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Using gas whilst away, how is this possible?

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Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2561 replies
  • January 17, 2023

Hey @Melchett,


Sorry for the issues you’re having,


Energy prices have increased significantly, which would be why a number of customers have seen an increase in their bills. 


However, f you are seeing unexplained, high usage, this could be a faulty meter or an appliance using more than it should. 


These articles might be helpful to you:



I can see other Forum Members have given some great advice here, if you do smell gas we have a page dedicated to this on our website


Hope this  helps. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • January 17, 2023

@Jeffus have voted, I’ve always wondered why it required a phone call to action this. 

Thanks for your help, I’ll drop them a message on Facebook 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • January 17, 2023
DebG wrote:

@Jeffus have voted, I’ve always wondered why it required a phone call to action this. 

Thanks for your help, I’ll drop them a message on Facebook 

You can always include a link to this thread if you think it will help


Let us know how you get on as it is always useful knowing to help other customers. 

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 21 replies
  • January 17, 2023

Hi @Emmanuelle_OVO 

Thanks for getting back to me.  I’m happy with the fact that energy prices have gone up, that isn’t the issue here.  What I’m trying to get to the bottom of is why I am registering any gas usage at all when my house is unoccupied - I work away from home - during the week.  For much of the time there is literally nobody in the house Mon - Fri, sometimes for a couple of weeks at a time and that’s the issue that I think is pushing my bills up.

Almost 1/3 of my use over Nov & Dec - almost 1500 kWh was apparently when there was nobody in the house, and my annual gas usage in recent years has only been around 10000 kWh/pa, so a considerable amount for 2 months!

As I’m away from home at the moment - could any burglars please check my boiler if you’re in! - I’ll check back in a couple of days when I’ve had chance to check the meter at home (serial number vs bill etc) rather than clog up the forum, but I would say the boiler is fine - or so BG said in Oct when it was serviced.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1866 replies
  • January 18, 2023

Ahhh sorry to hear the agent emailed you the questions, @DebG - as Jeffus has eluded to, the hello@ inbox isn’t set up to take emails. However the online form (which the agent should have linked you to) sends the results to the correct team directly:


If you have any more patience (and I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t), please fill in that online form instead. I’m surprised that we can’t simply change the gas meter’s reading frequency. Your answers to the form questions will identify an issue if there is one. If your answers indicate no issue, please contact us via web chat to request the change to your gas meter’s reading frequency. I’m sorry for your experience so far. 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1866 replies
  • January 18, 2023

Hi @Melchett


The advice by the first two posters referenced checking your account to see if your gas readings are being estimated. Could you let us know?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • January 18, 2023

Here is an example of what you should see. A gas meter reading every day with the word smart next to it for the period you are concerned about. 


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 21 replies
  • January 21, 2023

Hello all,

Thanks for your replies - apologies for being slow in replying but I’m still working away from home … so in theory there shouldn’t be any gas use!

Looking on my account there does seem to be an issue though:

According to my account the meter readings are actual not estimates, but there doesn’t appear to have been a reading since 15 Jan and I’m being asked for manual inputs.


Despite this, the usage section of my account is showing significant gas use this week, even though the house is empty and the thermostats are all turned down:

So despite it being an empty house since PM 15 Jan  the chart above is showing 168.77 kWh worth of gas over 3 days but with no meter readings being submitted according to the meter readings bit of my account.  So now I have to admit I’m lost for an explanation other than to say I think I was right in the first place in saying there’s something not right with my account & meters.

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 411 replies
  • January 21, 2023

I wonder if your meter has stopped sending readings. If it has, OVO will estimate your use until they receive another reading.


What date is the latest reading you can see? Can you send OVO a manual reading and see if that resets the numbers?

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 21 replies
  • January 22, 2023

The meter has definitely stopped sending readings - 15 Jan is the last recorded reading and the website is telling me to manually send a reading.  Which I can’t do because I’m working away from home - and why I know for sure there’s no gas use because the house is empty.  

Yet Ovo are seemingly unwilling to acknowledge the blindingly obvious questions of how have I used hundreds of pounds worth of gas when the house is empty.  And if the meter is not sending readings why - and how - is the daily usage chart showing £22 worth of use over the same period if there are no meter readings being submitted???

Getting into formal complaint territory now with the lack of responses beyond  ‘energy prices have gone up’.

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 411 replies
  • January 22, 2023

Don't stress about the daily usage figures. You won't be billed against those figures, as long as you send in a new meter reading as soon as you're able to.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 21 replies
  • January 22, 2023
M.isterW wrote:

Don't stress about the daily usage figures. You won't be billed against those figures, as long as you send in a new meter reading as soon as you're able to.

