
Why has the existing energy supplier of my new house objected to switching me OVO? - I don't have a contract with them!

  • 12 February 2018
  • 15 replies

Hello there,

I've just purchased a new house and I'm trying to join OVO.

I keep getting emails from OVO about a objection. This is from the existing energy provider which I do not have a contact with nore do I even know which company it is.

Can someone from OVO give me a call and confirm the existing energy provider + contact details?


Best answer by Lucy_OVO 13 February 2018, 17:04

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15 replies

Userlevel 5

Updated on 05/06/24 by Shads_OVO


Sorry to hear about the delay to your switch to OVO.


When you requested to join us, we have to send the request back to the current supplier of the property. This gives them the chance to ‘object’ to the switch for a number of reasons. This could be associated with the details listed on your property (such as address or meter detail errors) or an account specific issue, such as an outstanding balance on an account with them or an unregistered account. As they’ll be supplying your energy from the date you moved in, you’ll still need to set-up an account with them, even if you intend to switch away. There’s more advice on how to find out who’s the current supplier on this great guide. If you’re still struggling to find out, our Support Team should be able to check the national database and help you locate their contact details.


If we receive an objection to your switch, we’ll contact you to let you know. We’re not aware of the exact reason for the objection so we’d advise contacting the current supplier to find out and resolve the issue.


If we receive an objection to your switch, it will be cancelled. If you’ve resolved the problems with your current supplier and would still like to change suppliers, you’ll need to reapply for the switch, choosing from the plans we have available at that point.


The best way to check the progress of your switch is via your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS).


There’s more great advice on what to expect when joining us on this great guide. We can’t wait to have you onboard! :smiley:


Interested in becoming an OVO member? - Check out our plans!


I have a really good fixed rate deal with my current energy provider. They have said I can keep it when I move house. OVO supplies the house I am moving in to , but have objected to the change.

What can I do to switch? I have phoned, but as I am not a customer yet they can’t help me. 

Do I have to wait until I have taken ownership, or can I switch before I move?


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

You might need a bit more info but from what I understand, you need to sign up to OVO at first (as they are the current supplier) and then you can switch to your other supplier 

Thanks but can I do this before I own the property, Or do I have to wait until I take ownership?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

You have to take ownership first before you are allowed to control the supply 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Thanks but can I do this before I own the property, Or do I have to wait until I take ownership?

I would have thought it right to wait until you own the property. You’ll need a closing reading (and opening reading) to make sure you’re not charged for anything prior

Ok thanks for the responses

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

No worries.

By the way, if OVO objected to a switch, you’ll need to find out why that objection was raised and resolve it before you’ll be allowed to switch away. If it’s someone else’s debt, then as long as you can prove to OVO that you’re not responsible (a signed tenancy agreement and/or contract of sale usually works nicely!) for that debt, it’ll be moved out of the way and the block will be released.

It seems that it’s impossible to transfer electric from 100Green to OVO. They managed to transfer my Gas a month a go… the request was made 2 months ago and yet they still haven't done it.

This may be more of a venting process as I’ve tried everything from phone calls (lots of them) and emails which I’ve never received a reply from them. I’ve even tried stating I want to register a complaint and copied in OFGEM. 

It all started when they started the process by “Switching” the gas and then randomly deciding to start and “Erroneous Transfer” for the Electric. they were told several times by myself that was wrong. I was passing instructions from 100green as to what they need to do…. but they still haven’t.

I’m now paying more than I would be if they’d transferred the account and I have zero idea as to what they’re doing and what to do next. I never thought a company would be so accepting to offer such a poor service.

I have little hope this will help but if nothing else it will have vented some of the sheer frustration. I really don’t know why I’m bothering really.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @DuncanIzel 

Sorry to hear that. You may already know this. 

Suppliers only have up to 8 weeks to resolve a complaint from the date you raised the compliant. 

After that time you can ask the energy ombudsman for help. You don't have to wait for a reply from a supplier. Ofgem are not involved in handling individual complaints.

You can find the ovo complaint process here

And the green process here

There have been some reported issues with OVO handling complaints

There are firm rules on how long switching should take. This is taken directly from Ofgem.

Suppliers are jointly responsible for Eronous transfer issue resolution. 


You won’t need to do anything if suppliers breach a standard and spot the issue. Compensation is automatic. You can report a claim too.

Suppliers have 10 working days from a breach to pay you. They could owe a further £30 if they don’t meet this timeline. Ofgem monitors supplier data to make sure they do this.

