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OVO SMETS2 smart meter communication - what do the WAN, HAN lights mean?

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  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 97 replies
  • April 21, 2020
Transparent wrote:


“ I won't need to post on here anymore”

Oh no! That’s really sad! :cry:

But I’m sure you’ll be back. Some of these communications faults got “fixed” over the weekend without intervention from an engineer. So they’re just as likely to go wrong all over again next time it’s a new moon and the wind is from the east!

I mean in this thread !

I will, of course, check out the OVO forum and post occasionally as you are a friendly bunch !

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • November 1, 2022

My smart metre was install in April last year and since then it rarely sends the reading automatically. I have rang SSE/OVE so many times if lost count and at the beginning I was told oh its not communicating, i’ll send an engineer to now you are with ovo the metre needs six week not settle with to its working fine can we have a manual reading please. My bill for October is nearly three hundred when I have very little running and don’t use the heating. The amount is estimated and i’m still asked for a manual reading. My metre is in a wall cupboard above the kitchen unit and as i’m disabled climbing units is out of the question. My husband is seventy-one and has a bad knee so he can’t climb onto the unit either. My IHD is good for reading usage at any point but read in kw not cost as its still using the old tariff.

There's no point ringing for help as I would just get fobbed off again. What can I do?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 8044 replies
  • November 2, 2022

Please post photos if possible @Scoobnut . We’ll see if we can help. Otherwise… This will probably require an engineer visit.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2566 replies
  • November 2, 2022

Hi @Scoobnut

Please be careful trying to read the smart meter. 

Sign up for the Priority Service Register

One of the benefits is you can ask OVO to read your meter manually while they sort out the underlying issue. 



  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • November 2, 2022

Hi Jeffus and thank you for your reply. I'm registered as priority but will get them to come out to read the meter.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2524 replies
  • November 4, 2022

Hey @Scoobnut,


Sorry for the issues you’re having. 


I’m surprised no one is helping you with this. How long have you been with OVO? 


@Jeffus has given some great advice here about the Priority Services Register


You need to complete a smart meter health check, once this is done are team can try and fix the issues with your meter remotely. If they’re unable to do so within 45 working days, they’ll send an engineer round for a re-visit. 




Hope this helps. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • November 4, 2022

I’ve been with OVO since April and I am registered with the priority service. 

SSE installed it and said it would take a few weeks before it would start sending the info. It took over a month then stopped sending, then sent, then stopped…

I called SSE who said its wasn’t sending and an engineer would be in touch that was 2021 and still waiting. This went on till last April when I was switched to OVO. I’ve rang them several times and get no its working fine, can you send us a meter reading or, its not sending can you send us a reading in fact my bill is now up and states I owe over three hundred which is ridiculous as I don’t use the heating [ ASHP) as its to expensive.

It was easy to get a meter reading before as my daughter did it but she has since moved and neither my husband nor I can dot it. I have had the meter tested twice by OVO and both times they said it was working but can you send us a reading anyway. I had one call where the person asked my to get the reading for her and when I said I couldn’t as I was disabled she asked if I could move a tall, that was off putting and since I’ve done nothing about it. In fact I’m so sick of it I’m thinking of ignoring it as this is not doing good for my mental health.

My meter refuses to send info properly and my IHD is still using the tariff before October, i’m am just so sick of it.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1921 replies
  • November 7, 2022

Understand, @Scoobnut. Thanks for this extra information. 


As you’re on the priority services register, you’re able to arrange a meter reading visit every 3 months. Please request this with our Support team. They can also decide the best way to diagnose the meter issue given you’re unable to read it. This might be a ‘technical sight survey’ but they’re best placed to make that judgement. Contact our Support team via the channels listed here

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • November 7, 2022

Thank you for your help, I will do that.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • November 7, 2022

Just got my electricity bill. From the 1 to the 31st October it was 165 pounds with no 66 discount and 14 days to pay. 

Why has it not added my discount and why am I paying monthly when it was quarterly. Its really starting to affect my mental heath and my husband is furious and tells me not to politely to ignore it and not pay but then I’d end up with penalties. Husband is planning to go to CAB.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 8044 replies
  • November 8, 2022
Scoobnut wrote:

Just got my electricity bill. From the 1 to the 31st October it was 165 pounds with no 66 discount and 14 days to pay. 

