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Using gas whilst away, how is this possible?

So whilst i was away the My OVO app showed i was burning 30p a day of gas. Now i use NEST so i turned the thermostat to off before going

I have no other gas appliance so unsure what to-do, i have OVO smart meters so could they be sending false data?

Best answer by Mw2870

Updated on 27/11/24 by Emmanuelle_OVO:

It’s very rare for smart meters to over-clock your usage, if you’re concerned about the accuracy of your meter see this guide for how to test for a faulty meter. It’s worth bearing in mind that even when you’re away from home your daily standing charge is still applied which might help explain the usage costs you see on your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS), whilst your home is empty. 

If you are noticing minimal charges over the daily standing charge it’s possible that your boiler/pilot light uses a small amount of gas, even when your heating is switched off. See the experience of one user below:

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I was interested in your post as I have also been looking at my gas consumption when I am not at home since my Smart Meter was installed.

On days I am not in the house for a whole 24hour period, MyOVO shows that the Gas cost for the day was £0.33. This seems to be consistent across the month.

This is made up of 28.77p standing charge and then 1.4 kwh of use @ 2.66p per kWH.
So 32.494p in total (I guess My OVO always rounds up in the graph).

So I was curious as to what is using the 1.4 kwh of Gas.... I have two Gas Appliances, a Vaillant Combi Boiler which does hot water and heating and a gas hob.

Now I know for sure the hob wasn't turned on, and I too have a Nest system so I know that the heating wasn't turned on at all (from the history in Nest).

So I have three theories
1) The Boiler occasionally uses a tiny bit of gas? Some sort of maintenance safety feature...
2) I have the worlds smallest gas leak
3) The meter is creeping when no gas is being used

I plan to test these theories by switching the boiler off completely and seeing if I get the same result next time I go away.

Mw2870 wrote:

So just an update on this now that the summer is here!

The conclusion, my meter is definitely not creeping forwards on its own and it is the boiler that is using gas, even when it is not being used!

So even though I have a combi boiler, with no hot water tank and I know the heating is not being used, it still seems to used around 1kWh of Gas per day. Next time the annual service is due I will ask the plumber to see if he knows why.

So in the summer I can turn it off completely before I go away (no pilot light so easy to switch off and on), but in the Winter I will probably leave on when away as the thermostat will cut in if the temperature drops to prevent the pipes freezing and it is nice to turn the heating on when you are on your way home!



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87 replies

  • New Member***
  • 1 reply
  • November 5, 2017
Same happened to me suspect, in fact I'm fairly certain it's the standing charge being levied. Its alerted me to the true cost of standing charges and something I'll look at more deeply when my current contract expires. It amounts to approximately £200 per year for joint fuel customers and that's a very significant chunk of my annual bill :@:@

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 28 replies
  • Answer
  • November 5, 2017

Updated on 27/11/24 by Emmanuelle_OVO:

It’s very rare for smart meters to over-clock your usage, if you’re concerned about the accuracy of your meter see this guide for how to test for a faulty meter. It’s worth bearing in mind that even when you’re away from home your daily standing charge is still applied which might help explain the usage costs you see on your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS), whilst your home is empty. 

If you are noticing minimal charges over the daily standing charge it’s possible that your boiler/pilot light uses a small amount of gas, even when your heating is switched off. See the experience of one user below:

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I was interested in your post as I have also been looking at my gas consumption when I am not at home since my Smart Meter was installed.

On days I am not in the house for a whole 24hour period, MyOVO shows that the Gas cost for the day was £0.33. This seems to be consistent across the month.

This is made up of 28.77p standing charge and then 1.4 kwh of use @ 2.66p per kWH.
So 32.494p in total (I guess My OVO always rounds up in the graph).

So I was curious as to what is using the 1.4 kwh of Gas.... I have two Gas Appliances, a Vaillant Combi Boiler which does hot water and heating and a gas hob.

Now I know for sure the hob wasn't turned on, and I too have a Nest system so I know that the heating wasn't turned on at all (from the history in Nest).

So I have three theories
1) The Boiler occasionally uses a tiny bit of gas? Some sort of maintenance safety feature...
2) I have the worlds smallest gas leak
3) The meter is creeping when no gas is being used

I plan to test these theories by switching the boiler off completely and seeing if I get the same result next time I go away.

Mw2870 wrote:

So just an update on this now that the summer is here!

The conclusion, my meter is definitely not creeping forwards on its own and it is the boiler that is using gas, even when it is not being used!

So even though I have a combi boiler, with no hot water tank and I know the heating is not being used, it still seems to used around 1kWh of Gas per day. Next time the annual service is due I will ask the plumber to see if he knows why.

