
How do I contact OVO Customer Services if I need some help?

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Userlevel 7
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I have just tested 0330 303 5063. It is working just fine for me.

However, the fastest way is Live Chat via .

The OVO Forum is not designed nor intended to replace any of those options.

My account was migrated to OVO in October.  My SSE credit (of at least £1,500) has not ben carried over.  I did not receive any information from SSE or OVO when the transfer occurred.  The SSE website has been shut down and refers me to the OVO website where there is no information.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @AlexMB ,

Please let the Support Team know about this, details are at and Live Chat is the fastest way. They’ll dig into this one.

Ok. Will try that.

Userlevel 7

Keep us posted with how you get on @AlexMB. The support team should have access to your old statements in an ‘archive’. 

I had a very helpful person on the chat yesterday. Apparently there's been a problem with data migration from SSE. I haven't been issued with a final bill from SSE either.  Someone should get back to me in "a few weeks". I said that if I'm not contacted, and the situation either updated or resolved within that month, I'll escalate to an OfGem complaint.

Userlevel 7
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Ofgem won’t intervene - they don’t handle customer complaints. You need to allow OVO some time to dig into this as well. It’s not fair on them to just immediately escalate to external processes.

Fair point but if I am just one of many people whose data migration has led to a disappearance of their money then Ofgem will be interested, particularly in the light of the Post Office scandal.

Userlevel 7
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The matter of Horizon was arguably a criminal act caused by deliberate data manipulation. Some techs literally remoted in and modified data right as users were looking at it - managers even stated in court that they suddenly saw till float numbers randomly change after counting and being sure they’d verified it. That, and Fujitsu screwing up the entire system in the first place are among the ultimate root causes of the whole series of incidents.

The matter of the SSE to OVO Migration is not - it’s more likely to have been caused by corruption on SSE’s systems that developed over time. OVO has told me that they’ve had to spend an absolute ton of time fixing corrupted accounts that were being migrated over.

You must use extreme caution when making claims like that. It could backfire if you’re not careful...

Userlevel 7
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I had a very helpful person on the chat yesterday. Apparently there's been a problem with data migration from SSE. I haven't been issued with a final bill from SSE either.  Someone should get back to me in "a few weeks". I said that if I'm not contacted, and the situation either updated or resolved within that month, I'll escalate to an OfGem complaint.

Hi @AlexMB sorry to hear about your issues.

I don't work for ovo, I am just a customer like you, although I am regular poster.

Personally I suggest you log an official complaint now rather than wait.

Then if the matter isn't resolved in 8 weeks you can go to the Ombudsman for help.

It can help putting in complaints related to the SSE migration as it starts the 8 week clock ticking before getting the Ombudsman involved. OVO are keen to reduce the number of complaints that are escalated.

The Energy Ombudsman and Citizens Advice have already raised their general concerns about OVO to Ofgem regarding complaints handling.

Hopefully ovo will have sorted the issue well before the 8 weeks is up. 

When switching suppliers, the law is suppliers have 6 weeks to issue a final bill and then a further 10 days to refund any credit. Miss these then £30 compensation is due for each of them. If the compensation isn't paid within 10 working days then a further £30 compensation is due for each of these.

So I don't think it is unreasonable in the case of a migration to ask for £120 compensation depending on the final resolution.


Hi, wondering if anyone can help me. Been on the phone to customer service, call handler told me she’s placed me on a brief hold, she then took me off hold but remained silent and in the back ground I could hear everyone leave the office and even set the security alarm at 6pm!! I’m now still currently sat on a silent call to an empty office…. Anyone else had this experience? 

Userlevel 6

Hey @Evie shelton 


I’m very sorry to hear about this incident.


Have you been back in touch with the Support Team since? If not, I’d suggest getting back in touch with the team now as this shouldn’t occur again.