If you think an issue isn’t fixed or you haven’t been compensated, it’s best to contact your supplier to tell them. If you aren’t happy with their response, make a complaint


Guaranteed standard


Suppliers agree if a switch is valid or Erroneous transfer within 20 working days of you telling either supplier.

£60 (£30 from each supplier)

Suppliers confirm the outcome of their investigation into an Erroneous transfer within 20 working days of you contacting them.

£30 by contacted supplier

Supplier restores connection to previous supplier within 21 working days of agreeing a switch is erroneous.

£30 by former supplier

Supplier refunds money owed on a credit balance within 10 working days of sending a final bill.

£30 by former supplier

Property switched by mistake.

£30 by new supplier

Switch completes within 15 working days.

£30 by new supplier

Supplier sends a final bill within six weeks of a switch.

£30 by former supplier

*Effective from 1 May 2019.

Suppliers may contact you about making a compensation payment. Always ask for further information before giving your personal details. 







Thanks for the information on compensation etc. I certainly wouldn’t refuse any but at the moment I just want it to be over with and sadly, I can’t see how that will be the case. Countless calls and I’m no further forward. They don’t even acknowledge emails (other than the automated ones).


The gas completed the move on the 1st September as per my request on the 6th August. It almost feels OVO have given up trying and I’m just left in limbo with two suppliers, 100Green for Electric and OVO for Gas.


I’ll work through the details you’ve provided but if they won’t even acknowledge a complaint it feels like I’m just winding down the 8 week clock until OFGEM will do something. 

Userlevel 7

Hey @DuncanIzel,


Sorry for the issues you’re having,


We don’t have access to your account on the Forum. but as you mention ‘erroneous transfer’ is sounds like maybe we’ve attempted to take your electricity supplier but it’s been rejected by your current supplier. And they’ve been advised that we’re taking the supply erroneously.



Or it could be something to do with how your address appears on the national database. 



All I’ll say is it’s a complete mess. How they can input the joint application for energy as “Switch” for gas and “Erroneous Transfer” for electricity is beyond me. I used to be with OVO just over a year ago and they thought a different company had taken the electricity without permission (Hence the ET), it didn’t once cross there mind that it was an intentional switch away from them and that I just might have contacted them at some point over the 12 months about why they weren’t my supplier (for gas and elect) if it hadn’t been an intentional switch. Or, that they’d only just taken over the gas that same month as a switch so maybe that’s what should have happened with the electric as well.


Anyway, todays call has confirmed that OVO had indeed sat on their backsides for the last month and done absolutely nothing. They weren’t waiting for a database change or various other things I was told. They actually had to start a switch application while I was on the phone to them today because they weren’t working on one. If I hadn’t of called it would never have completed. And they’ve still not even acknowledged the email complaint I sent them even though it was sent a week ago. A little longer than the 48 working hrs was they stated in the automated response. All in all, another 46 minutes on the phone. I seriously wish I’d gone elsewhere and still might given it’s a variable rate non tied in rate.

Userlevel 7

Sorry to hear about this, @DuncanIzel. As moderators we can only guess as to what has happened which is no help to anyone.


If you email OVO’s support team you should get a response, and your complaint should be logged and resolved or escalated. For any future emails please use as the target email and use the email linked up with your OVO (gas) account to sent it from. 


If you need our help getting your complaint escalated, let us know so we can send you a private message and take some details. Other than that I hope this all gets sorted for you quickly. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

All I’ll say is it’s a complete mess. How they can input the joint application for energy as “Switch” for gas and “Erroneous Transfer” for electricity is beyond me. I used to be with OVO just over a year ago and they thought a different company had taken the electricity without permission (Hence the ET), it didn’t once cross there mind that it was an intentional switch away from them and that I just might have contacted them at some point over the 12 months about why they weren’t my supplier (for gas and elect) if it hadn’t been an intentional switch. Or, that they’d only just taken over the gas that same month as a switch so maybe that’s what should have happened with the electric as well.


Anyway, todays call has confirmed that OVO had indeed sat on their backsides for the last month and done absolutely nothing. They weren’t waiting for a database change or various other things I was told. They actually had to start a switch application while I was on the phone to them today because they weren’t working on one. If I hadn’t of called it would never have completed. And they’ve still not even acknowledged the email complaint I sent them even though it was sent a week ago. A little longer than the 48 working hrs was they stated in the automated response. All in all, another 46 minutes on the phone. I seriously wish I’d gone elsewhere and still might given it’s a variable rate non tied in rate.

I suggest you make the OVO CEO aware of your experience to see if that prompts a better response

You can include a link to this thread
