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Introducing Charge Anytime - next generation EV charging

Introducing Charge Anytime - next generation EV charging
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  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • June 22, 2024

Hello I have a new EV car it's Peugeot E2008 GT it got internet access as I use a Peugeot app when I'm charging and way from car ect but you have not got any of these cars on your system it's about time you did as it's costing me a fortune to charge my car right now without the anytime tariff 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • June 22, 2024

Not sure why this is listed as an idea … there are quite a few cars already linked to the Anytime system. It’s not just about internet access but the manufacturer allowing reading of the vehicle state and charging system unfortunately.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7873 replies
  • June 24, 2024

It is also worth noting that the EV/Charger manufacturer MUST ALSO:

  • Be willing to play ball with OVO and Kaluza
  • Work with OVO and Kaluza to develop the integration for their stuff
  • Have a platform that allows third-party integrations
  • Sign the contracts/agreements that puts the legal frameworks in place to allow access

All of this takes time and if a particular manufacturer doesn’t do any of the above, it can’t happen.

  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • August 10, 2024

Does OVO still restrict there EV tariffs to customers who are on a Dual Fuel tariff? The last time I checked they sis. This meant that in order to charge an electric vehicle as an OVO customer you had to use OVO as your gas supplier. Which is weird, absurd, inexplicable  and really doesn't work when you live, as I do,  in a rural  area without mains gas. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7873 replies
  • August 10, 2024

That restriction no longer applies. You can activate Charge Anytime as an Add-On regardless of your tariff now.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1066 replies
  • August 12, 2024

Hi @slow driver 


As one of our volunteers, Blastoise186 has already mentioned, you can now add Charge Anytime no matter what tariff you’re on. As long as you’ve got an electricity supply with us, the tariff doesn’t matter, so if you’ve not got gas, or your gas isn’t with us, you’ll still be able to add Charge Anytime onto your account.



If you need some help getting Charge Anytime set up, the following topics may be helpful to you:



Hope this helps, let us know if you’ve got any other questions.🙂

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • August 12, 2024

We are deciding whether to stay with Ovo Energy and want to charge our Hyundai Kona using a Zappi charger and your package, 'Charge Anytime'.

When will the results of the current trial of the Kona be known?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7873 replies
  • August 12, 2024

Hi @Sarah Wooller ,

That’s probably one for the Charge Anytime team in the morning - give them a call on 0330 175 9678 Option 2.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • August 12, 2024

Thanks. Here's hoping for a straight forward answer.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 18, 2024
Hi there, 
Greatly disappointed in your service, I'm being ripped off daily as your "Charge Anytime" APP is FAULTY, after many painful phone calls and assurances it would be fixed, it's not working and no one has been in touch to resolve, I'm paying 28p per Kw when I should be paying 7p...
As per email evidence sent to chargeanytime@ovo I set up the APP correctly, but as per many other people complaining on forums online the OVO charge anytime APP states "Away", when the car is on my drive, and thus does not change the traif to 7p...  
My energy bill for the last month is over double what it should be due to your faulty APP, I estimate you are due me £75-£80 refund for your faulty APP, charging me 28p per Kw instead of 7p.....
I am being ripped off by OVO!!! 
Your system is faulty!!! 
Please resolve ASAP or I'm moving to another supplier!!!.
I need to charge my car daily and your system is not working....

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • October 18, 2024

Hey @Tesla


I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been having issues with your Charge Anytime app. I’m assuming based on your username that you’re a Tesla owner? I’ve heard of other members with what sounds like a similar issue so you’re not alone. 


I asked the Charge Anytime team and they’ve said that Tesla and Audi updated their vehicle apps in the last 2 weeks. They’ve asked if you can ensure that both your Charge Anytime app and vehicle app are up to date and you may need to log out and back in to Charge Anytime through the app.


We have limited visibility through the Forum to your Charge Anytime account but we’ll try and give you the best advice and support as we can. If you’d like to discuss your account in detail you can reach the team on 0330 175 9678 (option 2 for existing customers) or


Hopefully they’ll be able to work with you on the issues that you’re facing and get you back on the Charge Anytime rate. Keep us updated when this is resolved for you. 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 20, 2024



….now working, I reset my car satnav map home location (Tesla M3), deleted the ovo app, profile and ovo charge anytime account, then re-registered and reset the whole lot back up, and it’s now working and giving discount upon charging. 


I have saved £3.55 for just one days charging, which is great but also an indication of the vast money lost due to the app initialisation issue over the past month… 


Obviously something adrift with the app, certainly an area for improvement, where it doesn't do sufficient checks to ensure and or ask the user to check / reset the set home location on the car’s map system, as this is now obviously vital to it’s operation…..




Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7873 replies
  • October 20, 2024

Hi @Tesla ,

You might want to drop that as a suggestion under - this helps us keep track of them.

  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • November 11, 2024

I’m having exactly the same problem as above my car is plugged in but the app is saying it’s away from home I’m using a renalt Zoe. My account is around £60 in debit because the app isn’t working and I’m not getting the 7p charge rate any help would be great please?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 760 replies
  • November 12, 2024

Have you tried resetting your SatNav and apps as the user did in the post 3 above this?

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • November 12, 2024

Hey @Tjan90


Have you tried as @Nukecad’s suggested and followed the steps from this post?

Tesla wrote:



….now working, I reset my car satnav map home location (Tesla M3), deleted the ovo app, profile and ovo charge anytime account, then re-registered and reset the whole lot back up, and it’s now working and giving discount upon charging. 



