My new SMETS 2 meters were installed in mid September. Since then, there has been no change in my account page. The last entry there was that my electricity and gas were to be supplied from 5 May.
My smart gas meter does not appear to be sending any data, I’m only getting a feed from the electricity meter.
I would like an idea of my usage, given the state of the fuel industry at the moment, I would at least like to have an idea if I will be in for some nasty surprises downstream.
Best answer by Jess_OVO
Updated on 07/02/25 by Emmanuelle_OVO:
Great to see you’ve already met our community volunteer and smart meter trouble-shooter, @Blastoise186.
Blastoise186 wrote:
Thanks for the question, this does sound a little strange and I would have expected your gas meter to have started sending in readings by now.
Just wanted to step in here just to clarify this point. As you mentioned your smart meters were installed in mid-September we’d generally advise that it can take up to 6 weeks from the install date for the meter details to be updated and your usage data to be populated both on your In-Home Display and on the usage pages of your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS).
There’s more info on this related topic, although I’m sure @Blastoise186 will be able to offer a slightly more technical explanation if you’re still noticing the same communication difficulties in a few weeks time.
Do keep us updated as we’re always happy to help and offer advice here where we can.
I like to know exactly what I am spending so that I stay within budget so back in the summer I tried to get my gas metre fitted. I finally got it fitted on the 3rd Nov. Boy first bill was 3x higher than the month before, I knew it was wrong because until the metre was fitted I was sending in readings 2x a month. I have been scared to put the heating on as six weeks later my new metre is still not recorded on my account so it wont accept the new reading format when I send the numbers in. I have sent in photos, confirmed the serial number with advisors and still only getting estimated bill. The electric metre started recording within 24 hours. How long did you wait before your gas metre started COS IM FREEZING 🙁
It can take up to six weeks for meters to fully commission. If you DON’T see it on your account and sending readings at all that time, please let the Support Team know.
Boy first bill was 3x higher than the month before,
We’ve seen a few cases where gas consumption (and consequently the gas bill) seems to be three times what was expected. It turned out that although the meter was recording in metric units (m³), OVO thought the figures it was getting were in Imperial units, so each unit was 100 cubic feet (cu.ft, ft³). This converts to a number of kWh about three times too big (actually 2.83 times).
Please check your latest bill carefully: can you see the conversion from meter units to kWh? If not, give us the figures here (opening and closing meter readings and no. of kWh) so we can check whether this is what has happened in your case.
Believe me I got onto support as soon as the bill came in, hence the photo’s and serial number checks.I hope your conversion theory works. Luckily I sent in a reading in on the day they changed the metre
Just thinking about this @Sally123 , you can keep check on your gas usage by keeping a note of the meter readings until it all gets sorted. Not that convenient I know but a short term solution
Sally, you say you have received a bill. It would help us to work out what’s going on if you could post a photo or screenshot of it (after removing any sensitive details, if you wish). If you can see it online, that’s probably the easiest way to capture an image of it.
If there has just been a silly mistake in generating the bill, there’s no need to be fearful of using gas. Just changing the meter won’t have had any effect on how much gas you’re being charged for, so it really sounds like an easily-remedied billing error.
My electricity smart meter - SGM1411-B - isn’t sending readings to my account. I can’t manually submit my own readings either. And I can’t join power move because it says “come back when you have a smart meter”.
I didn’t get any in-home Display for my smart meters.
Also, if I were to switch to prepayment for the smart meters, how do you top them up? I don’t have a card or key.
Please note that the OVO Forum is currently in Hibernation Mode for Christmas and New Year. The response times for Forum Volunteers such as myself may be slower to respond than usual during this time and our service here may be limited. There will also be limited or no responses from the Forum Moderators during this time and their responses may be delayed. Thanks in advance for your understanding. We’d also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Forum Moderators and Volunteers of the OVO Forum.
The first thing I’d try in this situation is . That tool can diagnose and help fix any issues of this type - but it won’t be until after the New Year that someone picks up the report.
As for getting an IHD, you can request one via Live Chat at . As this wouldn’t be an urgent issue, I’d strongly recommend you hold back until mid-January to allow OVO to catch up with any urgent requests that come in over Christmas and to avoid the mad rush that will inevitably build up during the holidays.
