Do you get any error codes or status codes by any chance? If you could also show us a photo of the system status screen, that would be extremely helpful.
Ahh ok, I see you’ve got the CAD features set up as well. That means if needed, I can call in some extra help from a Geo rep who stops by here a lot.
To me though, this suggests a problem with the Comms Hub above your electric meter. Could you show me photos of the electric meter as well please? I might be able to gather further clues from it.
Thanks, I will grab a photo of the meter, but I should say at this point that I’m not quite an Ovo customer yet. I’m still with SSE until they finish transferring my account over. So if it is the meter itself I should get onto them.
When it first happened I assumed it was a glitch in the in-home display
No worries. This forum is open to everyone, regardless of whether you’re an OVO member and we’ll always help you out as best we can. The only real difference is that because we know OVO’s platforms better than we do everyone else’s platforms, we can sometimes help a little bit more if you’re with OVO than we can otherwise.
I have ways of doing a certain level of diagnostics and @kevinmcintyre09 has been helping us out recently with Geo IHDs as he’s that Geo rep I mentioned. OVO uses Chameleon so not many of us have Geo experience yet. But no doubt Kevin will be able to give us a lot of tips to fill in the void. This might be a good one for him as well actually. :)
Thanks both for the welcome and I’m taking a look at that link now. I hadn’t realised the speed the lights flash gives more information.
Meanwhile I think I really should report it to SSE since it’s looking like it’s a meter issue and presumably they can access it directly/send commands.
Hi @Panikos Could you message me directly, with WiFi Mac address, as it looks like you have our IHD with WiFi.
Generally all IHDs only reflect what they are being told about the smart metering network.
If you go to the menu, then settings, look for WiFi menu. Once you are in this screen there is a button that says something like WiFi info, select that and you see some further WiFi info. One of them will be the WiFi Mac address.
I've just come back from holiday 21st May and my IHD is exhibiting exactly the same behaviour (Electric and Gas). I don't have gas and indeed can't have gas in my flat as the properties in the block are not piped up for it.
It seems a software update has been rolled out that has now instructed the IHD and Smart meter to show duel fuel tariffs.
A bit pointless when I only have one fuel. (Electric). Hopefully a future update will correct this anomaly
Our IHDs only show gas if we are told there is gas as part of metering system config. It is not the starting point for an IHD to assume there is gas.
I am not entirely sure what would happen if we were told there was a gas meter and told again there was not.
As you can imagine the meter config should not change.
Fair enough. However where I live the postcode area is specific to our apartment complex. None of the apartments have gas, so I guess whoever reconfigured the meter in the past few days has sent out the wrong data specifically to show dual fuel.
Most of the apartment's including ours are on economy 7 tariffs, regardless of energy provider. When my account was moved from SSE to OVO back in December the meter was wrongly configured to a single rate tariff but then subsequently corrected a couple of weeks later.
@Andrew CS and @Panikos can you both message me with your WiFi mac address. This can be found by going to the menu, then Settings, WiFi network, then WiFi info. If you have WiFi in your devices.
If no WiFi menu, then just the serial numbers from the bottom of the device, just remove the stand to see it.
We can have a look with our DCC adaptor and see if we can learn anything more.
Also can you both let me know which supplier you are with.
@Andrew CS and @Panikos can you both message me with your WiFi mac address. This can be found by going to the menu, then Settings, WiFi network, then WiFi info. If you have WiFi in your devices.
If no WiFi menu, then just the serial numbers from the bottom of the device, just remove the stand to see it.
We can have a look with our DCC adaptor and see if we can learn anything more.
Also can you both let me know which supplier you are with.
Hi Kevin,
I have the non WiFi IHD display serial no: TL520340648182
I was formerly with SSE and was migrated over to OVO in December.
Did you manage to get to the bottom of this one, @kevinmcintyre09 and @Andrew CS.
We’re keen to hear if there’s a wider issue at play or whether our Support Team managed to get to the bottom of things.
Unfortunately not. My In Home display, still shows a split screen with a Gas section saying waiting for data and all the sub menus relating to gas greyed out.
No surprise really as I don't have gas or a gas meter.
I’d recommend reaching out to our Support Team to flag this if you haven’t already. Have you been logging in to your online account to check the smart meter usage data we’re receiving?
My meter is now doing the same as others in this thread. It was fine for weeks, showing current electicity usage (excuse the pun) and daily consumption. Now half the screen is wasted showing my non-existant gas supply as "awaiting data*, Is there a solution to this?
Could you grab the Status Code from the gas on that system status screen? If you navigate to Gas and tap the circle button you’ll get a code. Please give me that code and in return I’ll be happy to tell you what it means and what to do.
Geo entrusted the full list to me in order to make it easier for me to help others, so I know it’s accurate.
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