If this doesn’t fix the issue then reach out to the team on 0330 175 9678 (option 2 for existing customers) or They’ll check your account and troubleshoot the issue with you. 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • December 18, 2024


I have today changed from a 2021 Xc60 recharge to a new Xc90 recharge, 2024 and am unable to match it to the charge anytime app. I don’t think I have a smart charger, mine is a Shell Home Advanced box. Help! I really want to be able to access the benefits of Charge Anytime. 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2572 replies
  • December 19, 2024

Hey ​@Squashwalnut 

Welcome to the OVO Online Community 😊

For our compatible chargers, here's the link to find out more

For our list of compatible Charge Anytime EV’s, here’s the link to find them

Follow here for our frequently asked questions

Without a compatible charger, you should be using the Charge Anytime app not the Volvo app. 

Our list of compatible Volvo’s:



  • S60 Plug-In Hybrid (2019–2022)
  • S90 Plug-In Hybrid (2018–2021)
  • V60 Plug-In Hybrid (2013–2022)
  • V90 Plug-In Hybrid (2018–2021)
  • XC40 Plug-In Hybrid (2019–2022)
  • XC60 Plug-In Hybrid (2018–2021)
  • XC90 Plug-In Hybrid (2016–2022)
  • XC40 Recharge Pure Electric
  • C40 Recharge Pure Electric
  • EC40
  • EX40

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • December 19, 2024

Hi Emannualle. 

thank you for replying - so it appears I no longer have a compatible car or charger to take advantage of the charge anytime tariff. That is hugely frustrating and costly to me especially as only recent years of my car model are supported. Are there any plans to change this or is my only option to switch provider to one that does support my car?



  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • December 19, 2024

My dad recently bought a VW ID.4 2021 and we had some issues with the OVO charge anytime app so decided to use the app provided by the charger temporarily. The app is showing that he used £105 in November which calculates to around 13p per kWh which seems about right.

However if we go on our OVO usage it’s showing we used £360 worth of electricity, we used £40 of electricity last year so even if we minus the £105 from the car it gives us 255 for household which is ridiculous.

When I called OVO they said it looks like it’s the car which would mean our app is showing inaccurate and then I was told we were getting charged 24p per kWh. This doesn’t seem right for home charging, when we got the car early November I saw that typical home charging is around 12-15p kWh, can anyone enlighten me here? And if I search about OVO rates nowhere do I see 24p.

Also we are charging at night 90% of the time.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 29 replies
  • December 19, 2024

I don’t recognise the figures in your post.

If you use Charge Anytime you will be charged 7p per kWh. The charge for electricity is 24p per kWh and you will be credited with the discount in your next bill. The breakdown is available to view online, on a monthly basis.

To qualify for Charge Anytime you must have a smart meter and either your car or your charger (or both) must be compliant ie one of those recommended such as Indra or Ohm (there are others). Details are available on the OVO website.

i used the Charge Anytime app originally when I registered my EV (a Hyundai Kona, one of those on the recommended list albeit in Beta testing) and it was not entirely satisfactory although I did get the credits. I installed an Indra charger, de - registered vehicle with OVO and installed the Kaluza app as per the recommendation of Indra support and it works perfectly.

from my bill,  broken down monthly and displayed online my discount appears and the sums displayed both before the Indra was installed and after suggest I am being charged around 7p per kWh as expected.

i have read your post a couple of times and hope I have understood the point you are making but as I said above I do not recognise the figures you quote. The discounted rate offered by Charge Anytime is not variable ( if it is then it must be by a very small margin). One final point is that after installing the Indra I was advised to ditch the Charge Anytime app which I did and so I rely on Kaluza and the data on my OVO dashboard online.


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • December 19, 2024

Hi, thank you for taking the time to respond, that’s very helpful. The figures I’m mentioning are just my general electric usage charges shown on my OVO account, they were just for context. And the 13p kWh is the rate shown on the Monta app that I was temporarily using. My guess is that the app was showing me inaccurate charging rate because it’s just the app given by the EV charging manufacturer.

We will start using the OVO Charge Anytime app and hopefully get the 7p kWh rate, we do have a compatible car which we checked.

And if I understand correctly, the standard rate is 24p kWh which we were being charged by not using the Charge Anytime app?


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 29 replies
  • December 19, 2024

Yes that’s right. 24p per kWh is the standard rate that you pay for lighting, watching the telly, boiling a kettle etc. If you are paying that rate for charging your car then you are not getting Charge Anytime and most likely are overriding the app by instructing an immediate charge during the day when there is high demand and electricity is expensive.

I plug my car in during the day. Nothing happens. Then late in the evening when people are going to bed and turning the light out it kicks in - slowly at first - then during the night it charges my car at my chargers fastest rate  and the cycle finishes before sunrise. I mention this as your original post suggested that you were seeking a charge during the day. If that’s right and you were getting one, you were overriding Charge Anytime and paying the full rate.

i hope the techies at OVO agree with my interpretation of how the system works. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • December 19, 2024

Okay I see, it makes sense now. Basically because my dad is a full time Uber driver he needs his car to be charge reliably in the morning and we didn’t understand how the smart charging worked so even if we were charging overnight we would just override it which is why we were not getting the low rate, we thought just because we were charging it at night we would get the lower rate.

But we will try to use the scheduling/smart feature on the charge anytime app from now on and see how it goes, thanks again.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 29 replies
  • December 19, 2024

I think all you need to do is set an end time, plug it in and let it do the business over night.


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