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Lost Connection - Smart Meters not sending meter readings and no data on In-Home Display (IHD) - Why?

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  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • June 1, 2024

Hello Blastoise186,

Thanks for replying.

I have looked in the system status and there are no codes displayed it just says meter working and network okay there is a number displayed at the bottom of each one i.e. 29-1 otherwise nothing.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • June 1, 2024

Hehehe, I know exactly what that means. I just so happen to have a certain… Document… That tells me everything I need to know.

Your IHD is NOT authorised to access the Gas Meter right now. Please contact your supplier to get the setup finished off - it’s a pretty simple task that should only take a few minutes at most.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • June 2, 2024

Hello Blastoise186,


My setup is finished I am not having a smart Gas meter. I have spoken to customer service and they gave me some options none of which work. So I have the situation where the display started with just showing me electricity details as I said but then changed to trying to show the Gas as well I never changed any settings. What I want is to put the display back to how it was when first installed, can you tell me how to do this?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • June 2, 2024

Yes - you’ll need to talk to Support about that to get things reconfigured to fully disable Gas. I’m really sorry about this, but the magic dashboard to do that isn’t one Forum Volunteers such as myself have access to. I would if I could though!

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • June 2, 2024

Hello Blastoise186,

Thanks I shall contact support to arrange.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 40 replies
  • June 3, 2024

After working fine since its installation in February, our smart meter display in our kitchen is now showing blank numerical information with the wording “waiting for current data” underneath.   It seems like a communication issue between the display and the meters but is this a fixable fault and what can be done?

Ive not touched the meters or changed any settings on the display but it strangely happened a day or so after Northern Powergrid visited to survey for an increased cut out fuse for a future EV charger.  He didn’t actually do the job so I struggle to see how it could be related.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 40 replies
  • June 3, 2024

I’ve checked on the Ovo app on my phone and it’s still showing consumption data up to yesterday so it must just be the link to the in home display

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2730 replies
  • June 4, 2024
Paul4AA wrote:

I’ve checked on the Ovo app on my phone and it’s still showing consumption data up to yesterday so it must just be the link to the in home display

Depending on where your IHD is positioned, it might have temporarily lost connection. 
You could try removing power (for at least 30 secs) and then powering back up. It should go through the connection sequence again.

As you mention, it isn’t actually needed to get readings back to the supplier. The meter itself does that. 
There are also authorised third party apps which can be useful in tracking your usage via a phone 


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 40 replies
  • June 4, 2024

The only marketing practice in selling a smart meter to the reluctant public is to enable them to have usage data via the display so that they can decide on whether to try to save money.  The display is absolutely critical to that so to not have it working after only three months is completely unacceptable.  I believe that there’s millions not working which is scandalous but such a short life is especially so.  I’m hoping it’s just something minor in my case.


I have the IHD3-PPMID-AAA 2022 display, located about 3 metres from the electricity meter, itself adjacent to the gas meter, in a cupboard in my kitchen.   I’ve tried turning the display off for 30 seconds and back on again but it still shows that it’s waiting for current data.  Any further ideas please.


it’s currently Tuesday morning and the Ovo app has consumption data up to about 1am Monday.  I’m not sure if that’s normal.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2730 replies
  • June 4, 2024

Walls, other objects and distance have an effect on connection as well. You could try reducing one of those (ie move it closer) to check. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2010 replies
  • June 4, 2024

I assume you’ve been through the troubleshooting steps in the guides you’ve seen, so you know that the HAN light on the meter itself is flashing at 5-second intervals to show that it’s transmitting to the IHD. You’ve also checked whether the correct time is shown on the IHD.

One thing not mentioned in the guides referred to is the question of interference. The IHD3 uses Zigbee in the 2.4 GHz band, a band where a lot of other stuff will be jostling for space - Bluetooth devices, Wi-fi routers, baby monitors and garage door openers to give a few examples. Apart from that, many electronic devices - particularly cheap ones - will be emitting radiation indiscriminately, also in this band - microwave ovens and phone chargers come to mind. Zigbee has a number of channels within the band that it can choose between, so it will do its best by channel-hopping to avoid interference, but it may not always be successful.

Try unplugging anything that might be causing interference, then restart the IHD to see whether communication is restored. If it isn’t, this may not be the cause of the problem. If it is, plug devices in again one at a time, checking communication to the IHD after each one until the problem resurfaces. This is unfortunately a tedious and time-consuming process, because it can take some time for the IHD to react. It’s worthwhile, though, if it either finds a culprit or rules out this cause.



  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 40 replies
  • June 5, 2024

My IHD shows maximum connectivity in the gauge on the top level of the screen.  I’ve temporarily moved it from the back to the front of the kitchen worktop where it has direct unobstructed line of sight to the meters only three or four metres away.  The signal was still quite good at the back.  The time on it is correct.


My electricity meter is a Kaifa MA120 and the communications hub on top is a EDMI CS010A-08-B2.  It only has two LEDs on it, the WAN and the Han.  Both are flashing together about every five seconds.  The electricity meter has an up and down buttons and is showing a menu.  I don’t know how to select an option in that menu if wanted as I’d expect a third ok button to select one.


