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Why is my Smart meter In Home Display (IHD) not showing any electricity usage data?

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  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • January 7, 2023

I am also getting the status 28-1 error with the Electricity.   Gas connects no problem and I can monitor as usual.   Any ideas on how we can pair without having to ring support. 

Spoke to OVO Support and they sent a new GEO IHD, now it won’t connect at all, so have resorted back to my old IHD where Electricity is still waiting for data. 

I wish I wasn’t migrated from SSE, as they would have sorted the issue by now.  

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 22 replies
  • January 7, 2023

I don’t get any error messages, just waiting for data. Nick from OVO support asked questions about the IHD and meter itself. I answered them, and he said he’s passed it to the metering team for them to try to solve it. I’ll be honest, I’m not holding my breath. So many people are having this problem 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7875 replies
  • January 9, 2023

@dak120 28-1 means the IHD is NOT authorised properly i.e. hasn’t been properly commissioned and authorised to access the electric meter. This is an easy fix but you need to get Support to authorise the device again. If you don’t get them to pair it, the device won’t function at all.

If you get asked how you know this… I just so happen to have the entire status code sheet from Geo. :)

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 22 replies
  • January 9, 2023

Hey, @Blastoise186 and @dak120, good news, the metering team emailed me to say they have updated some firmware, and lo and behold, both electricity and gas are now showing on my IHD. Thanks @Blastoise186 for the help, and thanks to the metering team. Three months after installation, the technology is working 👍

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7875 replies
  • January 9, 2023

NICE! I’m happy to hear it. :)

It’s amazing what you can do when you stop by this forum eh?

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 22 replies
  • January 9, 2023

Thanks again for your help. I hope @dak120 gets a good result also!

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 22 replies
  • January 9, 2023

Hey, @dak120 , I’m sorry, I was getting the same error message, but it was a while ago, and I’d forgotten. It’s been resolved now, as I said, by the metering team. Good luck.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • January 14, 2023

Since having our smart meters changed (gas one stopped working so was told both had to be changed) my IHD does not display any electricity information, and the gas information is completely wrong?

Meters were changed nearly 3 months ago.

Any ideas why this would be?
And what I can do to resolve it?

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • January 16, 2023

Hi @Emz and thanks for flagging this. 


We’ve made a guide to help diagnose connectivity issues with your In Home Display (IHD): 



  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • January 16, 2023

I’ve already done everything in the tutorial, but still having the same problem.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • January 17, 2023

Thanks for having a look at that guide, @Emz. Please reach out to our Support team (can you give the answers below and link to this topic in a webchat if you find that easier) so they can get the issue escalated to our Smart metering team for further investigations.


Before you get in touch it’s best to complete the following IHD health check so we can make sure we’ve got all the information we need to carrying out some remote processes to get the IHD re-connected:


  1. Does the device show a correct time and date?

  2. Is the WiFi symbol solid/flashing/not there?

  3. Could you confirm the Device ID? (Long ID number on the bottom of device)

  4. How far away from your electricity meter do you store your IHD? Are there any walls in between that could be blocking the signal?

  5. What is the issue with your IHD? E.g. not showing electricity/gas usage, displays incorrect tariff, device is rebooting itself?

  6. Please confirm if your device is an IHD3 (black all over) or IHD6 (black on the front and white on the back)

  7. If your IHD is showing incorrect rates: what rates does your IHD currently show? Are the rates shown on the IHD higher or lower than your actual rates?



  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 22 replies
  • January 26, 2023

Hi @Emz 

The metering team sorted mine out eventually, but the green light on my IHD has changed to orange since. I’m wondering if it’s still showing accurate information. I hope you get yours sorted.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • February 2, 2023

Since Tuesday I cannot see my electricity balance on my in home display. I am a PAYG customer so am in the dark about how much credit I actually have or even if I’m in debt! Currently migrating from SSE but neither company can give me any information. Any suggestions?  I am regularly topping up as I don’t want to go into debt with this issue.  

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • February 2, 2023

@Emmanuelle_OVO just flagging 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • February 3, 2023

This still doesn’t answer my question as to how I can check my electricity credit. 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • February 6, 2023

Hi @LynseyC21


You’re able to see your credit balance on the meter and the In Home Display. Exactly when the balance is updated may vary slightly but we expect it to be done within 3 days of your start date with OVO. If it’s been longer than this, please reach out to OVO’s PAYG team


We’re also improving this journey so that customers are sent a text message on the day of the switch to advise about all of this so there’s no more guess work or confusion. 

