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Why is my SMETS2 Chameleon In Home Display (IHD6) no longer showing data, a few weeks after smart meter was installed?

I moved across to a smart meter on 22 July 20.  The IHD is a Chameleon display, and it was all working fine for the first few weeks barring the odd blank screen which having read around the threads was expected as some work was done in the background to commission my meters etc. 

I came home from work late Friday night, 21 Aug, to find that while the meter was still functioning, pretty much every single bit of data was now showing up as blank, this after it had been working for the first few weeks.  It’s not a communication issue - it’s on the kitchen window ledge, something like 6 feet from the pantry where the meters are, and it has been working fine until now.  Having checked the meters themselves they seem to be working ok and have readings on them that look sensible.  

Any ideas on the IHD?  I’ve attached a couple of photos to show what I mean.  Thanks in advance.



Best answer by Transparent

Updated on 16/07/24 by Emmanuelle_OVO:


As well as the advice below - check out this related topic to understand why you may be having communication issues with your Chameleon In-Home Display (IHD).


Melchett wrote:
Transparent wrote:

The language of the on-screen messages is slightly different. But overall I think this is the same as we’ve been discussing on the Topic about Waiting for current data.

Just have a look at your Communications Hub and see what indicators are flashing at what rates. You should see a slow flash rate on all 5 LEDs (except the Mesh, which is probably off). I’ve drawn a graphic here of the three fault-conditions which replace the slow-flash when an error is detected.


Hi @Transparent 

As you suggest, there’s 4 slow flashing green lights, with the Mesh light not flashing.





You did well to catch them at the flash on-state! :slight_smile:

So both the (WNC) Comms Hub and the IHD are happy that they’ve got a live Home Area Network. It’s just that data isn’t being transferred between them.

The possibilities are most likely to be one of:

a: Your SMETS2 meters are still receiving software updates as part of the off-site commissioning process. Have a look online at your My OVO page and see if you’ve still got sensible readings on the Usage section.

b: Someone in OVO’s programming team has introduced an error when writing the code-upgrade suite. This has resulted in a software upgrade for a Chameleon IHD3 being sent to your IHD6, and it’s sulking.

c: It’s one of those bizarre latch-ups which happen occasionally. We already know that it can be stimulated back to life by sending a SMETS-reset or Meter-Xread command. See this dialogue between a senior OVO engineer and a customer in spring this year.

d: It will self-correct just like most of the rest of the Waiting for current data reports. But if you want to speed it up, you can contact OVO and ask them to have a look. The IHD will detect the conversation and pretend it was functioning all along. We don’t yet know why this happens, but please try to resist throwing it across the room because they don’t bounce too well. :wink:


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80 replies

  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • August 31, 2019
What a great smart meter NOT. just had it installed all working fine ten minutes after the engineer left the IHD went crazy and now all its saying now waiting for current data. I should have just keep my old meter at least it worked.

so is it a record that the IHD only worked for just over ten minutes.

can any one beat ten minutes

Carbon Cutter**
  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • August 31, 2019
Welcome to the WFCD club spencer67. It's not an elite club though, there are lots of us who are playing the waiting game.

Technically 10 minutes is not a Roy Castle moment as the podium is crowded with those who have IHDs that have worked for zero minutes.

OVO are reassuring us that a Fixit is imminent, Whether it arrives before Brexit remains to be seen.

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 115 replies
  • September 2, 2019

Updated on 03/03/2020


Sorry to hear your IHD stopped working so soon after install, @spencer67@Barnabee is right there is a firmware update due for SMETS2 meters that should fix all issues.

If I'm off the mark here and you have a 1st generation smart meter please reach out to our team. (I tweaked the title of your post to help other users)

You can send us a message on Facebook, Twitter, webchat via the Help Centre, or give them a call. You can reach our Customer Care team 9-5 Monday-Friday on 0330 303 5063.


Carbon Cutter*
  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • September 7, 2019
My IHD has not been properly functioning (it shows gas usage data but not electric) for at least 12 weeks now. OVO has informed me that a firmware update is coming that will fix the issue. However, there is no indication of when this firmware update is being pushed out. Makes the IHD relatively useless until this is resolved.

  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • September 8, 2019
had my electricity Smart Meter installed yesterday and was provided the IHD
It was working fine until i noticed last night it had restarted. Thought this was maybe an overnight thing as id just had the meter installed.

Ive noticed today however that it restarts every minute, showing the three lights and “welcome to your energy monitor” and doesn't show me anything because it doesn't get chance to connect to my meter.

anyone got any ideas what could be happening it if i can fix it?

its plugged in all the time but if i unplug it, after the minute it shuts down instead of restarting.

OVO Staff
  • OVO Staff
  • 95 replies
  • September 10, 2019
We're only able to update a limited amount of devices at any one time, @KennethS, we've started rolling out the update so hopefully yours will be sorted soon! 🙂

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 171 replies
  • September 10, 2019
Hi @cal_akerz

If you're unplugging it, then it'll lose power and will likely have disconnected from your meters.

I'd advise giving the team a call on 0330 303 5063 so they can help you re-pair your IHD with your meters.

Hope this helps!

