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Why is my Smart meter In Home Display (IHD) not showing any electricity usage data?

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  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • October 10, 2020

I contacted support and they sent through a reset apparently. I waited 24h and restarted the device, but this didn’t resolve the issue - it’s still only showing gas! 

What next? 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • October 11, 2020

If Customer Services sent through a SMETS command then it should’ve acted within half an hour. This was implied a couple of weeks ago by Fionn, a Product Manager at Kaluza, whilst answering questions about the Flex Platform using DCC’s network.

In fact, from a technical viewpoint, I can’t see why a RESET command couldn’t operate immediately. That level of instruction is already used when Smart Meter installers are on-site and need to pair an IHD to a Comms Hub.

You will need to re-contact OVO so that they know that whatever they did was ineffective. I strongly suggest that you use the email route. That gives you a date/time stamp on the message.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • October 12, 2020

 Thanks for posting the details of this issue here, @parekhd 


Good community based advice from other members with smart kit on show here, much better advice when it’s from someone with the same kit and sometimes the same questions! @TomThumb @Transparent :blush:


I have combined your topic to this existing thread. For one thing, we can check in on other community members who were effected to hear how they got a solution… @Wigwam66 what happened in the end with this? And @pauleywauley @Tiamun @mark17hp @JCPW and last but not least, the very helpful @MikeE - any advice on firmware fixes? There’s no obvious WAN or HAN issues with @parekhd :spy:

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • October 12, 2020

Hi All,

Yes Ive had no electricity data sent to Ovo with Smets 2 meters, only Gas, Ovo have done nothing about it for nearly a year now so don’t expect a quick resolve on this, I think as the Smets2 meters get installed, they work ok for a few months then develop faults, your just put on a waiting list which I think is getting longer by the day - so much for smart meters, still have to send electricity reading up at the end of every month, so nothings changed here..

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 91 replies
  • October 12, 2020
pauleywauley wrote:

I think as the Smets2 meters get installed, they work ok for a few months then develop faults, your just put on a waiting list which I think is getting longer by the day - so much for smart meters, still have to send electricity reading up at the end of every month, so nothings changed here..

That's right that is, I have had trouble with SMETS2 meters when I was with OVO and before that with SMETS1 meters when I was with Scottish Power.


Smart meters aren't as smart as smart phones well that's my experience !

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • October 12, 2020

Hi Mike,

Yes that's the problem, its OK fitting the meters but there's no initial back up from Ovo to sort all the problems out, just get passed around to the different posts on here, with no real help with on going problems these meters are having.

Would be great to get a call or a response from an engineer tomorrow, but don't hold your breath cause you could be waiting years and that's not an exaggeration.


Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • October 12, 2020

I hear what you’re saying @pauleywauley 

I think we’re seeing an ever increasing backlog of issues related to Smart Meter readings. It’s more technical than I’d expect could be handled by the usual Customer Services staff. And the level of feedback we’re reporting here on the Forum needs investigation, rather than just “an answer”.

  • Perhaps there’s too few in the Smart Meter Engineering Team at Bristol.
  • Perhaps Covid-19 constraints have too severely cut back access to the Maxwell research/test lab where they would try to replicate our reports
  • Perhaps they’re doing the tests but can’t get enough software design/development time, either for code to send to the meters, or with the Billing System developers at Notting Hill.
part of the Maxwell lab at OVO Bristol


I’ve just checked today’s list of 54 OVO’s job adverts and can’t see any for additional Smart Meter engineers.

There’s a vacancy for a Manager to organise the 25-strong team of those who liaise with the Meter Installers whilst they’re on-site. But that’s the closest I can find.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • October 12, 2020

Hi Transparent,

I know this, but as a ‘different' customer orientated company I thought Ovo was when they entered the energy market, I thought putting the customer first was their Spiel, but alas, like all other ‘ customer orientated' companies, its gone by the wayside, the bigger customer base they have doesn't ‘help' when your left with up to date tech that clearly was bought to the market too soon with not enough R and D done and being unable to rectify problems which the customer is left with.

As this thread shows, there's a lot of ‘customers' with on going problems with smart meters that just aren't being resolved on a reasonable time scale, whilst still getting their customers to have the Meters installed without being able to honour existing problems with the said meters and just continue to push the smart meter install at a rate, that as time goes by, these initial faults just are not being rectified let alone not telling us how it REALLY is???




  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • October 14, 2020

A few of us on this thread are experiencing the same issue.

Just to summarise, the issue is that only gas readings are shown on the IHD (no electricity), but electricity readings are still getting to OVO successfully and at one point in time (when the meter was first fitted), everything worked ok. 

I have tried contacting OVO a few times By phone and the call handlers don’t appear to know what a RESET command is or what else they can do from their end to fix the IHD issue. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • October 14, 2020

Hi Parekhd,

Not the same issue here, no electricity data is being sent up to Ovo, having to manually send in elec readings every month, Gas data is OK but no electricity data.