Just got a new smart meter installed but doesn’t work! Any ideas anyone?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • May 23, 2023

Hi @John McGlade and welcome to this customer forum. 
When you say ‘doesn’t work’ do you mean it’s not sending readings yet? They can take a few weeks to get straight and ‘sync’ with the main data hub. 
Which meters have you had fitted? You can check them to see if they’re operating as they should. 


  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • June 11, 2023

I am currently experiencing several issues with my ovo account and associated technologies.

1) IHD

  1. The tariff rates – the rates on the IHD do not reflect the rates that I am being billed for each month. The IHD states Electricity at 32.39p, gas at 7.27p, standing charge 50.3p and 27.21p respectively.
    This is inaccurate, with unit rates for electricity at 30.85p, gas 9.69p, standing charge 47.91p and 27.72p respectively
    This means the daily cost accrued each day that I monitor is wrong and is making it difficult to determine if any of the energy saving measures I am attempting to make are having any positive difference.
  2. Over night usage. Prior to the 1st of April, overnight electricity usage was approximately 32p…from the first of April this jumped to 63p – having read on line, this may now reflect the standing charge, however, at 47p per day, this difference makes no sense and the IHD often states a higher cost used than the online account does (partially reflected I’m sure by the incorrect tariff). Again, I have no idea what is going on, but it makes budgeting impossible. As I am sure you are aware, cost of living is challenging and not being able to budget this usage is nothing short of a nightmare.


2) Online account usage

The ‘Usage’ Page of my online account does not regularly update for electricity. Again up until the 1st of April, everything was fine, electricity might lag by a day or two and then it would catch up, now however it does not update at all. I think the readings have been changed to be taken on the 1st of the month – I would prefer meter readings to be taken daily – but even when taken they do not accurately reflect the usage. The IHD for contact information states: ‘Waiting for contact’ whereas for gas if clearly states OVO.
For the latter half of May, i supposedly used exactly the same amount of energy each day. It is statistically unlikely that I would use equal amounts every single day – I know full well, I use more electricity at the weekend due to the TV being on more and doing laundry. Again this is not helping me to budget. The smart meter was only install in sept 2021, so is not an old meter or version, and was working perfectly for 18months.

I have worked through the problem solving pages and the SMART meter is working correctly – certainly it works well enough to send gas meter readings daily.

Can this please be looked into, like everyone I am trying very hard to watch my pennies and budget accordingly…not having the correct information isn’t useful and the online portal not updating usage and the ‘Today’s balance’ total means I think I am doing well staying in credit, only to be shocked on the date when my bill arrives.

Kind regards

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7875 replies
  • June 11, 2023

Hi @APickwell ,

Yup, this should be an easy fix. If you use Live Chat at in the morning, you can ask the Support Team to action the following two fixes:

  1. Send the SMETS Command Update Tariff Configuration to fix the tariff rates on the meters and by extension, the IHD as well
  2. Reset the read schedule to Daily or Half-Hourly, whichever you prefer

Feel free to give a link to this thread to the agent you speak to. :)

  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • August 27, 2023

Gas both sends reading to supplier and displays on IHD. 

Electric does neither.  It did work in the past after it was commissioned.

I have been transferred to Octopus from Bulb and they say the following.. … 


I've taken a look into your account and i can see that your correct in that Bulb has not been able to communicate with your electricity meter for quite a while.

It seems that the electricity meter has lost it's HAN signal. In these situations we can normally do a power cycle/reboot to the meter and this sometimes restores the signal strength. We are currently unable to apply this fix just yet for Bulb branded customers as we are still working to setup contracts with Bulbs meter operators.

It's important to note that this does not always work and in that situation we would have to wait for the DCC to apply a fix as it's likely a firmware issue that we cannot fix ourselves as an energy supplier.

All the best, “ 

Does this sound correct and can nothing be done until the firmware upgrade. 

Rgds . Steve.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • August 27, 2023

Hi @steveeeee5 , that does sound logical even if frustrating. Whenever there’s a supplier switch,  it can take a while to sync meters and Bulb had their own systems of course. 
Depending on your meter, it may need an upgrade, either firmware or maybe even a new meter

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 5, 2023

We got our smart meters installed on Tuesday. The engineer said there was problem with gas meter connecting to the display unit but it would connect within 24 to 48 hrs. It still has not connected has anyone else had this problem if so what can we do about it?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7875 replies
  • October 5, 2023


Please let the Support Team know about that. The easiest way is via Live Chat at .

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 5, 2023

Thank you. I have been on live chat they said can take up to 6 weeks! Would have been nice to be told by engineer we thought something was wrong.


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