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Submitted meter reading wrong, I put some of the numbers the wrong way round - how to get it fixed?

Verbal communication of meter reading values being transposed. Meter readings, when taken by data collection agents not being used to establish usage. Continual estimating of meter readings leading to IN CREDIT account.  

Best answer by Tim_OVO

Updated on 31/12/24 by Abby_OVO


Tim_OVO wrote:

can you do load test? Take a picture of the meter in the morning when your peak rate has started to clock, and another in the afternoon before the off peak kicks in. These two pictures prove to us which register is which, so we can update the industry data files. 


For anyone seeing this and wondering what a transposed reading is, it refers to a two rate (such as a Economy 7 meter) swapping of the registers. So that peak usage is associated with the off peak meter register incorrectly. 


3Phasesupplies wrote:

the issue with one of the 5 meters is TRANSPOSED NUMBERS. Instead of the reading being registered as 12345 - the numbers inserted would be 21345. In this instance the difference in the vale is 9000. 


I’m with you, @3Phasesupplies - understood. 


We’ll have to raise a ‘case’ with our billing team to make sure any readings on file from yourself or from our meter readers are amended. This is also possible via online chat if you don’t have those social channels. 


If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, are you able to send over a photo of each meter register along with your full name, address and account number. Private messages on the forum don’t allow photos. Feel free to link to this thread so save you having to explain. 


If your online smart meter readings have been swapped over like this, you may be affected by this issue:


I’ve been advised that this is a known issue that’s caused by a first generation smart meter (SMETS1) being upgraded and enrolled to the DCC. That’s a lot of jargon but it means your smart meter behaves like a second generation smart meter and therefore can communicate with any supplier. 


When your meter gets enrolled, you should’ve had an email or letter to advise of enrollment and that the readings will swap over. I’m checking to see if the fix is automated as part of this. Either way if yours do swap and you get charged to this, our Support team are able to fix this issue once notified

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  • August 18, 2022

Thanks for flagging this one, @3Phasesupplies. I’m not able to access your OVO account to log this though, any chance you can copy this topic URL or your message into a online chat?


Before you do this, can you do load test? Take a picture of the meter in the morning when your peak rate has started to clock, and another in the afternoon before the off peak kicks in. These two pictures prove to us which register is which, so we can update the industry data files. 


For anyone seeing this and wondering what a transposed reading is, it refers to a two rate (such as a Economy 7 meter) swapping of the registers. So that peak usage is associated with the off peak meter register incorrectly. 

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 38 replies
  • August 18, 2022

There are no Peak and Off Peak readings.  They are straight single phase (5 of them) Kwh meters. 

Community Manager
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  • 1878 replies
  • August 19, 2022

Ahhh the plot thickens. In my mind that would be ‘crossed meters’ rather than transposed readings. But in my mind I get things wrong all the time. 


I can see you’ve mentioned having issues with our Support team on this. If you’re not making any progress when you reach out to them again, let me know and I’ll ask our Forum_Support team to take down your account info and have a look. 

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 38 replies
  • August 19, 2022

Tim. Sorry to be pedantic but the issue with one of the 5 meters is TRANSPOSED NUMBERS. Instead of the reading being registered as 12345 - the numbers inserted would be 21345. In this instance the difference in the vale is 9000. If that was Kwh charged the over charging would lead to over billing and this is where the issues are.  If i could speak to anyone who understands straight forward 3 phase supplies and straight forward Kwh meters, i could explain what the issues with the account are. In credit , estimated readings, when meters are read by agents numerical values are not used (this is the last visit made by Morrisons Data  agents.

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  • Answer
  • August 22, 2022

Updated on 31/12/24 by Abby_OVO


Tim_OVO wrote:

can you do load test? Take a picture of the meter in the morning when your peak rate has started to clock, and another in the afternoon before the off peak kicks in. These two pictures prove to us which register is which, so we can update the industry data files. 


For anyone seeing this and wondering what a transposed reading is, it refers to a two rate (such as a Economy 7 meter) swapping of the registers. So that peak usage is associated with the off peak meter register incorrectly. 


3Phasesupplies wrote:

the issue with one of the 5 meters is TRANSPOSED NUMBERS. Instead of the reading being registered as 12345 - the numbers inserted would be 21345. In this instance the difference in the vale is 9000. 


I’m with you, @3Phasesupplies - understood. 


We’ll have to raise a ‘case’ with our billing team to make sure any readings on file from yourself or from our meter readers are amended. This is also possible via online chat if you don’t have those social channels. 


If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, are you able to send over a photo of each meter register along with your full name, address and account number. Private messages on the forum don’t allow photos. Feel free to link to this thread so save you having to explain. 


If your online smart meter readings have been swapped over like this, you may be affected by this issue:


I’ve been advised that this is a known issue that’s caused by a first generation smart meter (SMETS1) being upgraded and enrolled to the DCC. That’s a lot of jargon but it means your smart meter behaves like a second generation smart meter and therefore can communicate with any supplier. 


