
I've just had new smart meters installed - Why can't I see this and my usage data reflected on my account?

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Userlevel 7
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I spoke too soon,

A week to the day my IDH dropped out.   And i logged onto my portal and OVO had updated it showing my smart meter asking for a reading.   i have waited 24 hours and northing. is there a quick way of testing my side?   I know ovo are in my area this week , is it worth me trying to get someone back?

Hi @TD12345 

Not worth it.

It isn't unusual during the 6 week period for this to happen. Just need to be patient until the setup completes usually. 

I wouldn't worry about it at the moment. 



Userlevel 2

oh ok - thanks will try and not look at it.

Userlevel 2

My previous post seems to have vanished.  So Ovo engineer finally called and changed out the dead gas meter on 27 April.   However, since then there are precisely no readings on my account.  On one page it tells me it's not receiving readings, whilst on another it tells me it is.  The new meter once installed was at zero and IHD is showing me a cost.  Is this usual because I'm totally confused?

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Hi @Scotia121

Click on your forum name and you can see your previous posts. 

It can take 6 weeks for readings to appear on your account. This is where to look

Something like this with the word smart next to each daily reading. So keep an eye on it over the next couple of months. 

You may see some gas data on this page but that will be just estimates and not actually meter readings

It is normal for the new meter once installed to start at zero again.

You should see a cost on the IHD. Any cost on the IHD includes the standing charge and VAT. 

Userlevel 2

Hi @Scotia121


It can take 6 weeks for readings to appear on your account. This is where to look

Something like this with the word smart next to each daily reading. So keep an eye on it over the next couple of months. 

You may see some gas data on this page but that will be just estimates and not actually meter readings

It is normal for the new meter once installed to start at zero again.

You should see a cost on the IHD. Any cost on the IHD includes the standing charge and VAT. 

Yes I had a look at that and no readings since it was installed bar one.  I was going to ring them but honestly can't be bothered.  Thanks I'll keep an eye out.

Userlevel 2

Oh another thing.  Previous post about my ongoing travails with Ovo appears to have vanished.   Page not found is what I'm getting.  Are posts deleted for whatever reason?

Userlevel 7
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Oh another thing.  Previous post about my ongoing travails with Ovo appears to have vanished.   Page not found is what I'm getting.  Are posts deleted for whatever reason?

Click on your forum name and you can see your previous posts. 

Threads are often merged by the OVO moderators which may be the reason. 

Alternatively type your forum name in the forum search bar to at least bring up the threads you are in. 

Userlevel 2

Thank you.  Was starting to get paranoid. 😁😁😂

Userlevel 5

Hey all. Just had my intermittently working SMETS 1 meters replaced for SMETS 2 (yesterday). The meter readings the installer took from the old meters before removing them haven't appeared in my account yet, and it's the end of my bill cycle on Monday. Should I submit those old ones manually, even though I now have new meters that were 0000 on install, or just wait for the ones he submitted get through on the system?


New meters not yet showing in my account so no readings yet.

Userlevel 7
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I’d wait for now. The readings will be uploaded when the engineer report is submitted

Userlevel 5

Cheers @Blastoise186 It's never easy to tell when you need to do something and when you don't. Just hoping they start sending readings quite soon. The old ones were decommissioned off the DCC a few weeks ago, so in theory these new ones should register pretty quick. Think it took 48 hours when the original ones were installed to start getting readings. Although I don't know if the DCC was a thing then.

Not sure which version of IHD I've ended up with. Well, it's one of the Chameleon ones (without power button) but that's called an IHD 3 and the Ivie style ones are called IHD 6 but just cos the numbers are low/high doesn't necessarily follow that higher is newer. Bit surprised the Chameleon doesn't appear to add the standing charge to "daily usage". I do like knowing my total for the day rather than having to remember to add the SC myself in my head. Once the meters are back running I'll reconfigure my Ivie anyway I think.

HAN connection seems weak on this new meter/IHD combo I've found. One little bar of the WiFi symbol, sometimes 2, but drops off completely once or twice. And I can't really put the IHD closer to the electric meter without putting it on the stairs which seems a bit redundant.

Userlevel 5

Bit of an update to this.…

Been 72 hours now since install. Gas meter is now sending readings to OVO but electric isn't yet. HAN still seems weak. Got the older IHD3 (did some checking and it is the older model) on the window ledge now, about 8ft from the meter in the outside wall. HAN 'wifi' indicator on the IHD is still barely registering at under 50% strength. My Ivie, about 4ft further away, is showing roughly the same. The old meters had 100% coverage in the same location.

Been able to connect both meters to the Ivie but, like the supplied IHD, it's not adding the gas standing charge to 'usage'. Electric standing charge is being added on both but had not for some reason.

