look - it’s pretty straightforward, once you’ve told the site I’m a consumer. You can then download whatever usage data DCC has for you.
That was usage data. Meter readings are a slightly different kettle of fish. I’m not quite sure how that works, but I think OVO poll your meter direct on a pre-determined schedule, which is either daily or monthly. At the moment, there’s no way of finding out which schedule you’re on without contacting Support and asking them. If you do this, I’d suggest that if it isn’t already, that you ask them to change it to half-hourly. There is some evidence to suggest that it’s automatically - and inexplicably - set to monthly after a meter exchange. This will prompt OVO to poll for both usage data and meter readings every morning, so you might see something sooner rather than later.
I’m seeing no data downloaded just the headings, except for a single figure for standing charge - which matches the one that the IHD tells me, but is not the correct amount as per my contract (yes I know that the correct one will be used for billing)
As it’s not been in across a month end yet, I think I need to wait to see what happens at the end of the month to see if I am on these monthly reading, before following this up with OVO.
Hi @crispy , tariff shown on what? If you mean the IHD (in home display), the different tariffs don’t always show there. Things often take a while to get in sync after first fitting. If you mean your meter itself, it depends on the type. If you post a photo, someone might be able to help
One of our volunteers has already asked an important question on this about whether you’re talking about the meter itself or the In-Home Display, let us know which one it is so we can help further.
We’ve got some really helpful topics on both so these may also be handy for you:
I think what’s probably happening here regardless of which piece of equipment you’re talking about, is that your meters are still in the commissioning process which can take up to six weeks to fully complete. During that time, things can be unstable and this is expected - especially with all the testing, config downloads and software/firmware updates being pulled down during the commissioning flow.
After the first six weeks, you should find the connection stabilises and becomes more reliable once it’s fully activated.
Hope this helps, let us know if you’ve got any other questions.
Hi had smart meters replaced Monday 30 September but they are not working all I get is please send a reading however my indoor display seems to be working and showing daily usage any information appreciated
Hi @Car1956 , it can take a few weeks for a new connection to sync properly. A manual reading is useful in the meantime to avoid estimates but your smart meter should begin to send readings before too long. Their systems can also take a while to update after a change
Thanks for reply will my internal display box be a correct reading of usage as it shows daily usage
If you check what it says for your tariff rates (compared to your plan), it should be a reasonable guide but the IHD isn’t used for billing (only the meter readings) so it’s not something to fully rely on.
I’m glad to see one of our volunteers has already stopped by to advise that is can take a little time following the smart meters being installed for all of the data to settle.
It can take up to 6 weeks from the install date for the meter details to be updated and your usage data to be populated both on your In-Home Display and on the usage pages of your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS).
We’ve got a couple of topics that may also be helpful here:
If you’re still having issues after 6 weeks, feel free to pop back to the forum and we’ll advice on the next best step, but it should all settle in that time.
i had a smart meter installed today how long dose it take to activate i cant register on ovo energy app so i dont have an ovo id im going around in circles ive topped up using the ovo top up app ive put money on and nothing is showing on the meter even tho it has gone out of my bank account i never wanted the smart meter in the first place but had to after a power cut as the enginear said you dont replace the old meters someone help please,thankyou
ive rung the numbers and they dont understand what im, saying why am i in emergency credit when the powercut is not my fault ive topped up so what else am i susposed to do
Sorry to hear about this. One of our volunteers Blastoise186 has left some really helpful advice here already.
As we don’t have access to accounts here at the Forum we wouldn’t be able to sort these credits out. You’ll need to reach out to the Support Team to add these on.
I’ve changed from THTC to Economy 10 (by the fitting of a new smart meter) and this is reflected in my online account. After installing the OVO app on my phone and logging in, it tells me ‘our app does not currently support complex meter setups’. I know that THTC was considered ‘complex’ but is that really true of Economy 10? It would be odd, I think, if only those with a single rate tariff could use the app.
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