So much for smart meters! But when the website is showing hundreds of pounds of gas being used then I think my concerns are justified, especially given the lack of response from Ovo.

Worst decision I ever made moving across to them and thinking it would make my life easier! I’m now clearly going to have to revert to manual readings because the system isn’t trustworthy.  Unfortunately easier said than done when I’m working away from home.

I wouldn’t mind, but I used to keep my own records and submit my own readings every month - I never had a single issue or dispute when I was submitting my own readings. Been nothing but problems of one sort or another with this smart meter.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 11 replies
  • April 22, 2023

When I go away I turn off both heating and hot water using my Tado app so I expect gas usage to be zero for those days when I am away the full 24 hours.

In the past (up to February 2023) when I check my usage online it does indeed show zero gas usage as expected.  However when I went away for a few days in early April the daily usage shows 0.22kWh per day in month view but generally 0.18kWh in day view, with the relevant number of half hours showing 0.01kWh and the rest showing zero.

For the february zero days when I switch to day view I get the “Looks like we couldn’t find some of your usage data” message that will be familiar to many customers.  Not absolutely sure but I think this used to work before April.

My theory is that OVO have updated their site to fix some bugs, (including the one that prevented them from billing me correctly for another account - luckily now seems to be fixed).  Unfortunately they seem to have introduced a different bug related to zero readings now.  It seems that handling zero readings is quite tricky - how do you distinguish a zero reading from no reading or an invalid reading?  The other account problem began when the property had zero usage (someone turned off the fridge , which is normally left on when there is nobody home).  So I suspect that there is a design fault with their systems relating to zero readings.  Or maybe this what, when I was a software enginer, we used to refer to as a ”feature” rather than a bug.  (something that is a lot of hassle to diagnose and fix so you pretend it’s working ok)

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced these phenomena or has other theories about what is going on? 

Just noticed there is a bug in the Meter Readings page too.  despite the fact I can view all my April usage to date monthly, daily and half hourly online this page recons the meters haven’t sent them any readings “recently” but there was a manual reading on 25th March.  I have smart meters so I don’t send manual readings…..

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2730 replies
  • April 22, 2023

Hi @JCPW it sounds like there may have been some estimated readings which might explain the difference to expected. 
Yes smart meters send data but can lose connection from time to time so it’s important to check what’s recorded against your account from time to time. If you look at the meter readings you should see if they’re Smart - Estimated - or Manual

  • 0 replies
  • April 28, 2023

Over the last week or so our gas usage online, and on the app, has been registering small amounts overnight when we are asleep in bed with no gas appliance being used. We do have a combi boiler, but we've had this for around 5 years and overnight readings have consistently been 0.00 from when the heating goes off at night until it comes on again in the morning. 


I've contacted OVO about this. Initially they asked me to send screenshots to show what was happening (do they not have access to the records they provide us with?). Then they suggested it could just be the meter catching up due to poor internet connection - really? It's never happened before (I keep an eye on the account so would have spotted it) and if it's catching up why would it not do it in one go rather than up to 7 or 8 times during the night?


And then they asked me to keep a record of what the meter was showing when the heating goes off at night and before it comes on in the morning to see if the reading changes. This involves me, a 72 year old, crawling on my hands & knees into an understairs cupboard with a torch, & having to get myself turned round inside the cupboard to get out again, then shuffling on my backside into the living room so I can use the sofa to help me get up again - an absolute nightmare!! And takes no account of the fact that the meter shows, for example, 8768, when the actual reading could be 8768.1, so if eg 0.6 is "used" overnight it will still show 8768 in the morning.


Has anyone else had anything like this happen? We are convinced it's a smart meter problem (is it also mis-recording all day?) but Ovo are having none of it.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • April 28, 2023

Hi @MrsSB 

I once had a very small gas leak in my case nothing to do with my meter. Of course it may be something different. 

If you haven't already i would urgently sign up for the priority services register as you are eligible

Under that you can ask OVO to do a free gas safety check at least to put your mind at rest

If you are at all concerned there is further details of what to do with potential gas leaks here.



  • 0 replies
  • April 28, 2023
Jeffus wrote:

Hi @MrsSB 

I once had a very small gas leak in my case nothing to do with my meter. Of course it may be something different. 

If you haven't already i would urgently sign up for the priority services register as you are eligible

Under that you can ask OVO to do a free gas safety check at least to put your mind at rest

If you are at all concerned there is further details of what to do with potential gas leaks here.



Thanks for your reply. I've now signed up for the priority services register, but it said we're not eligible for the free gas safety check, presumably as our only criteria is being over 65 ( why am I not surprised by this????).

