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Power Move Plus - Frequently Asked Questions

Power Move Plus - Frequently Asked Questions
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Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 1980 replies
  • January 20, 2024
Ria wrote:

My power move plus target for 17th January was 0.2kwh. Just received email saying I didn't achieve it. Yet from the app 5.30pm was 0.07kwh and 6pm was 0.11kwh. How is that more than 0.2kwh?

How do I query this?

Two points:

  • The app only shows you usage to two places of decimals, while the actual data are recorded with three decimals. That means your actual consumption for the hour could have been anything between 0.17 and 0.19 kWh.
  • You are rewarded for the difference between the target (0.2) and your actual usage (perhaps 0.19).
    0.2 - 0.19 = 0.01 kWh shifted, earning a reward of 0.01 x £3 = 3p.
    If you actually shifted 0.17 kWh - if the rounding had gone the other way -  you would have earned 9p. 

I initially thought that there might be a minimum for the reward earned, of say 10p - anything below that just went into the blind box. But that’s probably not the case, because I earned 6p for one of November’s events. Nevertheless, it would probably cost you a lot more than 6p to make a fuss about not getting it 😉


  • New Member***
  • 1 reply
  • January 20, 2024
Blastoise186 wrote:

The Wi-Fi Router takes up barely anything, possibly £1 a year at most. 


My modem/router draws about 15 watts. If it is on all day every day, that comes to 15 x 24 x 365 / 1000 ≈ 130 KWh/year. At 29p/KWh, that is nearly 40 times what you say it will cost.

My Internet connection drops out every night at about ten minutes after midnight. The only way to get it back is to restart the modem/router. I think it is because the cleaning lady has to plug in her hoover when she gets to the server room.

This daily exercise has not affected the speed of my connection. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7967 replies
  • January 20, 2024

It does when you have ADSL or FTTC - ANY copper on the line at all can trigger this behaviour.

And besides, if I can hit 0.1kWh PMP targets despite having:

  1. DrayTek Vigor 130
  2. Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine Base
  3. Ubiquiti UniFi Switch Lite 8 PoE
  4. 2x Ubiquiti UniFi Switch 8 60W
  5. Ubiquiti UniFi U6-LR
  6. Ubiquiti UniFi nanoHD
  7. Ubiquiti UniFi AC-Lite

Running 24x7x365… Then I must be doing something right. And yet I still have bills of at most £50 a month for my entire flat at 28p/kWh

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 18 replies
  • January 21, 2024

Certainly not going down the road of flipping the isolator switch off and on to get a £1 back! This is the 21st century when our various governments should have already invested in out energy infrastructure to give us energy security, so we do not need to play these games.

  • Carbon Catcher*
  • 64 replies
  • January 21, 2024

@Firedog it's the first time of having a 0.2kwh target too, normally 0.1kwh. Just annoying being a low user. I sat in the dark and power napped🤣, but forgot to turn my heating off so that clicked in without me realising, hence the increase on 2nd half hr.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • January 21, 2024

So I understand Power Move.


But for Power Move Plus, I have to use less than 0.2kWh between 5h30 and 6h30. For Ovo calculations, this is a 1.5 hour period. Is it 0.2kWh average during that time, or totalled all-together?


If it’s totalled all-together, then it seems pretty hard to do. Any advice on what I can do to further lower my usage during that time, other than not being home?


It also says I can earn £3 for every kWh I shift below my target. So what does that mean, if I can somehow shift my usage to 0.15kWh? How much would I earn?

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 58 replies
  • January 21, 2024

5h30 to 6h30 is 1 hour. You can take whatever power you like for a short time. It's only power (kW) X time (hours) which matters. So for instance, if you take 2kW for 5 mins (eg a kettle), then the energy consumed is 2kW X 1/12 hour = 0.167kWh.

0.15kWh is only 0.05kWh below target, so multiply X £3 = 15p - a big rebate ;-)




  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • January 21, 2024

It’s for the whole period specified - 

5.30 to 6.30 is a one hour period - so you would need to use less than 0.2 kwh in that hour - 

If it was 5.30 to 7.00 pm then the target would be for that 1 ½ hours.