So in the summer I can turn it off completely before I go away (no pilot light so easy to switch off and on), but in the Winter I will probably leave on when away as the thermostat will cut in if the temperature drops to prevent the pipes freezing and it is nice to turn the heating on when you are on your way home!



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  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • December 16, 2022

I have just checked my Ovo daily charge for gas.

 I am currently on vacation abroad for 18 days and having been checking my app daily, for 13 days, my daily gas charges has been zero.

On December 14th and 15th, I have been charged for gas even though all appliances are turned and no one has access to the property, how can this happen ?

It is not a standing charge issue , as they are not included in daily rates.

On the previous occasion we were away, the daily reading's were zero for the 7 days.

Can anyone help because Ovo don't seem to be able to as there explanation was , I must have left my boiler on a timer, after I  had told them that no appliance had been left on and if I  had have left the timer on why was there no charges on every day.



Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • December 16, 2022

It’s possible those charges are estimates. They’ll be corrected automatically the next time you submit an actual meter reading.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • December 16, 2022

How is it possible, when it takes a reading every half hour

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • December 16, 2022

Please show me photos of your meter

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • December 16, 2022

Thanks for taking the time to reply I'm not back into the UK until Sunday. 

I will take a photo then and forward it on. 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • December 16, 2022

No worries. We’ll keep this thread open anyway, so feel free to stop by whenever you’re ready.

  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • December 31, 2022

A variant of the post “Using gas whilst away”, however I read the cubic meter readings from the smart meter in the garage - so no daily charge potential confusions, no web app. With everything off, including boiler pilot light, I am using the equivalent of 1m^3 of gas every 72 days. 0.0137 m^3 over a 24 hour period. Is this normal behaviour of a boiler? It passed its annual service.

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 411 replies
  • December 31, 2022

That amount is so low that it's well under the acceptable amount of gas leakage for any property. So yes, it's perfectly normal.


The acceptable leak rate is 0.0005 m^3 of gas per hour per m^3 of room space.


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 21 replies
  • January 16, 2023

Hello all,

Hope someone might be able to help - I’ve had a few emails back and forth with customer services who insist there’s nothing wrong and my usage - and therefore high bills are accurate.

The long story short - I live on my own in a small 3-bed semi and my job means I work away from home.  Usually the house is empty Sunday night - Friday night, but occasionally it’s empty for 2-3 weeks at a time.  During these periods nobody goes in, so there shouldn’t be any gas use.  My account shows a small amount of electricity every day even when I’m away, but I can put that down to the alarm, fridge freezer & router, so happy.

But even when I’m away my account is showing gas usage, some days off the charts when I think it should be zero.  There’s nobody there to cook, use hot water, turn the heating on; the thermostat is turned down to 10-12 degrees and the boiler return temperature is at 50.   It’s a 6 year old Worcester Bosch boiler and was serviced by BG in the autumn so it should be working fine.

By way of example the chart below shows my usage in Dec 22:

The period between 5-15 Dec is was away from home full time and the house empty.  Yet you can see the scale of the gas usage.  And of note, the reading on 9 Dec, when the house was empty is higher than most readings over the Christmas period when I had a house full of family visiting.  Nov 22 is similar although there are days when the gas readings are zero - which is what I would expect. 

So despite falling gas prices, a warmer than expected winter, an empty house and a £66 govt grant, my bills are for some reason higher than ever.  My own records show the following annual usage rates over the period 2018-21: 11,777, 9378, 10791, 9848 kwh which gives you a sense of how much gets used.  Now I’m apparently using 2000 kwh gas PER MONTH!  And I’m the sort of bloke that turns the microwave and alarm clock off at the mains when I’m not using them!

Customer services say everything looks fine on my account but have singularly failed to come up with any answer to my question about who, if I’m away, is using so much gas.  That the readings are variable on a daily basis suggests its not a leak which I would expect to be consistent.  The days when there is a zero reading Customer Services say was due to no connectivity - yet the electricity seems to be connecting and sending readings just fine. That seems to raise questions in itself.  If the boiler were kicking in during the day when I’m not home, surely the electtricity readings would also be higher due to the electrical pump in the boiler being active?

I’m getting nowhere fast with Customer Services, so I’m throwing myself on the mercy of the Forum before I take this any further.  I think its down to a faulty gas meter.  BG have just serviced the boiler. And I never ever had problems with the old meters when I submitted monthly readings religiously, but have had various discrepancies since having smart meters installed.    Does anyone have any ideas - what questions should I be asking? And thank you in advance.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2010 replies
  • January 17, 2023

First thing to do is check the meter readings. You should see them under View reading history on this page: Meter readings - OVO Energy. Take screenshots of the pages for December and January at least and keep them safe. Then note the latest ones on the meters themselves, with a photo if you can, and compare them with what the account pages are telling you.