When your meter gets enrolled, you should’ve had an email or letter to advise of enrollment and that the readings will swap over. I’m checking to see if the fix is automated as part of this. Either way if yours do swap and you get charged to this, our Support team are able to fix this issue once notified

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 38 replies
  • August 22, 2022

Thanks Tim. Agreed with my relative to read on the 14th September and post. If issues with incorrect recording exists will certainly be making noises. We have also agreed that a technical review is need to establish if there is creep-age on two meters that should be dormant now that the circuits they were supplying are isolated.  More later from me.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 8 replies
  • October 11, 2022

Has anyone on simpler energy economy 7 been charged excessively for September due to day night meter readings being swapped in and around 19th/20th September? I have and they have charged me a bill for electricity of£521.47. In fact for the day of 19th September they charged me £388.78 when my daily charge is usually just over £4. I have been in touch with them on the phone. Looking at it now my day meter reading are night and vice versa from 19th/ 20th September.


from Shashi Patel

  • Carbon Catcher**
  • 119 replies
  • October 11, 2022

are you on a smart meter?  Do you have to submit readings.


Could it be that somebody got the readings muddled up (either at home or at OVO).  I imagine this is a common mistake.


I once had my readings submitted by my son who couldn’t tell the gas meter from the electric .

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  • October 11, 2022

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 8 replies
  • October 11, 2022

Have a smart meter. Did not send any customer readings. I assume it's just happened on its own. Or a software problem. I'll give another two days before I get in touch with ovo again. I phoned them on Friday. There is no acknowledgement email saying they are looking into it so far. The problem is that the October readings are still wrong way round.

Thanks Emmanuelle_ovo and also meldrewreborn

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 14 replies
  • October 26, 2022

Hi, my smart meter is suddenly showing a huge spike in the amount used. It’s a 1-bed house. I’ve tried to call OVO & use the chatbot, but was 209 in a queue.  Will this autocorrect as it’s on a smart meter??


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2561 replies
  • October 26, 2022

Hi @PollyG

Have a look on these pages on the website not the app

You should see something like this. There should be a reading every day with the word smart next to it. Here is mine for example. 


Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 232 replies
  • October 26, 2022

It's a negative spike. Very strange.


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 14 replies
  • October 27, 2022

Thanks Jeffus I’ll take a look. I didn’t know there was this more detailed breakdown 

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 14 replies
  • October 27, 2022


you’re right! It says ‘other’ instead of ‘smart’. Do you know what this means and how I get it corrected? 



  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 14 replies
  • October 27, 2022

Looking at the numbers, the kWh doesn’t seem to jump much, but the price skyrockets. Im so confused 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 27, 2022



1. The Other reading on the 24th Oct, may be a manual reading. I assume you didn't provide one. Interesting is basically a reverse of your normal smart reading but not quite the same numbers. It may be an automated estimated reading gone wrong. 

2. There is a smart reading after it on the same day so the Other reading shouldn't matter as it should be over ridden. The smart meter reading on the 24th looks OK at is the right way round. 

4. The problem with the usage page annoyingly is that isn't what you are actually billed.... . It may be the usage page didn't pick up the later correct smart meter reading. 

Have a look at your actual bill for this period. Can you post a screen shot of that? Is that showing the big negative number? 

5.. Things then go wrong on the 25th..... Your day night smart reading look like they have flipped.... @Tim_OVO @Blastoise186 have you ever seen day night smart meter readings flip? Look at the 25th 26th smart meter readings vs all the other smart meter readings? Hence the low cost on the 25th on the usage page perhaps? 

6. @PollyG could you take manual readings off your smart meter and post them here? Which way round are they?


@Tim_OVO @Emmanuelle_OVO might be worth a quick check that someone in ovo hasn't inadvertently switched day night readings for a lot of customers. 

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 14 replies
  • October 27, 2022

I’ll take manual readings when I get home later. Thank you for helping 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7965 replies
  • October 27, 2022

I don’t recall seeing this with OVO before. But my friends on other forums report seeing it with other suppliers. They prefer to remain anonymous, so I can’t name either those suppliers or who my friends are.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 14 replies
  • October 27, 2022

Here’s my current bill 


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 14 replies
  • October 27, 2022

It’s not showing on my balance thankfully 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 27, 2022
PollyG wrote:

It’s not showing on my balance thankfully 

Hi @PollyG that is good, i was hoping it wouldn't appear on the bill as you have a smart meter reading on the same day.

We can look at the separate issue of the flipping day night reading once you get home and post your readings.

Then work out the best way to communicate to the OVO Support Team. 

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 14 replies
  • October 27, 2022

Thank you so much for your help. I’ll get the meter readings later 

  • Carbon Catcher*
  • 93 replies
  • October 27, 2022
PollyG wrote:


you’re right! It says ‘other’ instead of ‘smart’. Do you know what this means and how I get it corrected? 



Just looking at the numbers, it would appear that the “other” readings on 24 Oct have been incorrectly entered, with day-time and night-time swapped over.

Fortunately there are smart readings that are later, on 25 Oct (and even on 24 Oct), and because of the way these things work out, everything cancels in the totals.

I think.


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2561 replies
  • October 27, 2022
Simon1D wrote:
PollyG wrote:


you’re right! It says ‘other’ instead of ‘smart’. Do you know what this means and how I get it corrected? 



Just looking at the numbers, it would appear that the “other” readings on 24 Oct have been incorrectly entered, with day-time and night-time swapped over.

Fortunately there are smart readings that are later, on 25 Oct (and even on 24 Oct), and because of the way these things work out, everything cancels in the totals.

I think.



Unfortunately all the smart meter readings from 25th onwards are also swapped which is why @PollyG is going to do a manual reading when back home.



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