My broadband router is in the same cupboard as the meters, as that’s where the master phone outlet is located but Everything has worked fine up to a few days ago.  I have also tried with the router turned off at the plug with no change.  We have no Bluetooth devices on in the house, no chile monitor and no electric garage door.  I do have some interior security cameras.  All I can think of is that perhaps when moving something else in the cupboard, which is used for storing a few things, I pressed a button on the meter by mistake but I can’t see how that would have caused this.


Its about 7:30 am on Wednesday and I’ve just checked on the Ovo app on my iPad which shows half hour data up to Monday but for yesterday only has two data columns covering to just after midnight.  It doesn’t allow you to select today.

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Hey @JenM,


Just checking in to see if you managed to speak with support and they’ve reconfigured your settings? 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1055 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Hey @Paul4AA 


It might be worth just submitting the smart meter health check for a full view of the connectivity in general. If this comes back okay, which it might do if you’re still seeing data on the app, I’d then reach out to the Support Team for a few further checks then they may need to look at getting a new display unit for you if nothing else works on their end.



  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Hi ChristopherS,


I emailed Abisola who emailed me with some suggestions on how to correct the problem unfortunately none of the worked. and at the moment the settings are still the same.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2010 replies
  • June 5, 2024
Paul4AA wrote:

The electricity meter has an up and down buttons and is showing a menu.  I don’t know how to select an option in that menu if wanted as I’d expect a third ok button to select one.


The sequence of button presses varies from meter to meter. Normally, it will in time revert to showing basic data like the readings, the tariff and the date and time, cycling through the various items by itself at a few seconds’ intervals. If this isn’t happening, press the top button once to see if that brings you back to the normal display.


Paul4AA wrote:

I have also tried with the router turned off at the plug with no change.  We have no Bluetooth devices on in the house, no chile monitor and no electric garage door.  I do have some interior security cameras.  


It’s not only the router that emits radiation in the 2.4GHz band - anything connected to it by wi-fi will do so, too, whether the router is on or off. Computers, smart phones, smart thermometers, Kindle e-readers and of course your security cameras, to name just a few. 

Another point: resetting the IHD isn’t just a question of switching it off and then on again. Depending on the particular model you’ve got, it will either have a rechargeable battery or a single AAA battery. This being the case, it will continue to function even though it’s not connected to a power source.

  • If it has an on/off button on the back, press it for five seconds after unplugging the device, then wait a minute or two before plugging it back in and switching it on again.  
  • If it has an AAA battery, unplug the device, remove the battery, wait a minute or two and then replace the battery and plug in again.

In either case, you may see a message on the display to the effect that its memory has been purged and it is trying to reconnect to the meter. With a good signal, this shouldn’t take too long.

I did say it was tedious 😐

PS I forgot to mention: even if you did accidentally touch one of the buttons on the meter, it won’t have done any harm. There are hoops an engineer has to jump through to change anything in the meter itself.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 40 replies
  • June 5, 2024

I filled in the smart meter health check online form and it said there was no problem as they were getting readings.

Upon opening ( a bit tricky as a sharp edge for a finger nail but feels fragile plastic to use a tool), I found that my IHD doesn’t have a AAA battery in the space inside.  It is getting the correct time after a power shut off from somewhere however so it’s maybe getting some sort of signal.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 40 replies
  • June 6, 2024

Oh, and I’ve sent an email to Ovo, referencing this forum thread asking for help.

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • June 6, 2024

Hey @JenM,


Are you able to email Abisola back and let them know that the fixes haven’t worked for you? We don’t have account access here to make any necessary changes. 


Keep me updated and if needed I can try and chase things further on my end 🙂

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • June 7, 2024

Hi ChristopherS,


No still the same I had an email from Jennifer Accounts Management to say to had been done and they wanted photos of my gas meter and yellow sticker!

I have replied so will wait to see if someone can reconfigure and get my display as it was.

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • June 7, 2024

Hey @JenM,


I’m glad to hear that the Account Management team are looking into this for you. Let me know how things are when they respond! 

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • June 9, 2024

Hi ChristopherS,


Just to keep you updated I heard from Bruce  that I was reconfigured on the 5th June but if the display was the same to send photos of the IHD details which I have done so fingers crossed.

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 465 replies
  • June 10, 2024

Hi @JenM


That’s great to hear.


Thanks for keeping us updated on this. Let us know if there’s anything further we can do to help.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • June 19, 2024

Hi Shads_OVO,


Well to keep you informed my display is still not showing what I want. I was asked to supply photos of the IHD details I took some photos and sent them that was the 8th June and nobody has come back to me so if you could do something I would be grateful. I have sent an email asking them to do it.



Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1055 replies
  • June 20, 2024

Hey @JenM 


I’m really sorry to hear this you’ve not had a response to your email. Did you sent the photos over webchat with an agent, or did you email them in? 


Would you be able to pop those same photos on here so we can take a look?


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