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • April 28, 2023
MrsSB wrote:

Thanks for your reply. I've now signed up for the priority services register, but it said we're not eligible for the free gas safety check, presumably as our only criteria is being over 65 ( why am I not surprised by this????).


  • Free Gas Safety Checks – some PSR members can get free Gas Safety Checks. Check if you're eligible for a free check:

    • Live with a child under five years old,
    • Live alone or with others and have reached state pension age, or
    • Live alone or with others and are disabled or chronically ill,
    • Live with others who have reached state pension age or are disabled, chronically ill or under 18 years old
  • I’m eligible. How do I apply? Just call 0330 303 5063 and we’ll get you booked in

See the requirements above. Sorry to hear you were refused. I have flagged this to the moderators that you have been refused. Also tagged them here @Tim_OVO @Emmanuelle_OVO 

  • 0 replies
  • April 28, 2023
Jeffus wrote:
  • Free Gas Safety Checks – some PSR members can get free Gas Safety Checks. Check if you're eligible for a free check:

    • Live with a child under five years old,
    • Live alone or with others and have reached state pension age, or
    • Live alone or with others and are disabled or chronically ill,
    • Live with others who have reached state pension age or are disabled, chronically ill or under 18 years old
  • I’m eligible. How do I apply? Just call 0330 303 5063 and we’ll get you booked in


Thanks. I'll give them a call later. I ticked the boxes, telling them we're over 65 & asking for the check, but a box appeared stating we are not eligible. I'll try by phone. 

As for the gas, we used exactly the same gas yesterday as we did the day before, apart from an extra boiling of the kettle, and our usage has, according to today's meter reading, quadrupled!!! Once I get the breakdown of when it was supposedly used (I have a written record) I will be on the phone (again!!!!).

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • April 28, 2023
MrsSB wrote:

Thanks. I'll give them a call later. I ticked the boxes, telling them we're over 65 & asking for the check, but a box appeared stating we are not eligible. I'll try by phone. 

As for the gas, we used exactly the same gas yesterday as we did the day before, apart from an extra boiling of the kettle, and our usage has, according to today's meter reading, quadrupled!!! Once I get the breakdown of when it was supposedly used (I have a written record) I will be on the phone (again!!!!).


I have flagged to the OVO moderators that you were refused a free gas safety check. 

  • 0 replies
  • April 28, 2023
MrsSB wrote:


This is, according to Ovo, yesterday's usage. In fact our usage was 7.30 hot water for washing & washing up, 9.00 kettle. 12.00 washing up. 3.00 kettle, 5.00 washing up & kettle, no heating (we were freezing!). I am at my wit's end. They're now telling me it's our usage for the day being averaged out. It's more than 4 times the day before, with just one kettle boiling more. No-one at Ovo is interested in helping.

  • 0 replies
  • April 28, 2023
Jeffus wrote:

I have flagged to the OVO moderators that you were refused a free gas safety check. 


I've just spoken to Ovo. We don't qualify for a free safety check, or in fact any safety check at all, as we don't get any means tested benefits. Thanks for trying to help us though, unlike Ovo who haven't been any help whatsoever!

Community Manager

Hey @MrsSB,


Sorry for the issues you’re having,


There is additional criteria required when we book a gas safety check:


There is additional criteria: 


Gas safety checks 


The customer must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Have not had a gas safety check within the last 12 months
  • Be currently receiving a means tested benefit
  • Not live in a rented property (it's the responsibility of the landlord (under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974) to ensure that these appliances are safe and that yearly checks are undertaken

The customer must also fulfil at least one of the following:

  • Live with others, at least one of whom is under five years old.
  • Be of pensionable age, be disabled or chronically sick and living alone.
  • Live with others who are of pensionable age or under 18 and disabled or chronically sick

The customer will be contacted by Northern Gas within 21 days for an appointment. 


If you feel like there could be a gas leak, there is more information on our website:


Gas emergency

If you can smell gas or think you have a gas leak: 

  • Do open doors and windows to let the gas escape
  • Do check your gas appliances are switched off
  • Do call the 24 hour National Gas Emergency hotline on 0800 111 999
  • Do turn your gas off at the isolation switch (if you know where it is), then wait outside, and let your neighbours know.
  • Don't switch lights on or off, use doorbells, mobile phones or use any electrical switches.
  • Don't smoke, light a match or use any other kind of naked flame.
  • Don't go back into your home until you’ve got the all-clear.

If you're worried fumes containing carbon monoxide are escaping from a gas appliance, call the 24 hour National Gas Emergency hotline on 0800 111 999. For further information about gas safety in the home check out our guide here


If you believe you may have a faulty meter this topic may help:



Keep us posted with how you get on.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • April 28, 2023

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • April 28, 2023

It is not on this page @Emmanuelle_OVO 



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