Such a low target is difficult to achieve significant savings , especially if you are already participating in Power Move where you would have already shifted major consumption outside the 4 to 7 pm period .


(For example I had the same target as you for the last Power Move plus and managed to reduce my consumption to 0.11 kwh for this hour -  that means the saving (0.2 - 0.11)  was 0.09 Kwh

That 0.09 saving is then rewarded at the rate of £3 per kwh  - so I got 27p


So as you reduced yours to 0.15 kwh then the saving was 0.2 - 0.15 = 0.05kwh

multiply that by the £3 rate and you get 15p


The target for Power Move Plus is determined by your average use during these hours for the last 10 weekdays - so if you are already using little due to Power move then there isn’t much to be gained by trying to save even more - 


The only realistic way (i.e not turning absolutely everything off) to achieve larger rewards for Power Move Plus is to use more during the evening hours on non Power move days to increase your average and then you will get a higher target which is easier to achieve - but that then conflicts with Power Move as you will be consuming more during the evening when you want to be keeping consumption down -  and you could compromise your Power Move performance.

My personal opinion is that , although both Power Move and Power Move Plus can be participated in at the same time - there is some conflict - so it’s up to you if you bother with Power Move Plus as well as Power Move as the extra effort involved probably isn’t worth it and the benefit isn’t that great to the grid, Ovo or yourself.


My understanding is that Power Move Plus is a National Grid project to reduce demand on the Grid at peak times (i,e not an Ovo initiative) 

Power Move however is an Ovo initiative to encourage users to shift consumption to times of the day when the cost to Ovo of each unit of electricity is signficantly lower .

(Essentially to enable savings for Ovo as they pay less for the power if you use it at non-peak times - then they distribute some of these savings as rewards to those who have participated)

I don’t know the details of the generator to distributor pricing so I am making some assumptions here!


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 736 replies
  • January 21, 2024

The DFS scheme (called Power Move Plus at OVO) is a national scheme meant to try and cut (not shift) high electricity use at targeted times when the national grid is in danger of reaching full capacity and overloading.
That’s why it’s ‘events’ are always random and at short notice.

For those of us with low use, and so low targets, it’s probably not worth the bother for a few pennies reward.

With a £3/kWh reward then cutting 0.05 kWh for a PM+ event would give you 0.05 x £3 = 15p.

You need to be a higher user and so have a higher personal target to be able to cut a couple of kWh and make it worthwhile. (Worthwhile for both the grid and for you).

Power Move (not Plus) with it’s percentage targets is more achievable for us lower electricity users.
Power Move is about shifting your useage long term, rather than just cutting it in a few ‘emergency’ periods.

(I’ve had the £15 for every Power Move month that I’ve done, but all of my PM+ targets have been just 0.1kWh so I haven’t even bothered with any of those).

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • January 21, 2024

Thanks for explaining!

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 13 replies
  • February 8, 2024

Is the power move an average for the month?


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 1980 replies
  • February 8, 2024


Tim a victim wrote:

Is the power move an average for the month?


Yes. Your result for the month is (total of 4-7 PM usage on all weekdays)/(total of all weekday usage), which gives you the average for the month. OVO Energy | Power Move FAQs

So even though you fail to meet the target on some days, you can still meet it for the month if you manage to shift more on other days.

  • 0 replies
  • February 21, 2024

Hi @Tim a victim ,


@Firedog has given you the right calculation but this is actually an aggregate figure for all the qualifying days in the month not an average.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 1980 replies
  • February 21, 2024


Simon 1402 wrote:

… this is actually an aggregate figure … not an average.

That rather depends on what you mean by those terms. I would suggest that if the result for any weekday is the ratio between [usage 4-7] and [total usage], then the ratio between the aggregate of [usage 4-7] and the aggregate of [total usage] represents the average result for all days.



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