Carbon Cutter*
  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • September 18, 2019
Any update on timeframe? The weeks just keep passing....

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 115 replies
  • September 19, 2019
Not just yet, @KennethS, as soon as we get any further info we'll update you!

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • October 12, 2019
We changed to OVO back in April 2019. The IHD stopped working within hours and we were told a replacement would be with us within 5 weeks. HAHAHA! Since then we have had two similar promises and now our emails are ignored. The whole point of a "SMART" meter is to allow consumption to be closely monitored and controlled via an IHD. As we enter Autumn - Winter that is now even more important. OVOs failure to fix this problem after many months shows just how disinterested they really are in allowing consumers to monitor and control their consumption and control their carbon footprint. Their promises are just the usual b******t!

OVO Staff
  • OVO Staff
  • 95 replies
  • October 15, 2019

It may be that a new device isn’t needed, @joharper, we may just have to send a remote update to the IHD to resolve the issue.


We’d need to take a closer look into this, send us a message on Facebook or Twitter with your name, DoB and account number. If you don’t use social media, message us through webchat via the Help Centre.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • October 19, 2019

I sent you via email my name, dob and account number so can i have answer to my question now please,


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1866 replies
  • October 23, 2019

Did you get a reply to this email, @joharper ? Curious to find out what happened here…. :thinking:

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • October 23, 2019

Yes I got a reply. The usual stuff about rolling out a fix. I have been waiting for this “fix” for over six months so forgive me for being a little bit disbelieving. I will be walking if this “Fix” has not rolled in my direction by the end of November!

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • November 21, 2019


I have just had a SMETS2 installed on Tuesday this week and within 2 days it has failed. I woke up this morning to find my energy monitor display was searching for the meter and then rebooted. It continues to do this unless I switch it off. The energy monitor is plugged in at this point and when I unplug it, the energy monitor display will switch off instead of rebooting.

I have looked at the meter and the radio and WI-FI lights are flashing simultaneously.

I’m a little disappointed with this and hope it is a one off, but after searching the internet, it appears it could be a common fault.

How can this be fixed?

OVO Staff
  • OVO Staff
  • 95 replies
  • November 22, 2019

That’s not good to hear, @Nick_B, we had a similar topic on this so I moved your query here. Take a look at the best answer at the top for more help with this!

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • November 22, 2019

Good luck with that Nick. We had the same problem 9 months ago when our meter was installed. Every few weeks when we chase up the fix we were promised 9 months ago, we get the same rubbish trotted out: “the fix is being rolled out and your turn will be soon”. Clearly that is b******t! Your meter is new and you have the same problem. I would love to hear from OVO customers who have actually had this problem fixed…...are there any out there? If we do not get a date for fixing the IHD soon we plan to vote with our feet and move to a different provider. We are fed up being misled!

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • November 22, 2019

I’m thinking the same now Jo. I would have thought that if an update was being rolled out 2 months ago, the new units would be supplied updated? If I’d known the displays were going to be useless I’d not have got a smart meter installed. OVO’s push for us to have these installed was so we could monitor our usage to assist us to reduce our carbon footprints. I’m guessing OVO aren’t really that interested in us being able to do this and just want to be able to monitor our usage and adjust the meter settings remotely.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • November 22, 2019

I agree with what you say Nick. Will be interesting to see what OVO have to say...if anything. Usually it is to ask for my DOB and address so they can check it out...then nothing! 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • November 22, 2019

I had a phone call from OVO this afternoon funny enough, asking if I was home as they wanted to repair the meter with the display. I said no I’m at work, and we arranged for them to call me at 5:45pm tonight. I finished work early to get home for 5.30pm to make sure I didn’t miss the call and I’m still waiting for it...

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • November 22, 2019

Let us all know if you get the call and if it produces a result. 

My smart metr installation went like a dream two weeks ago. IHD working perfectly - great!. Now for three days gas usage has shown as zero. I emailed OVO and magically, it’s now working.


Is this really magic or does my meter have an intermittent problem?

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 115 replies
  • December 20, 2019

It sounds like there may have been an dip in the meter communication, @Yorkshire Tyke, this seems to have righted itself. If this continues please reach out to the team. 


Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • August 23, 2020

Interesting @Melchett That’s a Chameleon IHD6. I didn’t know that OVO had changed to them instead of the IHD3 units.

The language of the on-screen messages is slightly different. But overall I think this is the same as we’ve been discussing on the Topic about Waiting for current data.

Just have a look at your Communications Hub and see what indicators are flashing at what rates. You should see a slow flash rate on all 5 LEDs (except the Mesh, which is probably off). I’ve drawn a graphic here of the three fault-conditions which replace the slow-flash when an error is detected.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 21 replies
  • August 23, 2020
Transparent wrote:

The language of the on-screen messages is slightly different. But overall I think this is the same as we’ve been discussing on the Topic about Waiting for current data.

Just have a look at your Communications Hub and see what indicators are flashing at what rates. You should see a slow flash rate on all 5 LEDs (except the Mesh, which is probably off). I’ve drawn a graphic here of the three fault-conditions which replace the slow-flash when an error is detected.


Hi @Transparent 

As you suggest, there’s 4 slow flashing green lights, with the Mesh light not flashing.




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