The Meters worked fine for the first 6 months with no problems but just stopped sending elec data up, can't understand this as the gas data is being sent to the elec meter, then sent to Ovo but no elec data at all.

Been like this now for nearly a year with no resolve, Ovo just can't help any further, just on a waiting list for an engineer visit but not looking likely as I think they're struggling trying to keep up with the faults with these new meters.


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • October 14, 2020

pauleywauley ok. Unfortunately it looks like the admins have merged threads of conversation for issues that look similar, but aren’t actually the same. 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • October 14, 2020


there's a lot of ‘customers' with on going problems with smart meters that just aren't being resolved on a reasonable time scale, whilst still getting their customers to have the Meters installed without being able to honour existing problems

I agree.

1: I have raised the issue of long-term problems not being addressed. This is being discussed by other staff within OVO and @Tim_OVO  has been copied.

In the majority of cases it has been difficult to resolve problems because the information being supplied by customers wasn’t sufficient for engineers to achieve a sufficiently accurate diagnosis.

Within the last few months that has changed. Within discussions here on the Forum there is now much more accurate information available to the engineers. I’m really glad to see the detail which you and @parekhd have put into your messages.


2: There is no link between the ongoing work to install new Smart Meters and the effort being put in to resolve existing problems.

Installations use a completely different set of engineers and they are operating to timetables approved by Ofgem to meet targets set for each Energy Supplier.

When Ofgem’s audits find that the installation target agreements are not being implemented, then a Supplier can be fined or their licence withdrawn. In 2019, SSE failed to comply with the agreed targets and was fined £1.2m. This was a long-term issue which resulted in its domestic customers being taken over by OVO.


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • October 14, 2020

Hi Transparent,

Thanks, but its surely counter productive to just keep installations of smets2 going whilst leaving customers with smets2 faults on the back burner and not seeming to be able to rectify these issues just because Ofgems targets are being met on the one hand, and original smets2 faults are not being addressed by Ovo, wouldn't it be better to focus on a solid smets2 base with happy smets2 customers than just continuing with the upgrade/install and putting more resources in just rectifying existing faults because as it stands, you increase the number of smets2 installs surely this is going to impact the issue with more faults being reported and more people being put on yet longer waiting lists for years without resolving the issues , from what I can see with the majority of the posts on these forums.

Its up to Ovo to address this issue and not just waste time being grouped together on this forum , just resource more into fixing this ongoing problem and help the loyal customer base or just turn Ovo into yet another SSE.


Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • October 15, 2020

There are many people who would agree with you, @pauleywauley - but the Energy Suppliers aren’t in a position to tell Ofgem what to do with their targets!

If you want to make representations about this, then the route is to write to your MP with a question that he/she will put to BEIS.

There are certain arguments which are more likely to be effective than others:

  • Will the Government commit to retrain more people as Smart Meter engineers and similar technical trades for which there is a growing demand in the UK?
  • Will the Government invest more resources into Smart Meter technology in order for the public to be properly equipped to combat Climate Change?

These questions hit at the heart of topics which are already high amongst HMG’s concerns with rising unemployment, international commitments to reduce carbon emissions, and re-skilling people to create a technology-based economy post-Brexit.

When writing to your MP, feel free to copy arguments from discussions here on the Forum. An MP of any political flavour is likely to act positively to arguments in support of technology to combat global warming.

Also remember that constituent’s letters to MPs are privileged communication and it is usual for both parties to keep these confidential. So please don’t quote verbatim back here on the Forum.


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • October 15, 2020

Hi Transparent,

Yes you're right, but MP's are just as bad at getting things sorted, just look at the total hash they've made of the pandemic.

But its just like I said, nothing has been rectified, not sure I can swap energy suppliers with the current state of my broken smart meter yet, but its coming up to nearly a year that the smart meter has had a fault and Ovo have done nothing to help, but probably the same as any energy supplier at the moment, its pointless writing to the MP cause again, nothing will be done, I think I'll have to stop sending elec readings up - wonder if that would help things along a little.


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • October 16, 2020

Totally understand where you’re coming from, @pauleywauley 


Can I ask if you consider yourself to be in a densely populated area? I know that sometimes engineer coverage can be limited in some places vs others…… 


Also when was the last time this was chased up? And was a remote firmware upgrade option tried first? I’ll await your reply and then might take a look at this myself! 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • October 16, 2020

Hi Tim,

Its never been chased up and No firmware upgrade or anything been suggested to me.  Yes I live just on the outskirts of Birmingham, so yes densely populated, but the Meter worked fine for the first couple on months sending both gas and electric readings up, but just stopped sending electric data up but continues now to send Gas data up.


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • October 17, 2020

Thanks @pauleywauley really handy to know this. 