Why has it not added my discount and why am I paying monthly when it was quarterly. Its really starting to affect my mental heath and my husband is furious and tells me not to politely to ignore it and not pay but then I’d end up with penalties. Husband is planning to go to CAB.

You should still pay for now anyway to get it cleared off the account. Any issues like the £66 not coming through can be fixed later. Paying off the bill now is more important.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1921 replies
  • November 8, 2022

Hi @Scoobnut 


If you came from over and you were on quarterly billing with a quarterly Direct Debit, this should’ve changed over with you. Our Support team can check on this and the £66 energy bills support scheme payment. I suspect it’s been refunded to your bank account but this should show on the statement as money in and out:

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • November 8, 2022

Hi, I found it had discounted the 66 it was on the next page.  Unfortunately I am paying monthly even though it was quarterly with SSE. Plan on ringing them today.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • November 30, 2023

New smets 2 electric meter fitted nearly 3 weeks ago.  Engineer said it was not communicating with DCC.  In first week it appeared to work and smart meter readings were shown on the OVO app.  Then it stopped and only my manual readings appear once I take them.  The wan light flashes every 5 seconds occasionally so this means it is commutating?  Will OVO or DCC contact us if it does not start to work?  Will the engineer put another meter in as he suggested might be the outcome?  We are in the Highlands of Scotland.  Any thoughts?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2566 replies
  • November 30, 2023

Hi @carnbeejohn 

Sorry to hear that. I am just a customer like you.

The full commissioning of new and replacement smart meters can take 8 weeks so it is very unlikely your meter is completely commissioned yet. Some will be quicker. 

It is unfortunate this was not made clear at the installation. It is a common issue that this isn't made clear by the engineers.

During that time it is not unusual for meters to connect then disconnect.

There is more information here.

Ovo will look to fix the issue if it doesn't work after 8 weeks.

After 8 weeks if it isn't working try this tool

Can you post a photo of your meter?

While you are waiting you could keep an eye on whether any of the 3rd party apps can see your meter over time. For example

Or check this tool

I suspect neither will work yet.

There are a couple of places to keep an eye out for data on the ovo website as you may know

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • November 30, 2023

Thanks so basically wait and see if it starts working 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2566 replies
  • November 30, 2023
carnbeejohn wrote:

Thanks so basically wait and see if it starts working 


Yep. Best wait the 8 weeks usually. You won't get much out of ovo until then even if there is an issue in the end.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 56 replies
  • November 30, 2023

mine didn’t work properly (was working with Shell) when I moved to OVO in April.  Have you checked you can see anything using a 3rd party app like loop or HUGO?  I couldn’t see all my data in Loop but NOTHING in the OVO app apart from a random 2 days in May!  It took until mid-august for it to get sorted

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • November 30, 2023

Going to give other apps a go and see if they show anything.  Will wait the 8 weeks to see if anything changes.  

  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • April 27, 2024

Smart meter and IHD installed 26 hours ago. Meter Type ALCARA SGM1411-B.  IHD IHD3-PPMID-AAA TYPE1. IHD has been showing message Waiting for current data for last 26 hours. The meter SW WAN MESH HAN LIGHTS are all flashing together every 5 seconds. The IHD is within 3 feet of the meter with no obstructions. I have tried turning the IHD on and off. Leaving it off and then turning back on. Nothing works. In other properties the IHD has connected with the meter in minutes. any ideas as OVO are closed until monday. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 8044 replies
  • April 27, 2024

Hi @JONAH666 ,

Please allow up to six weeks for everything to fully setup. You’re asking for help far too soon there. Only after that should you ask for Support to step in.

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 464 replies
  • April 29, 2024

Hi @JONAH666,


I’m sorry to hear this.


As Blastoise186 has mentioned, it can take up to 6 weeks for a newly installed smart meter to be fully set up across the various systems. It may be worth contacting Support if after this time your IHD is still not showing your usage.


These threads may also be helpful: 






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