Check, too, while you’re examining the meters, that their serial numbers (MSN) match the ones showing on the meter readings page. 

Then wait for one or other of our gas gurus to come along in the morning to say whether your house is about to explode, your gas meter is faulty or there’s a perfectly rational explanation. I’d only worry about the first if there were a distinct smell, but it’s possible that you’re being charged for somebody else’s gas. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2730 replies
  • January 17, 2023

As @Firedog has mentioned, meter readings are important and check to see if they’re listed as estimated or smart. 
Your boiler will no doubt have a frost setting and so that might take over on cold days (and nights) like we had in December even with your thermostat turned down as you mention. 
The final thing might be to find a slot of time to turn off the gas for a time, noting the readings before and after to check (be aware that a gas smart meter updated every every 30 mins)

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • January 17, 2023

Is it possible to be using gas when we had our boiler removed on the 12th Jan? As you can see I’m being charged for gas on the 12, 13 and 14th. Those are the latest figures I have as there’s always a lag on my gas readings. 
Can’t get through to customer service so thought I’d ask here for any advice?


Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 411 replies
  • January 17, 2023

Have you given OVO meter readings, either manual or from a smart meter?

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • January 17, 2023

They just have the smart meter. I’ve not taken any readings…

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1866 replies
  • January 17, 2023

Yep my first thought is estimated readings, @DebG. What are your gas meter readings labeled as here:

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • January 17, 2023

@DebG have a look on this page

Here is mine for example


Do you see daily smart meter readings for the dates in question? 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • January 17, 2023

Thanks, I’ve checked that page and get this…I’m billed on the 13th each month so it looks like they just take a monthly smart reading. Even if I click to include estimates it doesn’t show me that the daily readings I have are estimated. 
I’ve managed to get through on the phone this morning and apparently the gas smart meter isn’t communicating as it should. I’ve completed the questionnaire they’ve sent with all meter details and photos however I’ve now had an automated reply to say that email address is no longer in use!! Does anything work there??

im not feeling overly confident that this will be sorted because I’ve had issues since this smart meter was fitted last March and was assured it was working since September. Now I have no idea if I’ve been billed correctly or not!


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • January 17, 2023

@DebG unfortunately your meter has been setup to only send a meter reading once a month by the look of things as the smart meter reading is the same day every month.

Ask OVO to set the meter reading frequency to every 30min.

In the vast majority of cases this will sort out what you are seeing.

It does look like the meter is working, it is just the reading frequency has been set to 1 month by default which is very unhelpful. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • January 17, 2023

Thank you, yes I think you’re right. I’ll see if this review gets me anywhere (it won’t if the return email is not operational!). I’ve asked previously for it to send updates every 30 minutes as the electricity meter does. 
I’m pleased it’s at least billing the correct useage monthly!

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • January 17, 2023
DebG wrote:

Thank you, yes I think you’re right. I’ll see if this review gets me anywhere (it won’t if the return email is not operational!). I’ve asked previously for it to send updates every 30 minutes as the electricity meter does. 
I’m pleased it’s at least billing the correct useage monthly!

In the meantime you could put in manual readings during the month if you wanted to keep track of things.

OVO stopped using email for a lot of things some time ago so you may have got caught out with a process that hasn't been updated…

I would ask them again to confirm you are setup for 30min readings on both gas and electricity. Do you have the same issue with Electricity? 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • January 17, 2023

@Tim_OVO do you know if the is working? I replied to an email from that address with all the details requested for them to investigate the problem. I got this automated reply. 
As per the replies above I probably just need to change the reading frequency, which I’d requested in my reply as well. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • January 17, 2023

@Jeffus no I don’t have the same issue with electricity, that updates every half an hour and works fine. 
It seems strange ovo would send me a long email to review all the meter information and not have the reply address operational 🙄 

I think now the whole review is probably a waste of time and it just needs updating to send more regular readings. Unless there’s a reason it can’t do so…in which case I’ll hopefully be able to find the correct reply address!

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • January 17, 2023

If you are struggling to contact OVO via phone or online chat at any time, you can send a private message via the OVO Facebook or Twitter feed.

Both are official support channel staffed by OVO staff who can see and update your account.

In the private message you need to include your name, address, account number and date of birth for security reasons, together with your request in this case to update your meter reading frequency to ever 30 min.

Also perhaps vote for this as this issue has been a right pain for a long time




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