Although such actions from the customer shouldn’t be needed at this stage (far better for us to do this proactively) can you enquire about the option of the ‘Smart second line’ team, or ‘S2’ team consider attempting a remote firmware upgrade, in case this is the cause of the issue. Reach out to us via Web chat (scroll to the bottom) today or call on Monday if you prefer. 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • October 24, 2020
parekhd wrote:

When it was first installed, the smart meter IHD showed both gas an electricity usage. Over the last few months, only gas usage is being shown. 

all lights on the actual meter look ok. 

Got the exact same issue, I’ve been pushed around departments and now have had enough, it’s not the metre at fault according to the forums, why can’t OVO hive me a straight answer,  I was asked if I wanted to raise a complaint during my recent phone calk(about the 5th made to them regarding this problem) I’m going to do this as it’s just taking them far too long !! 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • October 24, 2020

Thanks for joining in with your observations on this issue @Wheelman .

One of the problems we have with these IHD faults is the lack of feedback from the SMETS Engineers to say what they’re diagnosing and how the faults are getting fixed. We don’t know if there’s a single common fault, or several different ones. Nor do we know whether there is an analysis being done of each report or whether they just send a SMETS_reset command.

When customers like yourself complain, it’s very often the case that the problem simply gets quickly resolved, but with no information provided to say whether it self-corrected or that an engineer did something.

I agree that this is extremely frustrating.

Moreover, it mitigates against us customers trying to help by accurately describing the faults here on the Forum.

Let’s see what the Moderator @Tim_OVO has to suggest.


  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • October 24, 2020
Transparent wrote:

Thanks for joining in with your observations on this issue @Wheelman .

One of the problems we have with these IHD faults is the lack of feedback from the SMETS Engineers to say what they’re diagnosing and how the faults are getting fixed. We don’t know if there’s a single common fault, or several different ones. Nor do we know whether there is an analysis being done of each report or whether they just send a SMETS_reset command.

When customers like yourself complain, it’s very often the case that the problem simply gets quickly resolved, but with no information provided to say whether it self-corrected or that an engineer did something.

I agree that this is extremely frustrating.

Moreover, it mitigates against us customers trying to help by accurately describing the faults here on the Forum.

Let’s see what the Moderator @Tim_OVO has to suggest.


 I’ve been told that they carried out some sort of attempt to reset, unsuccessfully , but like you said ; it appears that the various departments aren’t communicating. 
 I know my fault Isn’t a unique one and you would think that they would just sort it.   

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • October 24, 2020

Hi Wheelman,

Don't expect a quick fix, it's been nearly 1 year with this fault, sent Ovo another e mail about a week ago, still waiting for a reply, nothing at all been done, this forum is useless, Ovo employees monitor it but still nothing done, the e mail said a reply in 2 days, it's been over a week now - still no reply again, very frustrating, thoughts firmware update would at least be sent to my meter - but nothing - don't hold your breath - REALLY POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AS USUAL WITH NO RESOLVE IN SIGHT FOR NEARLY A YEAR WITH THE FAULT TO A SMETS2 METER.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • October 24, 2020
pauleywauley wrote:

Hi Wheelman,

Don't expect a quick fix, it's been nearly 1 year with this fault, sent Ovo another e mail about a week ago, still waiting for a reply, nothing at all been done, this forum is useless, Ovo employees monitor it but still nothing done, the e mail said a reply in 2 days, it's been over a week now - still no reply again, very frustrating, thoughts firmware update would at least be sent to my meter - but nothing - don't hold your breath - REALLY POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AS USUAL WITH NO RESOLVE IN SIGHT FOR NEARLY A YEAR WITH THE FAULT TO A SMETS2 METER.

 Ok thank you

 maybe time to cut and run 

Carbon Catcher**
  • Carbon Catcher**
  • 128 replies
  • October 24, 2020

@parekhd  & @Transparent I have only just noticed, in parekhd photo, 8.63 kWh = .02p  that is an exceptional tariff, where do I sign up lol. 

Could that be reporting only 10% of actual costs (tariff dependent) if so, that mirrors my experience of my IHD. (Can you clarify @parekhd)

As previously reported, my dumb electric smart meter only regained full functionality & communication to both Ovo & my IHD only after a power down / reboot to the comms unit by an Ovo engineer, 

The problem of my IHD reporting only 10% of actual costs for my gas usage is still ongoing via email with Ovo.



Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • October 26, 2020

Thanks for this continued feedback, @pauleywauley @TomThumb @Wheelman @Transparent 


I’ve reached out to some colleagues to try and see if I can confirm and share some insight into the types of issues we see, and what actions we take to fix them remotely. I must say beyond the smart meter health checks we advise, the Support team remains your best bet for custom, tailored advice and support with your smart meter and devices. However if there’s something I can get and share with you all, I will!


I’ll be back here with an update when I get one. 




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