Not getting any live usage data in the Ivie app from the electric meter which I thought it got from the IHD so shouldn't be reliant on DCC connection. But, that's an issue for other threads.


Userlevel 7
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Hi @GrumpyTrucker , the adding of the standing charge should be automatic but in fact although mine does for electric, for gas it is often not added. That’s the same for the IHD6 and also my Hildebrand Glow IHD so I presume it comes from the meter. 
Your ivie bud should connect directly to the meters but I’m not sure if the app uses that feed. 
The gas info is linked via the electric comms hub so it may be that the sync phase of the electric meter isn’t yet complete 

Userlevel 5

Hi @GrumpyTrucker , the adding of the standing charge should be automatic but in fact although mine does for electric, for gas it is often not added. That’s the same for the IHD6 and also my Hildebrand Glow IHD so I presume it comes from the meter. 
Your ivie bud should connect directly to the meters but I’m not sure if the app uses that feed. 
The gas info is linked via the electric comms hub so it may be that the sync phase of the electric meter isn’t yet complete 

Well, as of this moment, both the Chameleon IHD3 AND my Ivie have lost connection to the meters. Been that way for an hour or more now. Just checked the meter and the HAN and WAN lights MIGHT be flashing but it's hard to tell. They're not very bright. Two teeny tiny little green LED pin pricks are flashing on/off every 2 seconds or so right at the bottom of the o shape cutouts for them. 

I'll give it until Tuesday then I guess I'll be back in touch with OVO again. Paying more than we ever have for the energy and it's getting harder than ever to keep track of how much is being used.

Userlevel 5

@BPLightlog I have replied to you but the post is being held for moderation for some reason. 


Userlevel 7
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It probably triggered the AutoMod or a spam filter. We’ll be able to ask a moderator to review and release it tomorrow.

Would that be OK?

Userlevel 5

@Blastoise186 Not like there's a lot of choice I guess. LOL. Was just saying that as of now I have zero info coming from the new meters. Both IHDs have lost connection for almost two hours now. The HAN and WAN might be flashing but it's hard to tell. Two teeny little pin points of light at the bottom of the o shaped cut outs but they're so faint it's hard to tell 

Just realised as typing this that the first time round I used a different word after "pin" so that's what probably swept up the post.

Userlevel 7
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What colours are those two LEDs?

And yeah, I think I figured out that word. In this context, I’d approve it if I was able to but I can see why it’d trip the filter. Me and BPLightlog are exempt from it on the basis of trust. Which is probably a good thing as otherwise we’d be constantly setting it off.

Userlevel 5

Both green, flashing on/off every two seconds or so 

Userlevel 7
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Hmm… Weak signal iirc...

Userlevel 5

Lovely. Nothing is ever straight forward in this house 

Userlevel 5

@Blastoise186 and @BPLightlog 

Still nothing on both IHDs - Chameleon and Ivie - and that means they've been disconnected from the meters for 10 hours now. I've even taken the supplied IHD and put the battery in and placed it in the wall cabinet right at the side of the meter, maybe 10 inches below the comms unit. Nothing. Still not connecting to the meter.

Both HAN and WAN lights are flashing, and now it's finally stopped raining I timed them properly and they're flashing at 5 second intervals, which apparently (allegedly more like hahaha) means it's operating normally.

Electric meter still hasn't updated on my account yet, which is still showing the old MPAN. Don't know if that's somehow related, but don't imagine it would be since both IHDs were displaying information until around 11am today.

Is it possible the comm unit had a software update that wiped out the connection and now I need to reset both IHDs?

Userlevel 7
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Not sure @GrumpyTrucker but I have successfully reconnected both my IHD’s when they lost connection. Just be careful of the ivie bud as if you do a ‘full’ reset on that, it loses its profile for your meters. 
It’s more a re-start than a reset. 
With the Chameleon, I generally take power off (including batteries) for a few minutes.

Userlevel 5


Yeah the Ivie was fully reset under instruction from Ivie when the meters were changed. They said it needed doing to reconnect to new meters. And, as I say, for a day or so was displaying info from both meters even though the HAN connection icon was showing as weak.

The Chameleon has been powered down and restarted now about a dozen times and still refuses to reconnect depite, as with the Ivie, working ok for a day or so with a weak connection.

I'm going to give it until Thursday I think, which will be a week since install. If the HAN is still not working I'll get in touch with OVO customer support. I know it can take a while for a meter to register in the account but local connection over HAN should be immediate shouldn't it? It was last time anyway.

Userlevel 7
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 I know it can take a while for a meter to register in the account but local connection over HAN should be immediate shouldn't it? It was last time anyway.

Yes, the local connection should be fairly quick. I think ivie say within 48 hrs