We switched Sept 23 to Octopus. Ovo write to us afterwards saying they'd moved us onto a new tariff. We called saying we've left, they said sorry. They then billed us, despite us being in credit. We called again and said not to worry. They have sent us a bill again for £110. It says they've sent a statement to us but they haven't. So we've been billed for something we have no idea about, no explanation what it is for? No statements and we haven't been able to access our online acct for a year as when we do it says they're updating the website etc. this is crazy and it's causing me no end of stress. We aren't paying a penny because we left months ago and you can't bill people and not say what you're billing them for. 

we never received a final bill as far as I'm aware. We were in credit though. Any advice. I've emailed and no one has responded. Octopus have been good confirming the switch and sending proof of them taking over the supply. Ovo have been truly awful - their customer service has been nonexistent, don't bill us and not say what it is for? 

Userlevel 1

My 96 year old neighbour rang yesterday to say she had no heating. I went over and reset her boiler but it still didn’t work. Her heating engineer had a look and discovered there was no gas. Gas was getting to the meter but not out. The meter display was blank. She spent all night with no heating as OVO was closed until 9am this morning. My neighbour is deaf so I’m trying to sort this out, but all I can speak to is an automated system which says OVO is closed until 9am on Monday. So is my 96 year old neighbour supposed to have no heating for another 24 hours! Is there no OVO customer support available!!!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @jonfromfleet 

I don't work for OVO. I am just a customer like you 

You could try the official OVO Facebook or Twitter page

They often reply out of hours or will pick it up first thing in the morning.

For example they posted in the last minute.

The ovo team on Facebook and Twitter can access accounts unlike the ovo moderators here. There won't be any ovo moderators on here until Monday 

If you send a direct message on twitter and Facebook rather than a general post on those platforms then include the name, address, date of birth and account number to get passed security. I would include the word Emergency.

A general post should get someone's attention on those platforms.

Be worth them getting setup on the priority service register

Personally I wouldn't recommend ovo for vulnerable people. None of the suppliers are great but there are better ones for Emergency support.

Userlevel 7

 Is there no OVO customer support available!!!


Use the blue Messenger button at the foot of this page to get in touch with OVO support, also on Sundays. It may not be straightforward because of data protection restrictions, but it should be possible with determination. This sounds like a real emergency that calls for ‘action this day’.

Userlevel 1

social media success. An engineer is coming out between 11am and 2pm. Thank you for your help

Anyone having trouble with OVO 

cant send a meter reading as they haven't got my meters on  

been waiting since we moved over from SSE 

not replying to e-mails or calls 


Userlevel 7
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Live Chat will ALWAYS be faster: .

Alternatively, please see 

Userlevel 7
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social media success. An engineer is coming out between 11am and 2pm. Thank you for your help

Is your neighbour sorted now @jonfromfleet 

Userlevel 1

Yes thanks. A engineer called Billy came along and replaced the (very) old meter with a new one.

Userlevel 7

Hey @twine,


Sorry for the issues you’re having, 


Could it be the bill you received was your final bill from OVO? If you log into your online account you should be able to see your billing history, account balance and whether the account has been closed or not. 


My second thought is, could it be that Octopus have taken over an incorrect supply, and your account with OVO is still running? The best way to check this is to check your correspondence from Octopus and OVO against the serial numbers of your meter(s). 

Userlevel 7

Hello @Eric Higham,


I’m sorry to hear this,


Are you able to explain a bit more about your issue so we can offer some advice here.


When you say ‘on’? Are your meters faulty with a blank screen so you’re not able to take a meter reading? 

Userlevel 7

If you log into your online account you should be able to see your billing history, account balance and whether the account has been closed or not. 


@Emmanuelle_OVO Did you miss this bit?

… we haven't been able to access our online acct for a year as when we do it says they're updating the website etc.




Userlevel 7

Ah sorry! I missed that bit, my apologies. 


If you contact the Support Team they’ll be able to email you PDF’s of all of your previous statements you require. My advice would be reach out to the Support Team via webchat, it’ll be much faster than emailing. 