If you’re worries about payments, going to Pay As You Go might not be the best solution. Instead, try calling 0800 069 9831 for the Collections Team. They might be able to help you find a better solution.
For topping up a Smart Meter, you can do it in shops with the barcode from the relevant app (you can request a physical card, but it’s faster to use the barcode in the app for that), through the app itself or online - the website you need depends on which supplier you’re with.
Ok it’s good to know it’s possible to top up on app/website with OVO.
Regarding the incorrect serial number, I spoke to Ovo support many times, and sent them images of my meters, and no one pointed it out. They told me the meters were sending them the readings and they just weren’t on my account, that’s strange. No one sent me that link either to get it sorted for the past week that I've been contacting them. Thanks!
This isn’t too unusual. Your meter is supposed to send readings daily to DCC, which is where OVO get them from. It also sends usage data every half-hour, but your OVO account has to be set up properly to receive these. That’s what the Power Move schemes depend on, not the meter readings. It’s the readings that are used for billing. So the problem could be in any one of three spots: the meter itself, DCC or OVO. It’s usually the last.
Is this a new problem (readings were getting through before, but they stopped)? Or is it a new meter that has never sent readings to OVO?
Hi, it’s a new meter, and it hasn’t been sending readings at all. Gas readings were wrong too but just recently updated, electricity still hasn’t, and I guess it’s because they have the wrong serial number linked.
OK, thanks. It’s not unusual for it to take a few days for readings to start to come through reliably, but having the wrong MSN recorded sounds like a good reason. When the new meter was installed, the engineer should have left a card beside it showing the MSNs for both old and new meters, together with their readings. The MSN is also on the meter itself. Is the MSN on the card the same as that on the meter?
This is the second case in a couple of days where we’ve been told about information submitted by an installation engineer being wrongly recorded at the OVO end. I would have thought it’s all done digitally, but I suppose it’s possible that the info gets garbled on its way. I suspect you’ll have to wait until not-so-early January now to get hold of someone to help with that. Make sure to have photos of both the meter and the installer’s card ready when you contact Support.
If you don’t manage to join Power Move until sometime in January, you can still earn a pro-rata reward for the days after you were enrolled, so long as there are at least 14 working days in the month with data.
Hi, they were both installed around end of november, and since my electric meter serial number is wrong and their only answer is to wait 6 weeks, I’m missing out on the cashback scheme that started in december. Even third party apps are missing the electricity usage.
Hi, they were both installed around end of november, and since my electric meter serial number is wrong and their only answer is to wait 6 weeks, I’m missing out on the cashback scheme that started in december. Even third party apps are missing the electricity usage.
It can take 6 weeks for readings to appear anyway across all suppliers even without the serial number issue or the bank holidays. So i am not surprised you can't yet see anything on the 3rd party apps.
It is a shame OVO didn't make this clear to you when the meters were installed and when you contacted them.
If you find you are getting no where you could try putting in an an official complaint.
I like to know exactly what I am spending so that I stay within budget so back in the summer I tried to get my gas metre fitted. I finally got it fitted on the 3rd Nov. Boy first bill was 3x higher than the month before, I knew it was wrong because until the metre was fitted I was sending in readings 2x a month. I have been scared to put the heating on as six weeks later my new metre is still not recorded on my account so it wont accept the new reading format when I send the numbers in. I have sent in photos, confirmed the serial number with advisors and still only getting estimated bill. The electric metre started recording within 24 hours. How long did you wait before your gas metre started COS IM FREEZING 🙁
It can take 6 weeks for readings to appear anyway across all suppliers even without the serial number issue or the bank holidays. So i am not surprised you can't yet see anything on the 3rd party apps.
It is a shame OVO didn't make this clear to you when the meters were installed and when you contacted them.
If you find you are getting no where you could try putting in an an official complaint.
Unfortunately it’s now been 6 weeks and they are just saying they have the case open for the incorrect serial number and I have to keep waiting. I received my bill which was based on estimated usage for electricity as well, which seems higher than actual usage. And I still won’t be able to join power move until they connect my meter by simply updating the serial number on my account. Customer support on chat and phone and email say they don’t know how long it will take.
Had my new SMET2 meters fitted last week with a new Ihd3 but it doesn't show balances just usage, a quick search suggests it's not in PAYG mode, can anyone help me correct this and put it in PAYG mode? there is no settings in the menu to allow this.
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