Why did I get an email from ovo saying I need to have at least 14 weekday readings, so do not qualify last month even though I can see 18 weekday,listing of Half hourly readings, for the month?
Though not specific to powermove or Plus the above posts have prompted me to post.
Forum Managers please note, repost this as you see fit to a suitable heading, but please do not delete as the issues need airing.
OVO allready has one of the lowest ratings for customer service among the providers, I post this in an effort to help change that
1. This Forum purports to be about assisting customers with their queries etc. about green energy and the relationship with OVO. There are some Forum Members ( No Names) who say they do not want the site to become a complaints page. Surely the whole purpose of any Forum between it’s customers and the company should have an element of collating similar problems and getting a timely resolution. The managersa of the Forum are derelict in their duty if they are not flagging this to the company, and If they are already doing so then the company is failing us in its lack of response.
- I am a net annual green energy supplier to (Now ) OVO , and also a high volume user in the winter months. I have been in dispute with OVO since well before Christmas and due to a lack of response on all OVO’s part, Including Ramans Office, have had to resort to the ombudsman! I am not asking for a response here on the Forum to that position but believe OVO could be well advised to, with the help of the Forum and it’s seniors, provide a better response to customers.
- All of these Schemes, Power Move, Power Move Plus, Enforced Smart meters etc.etc. IMHO are just part of a large plot/ploy by the powers that be to remove the individuals control of their own needs as far as electricity and gas goes. CONSPIRACY THEORY? maybe maybe not bot how long before they tell us when we can and can’t use our power?
- What Most Customers really need from their Electricity and Gas Provider is a ,”does what it says on the Box” Provide clean electricity and Gas at a reasonable cost, with Fair and accurate billing and prompt payments where money owed. Anything else is just costly froth!
Though not specific to powermove or Plus the above posts have prompted me to post.
Forum Managers please note, repost this as you see fit to a suitable heading, but please do not delete as the issues need airing.
OVO allready has one of the lowest ratings for customer service among the providers, I post this in an effort to help change that
1. This Forum purports to be about assisting customers with their queries etc. about green energy and the relationship with OVO. There are some Forum Members ( No Names) who say they do not want the site to become a complaints page. Surely the whole purpose of any Forum between it’s customers and the company should have an element of collating similar problems and getting a timely resolution. The managersa of the Forum are derelict in their duty if they are not flagging this to the company, and If they are already doing so then the company is failing us in its lack of response.
- I am a net annual green energy supplier to (Now ) OVO , and also a high volume user in the winter months. I have been in dispute with OVO since well before Christmas and due to a lack of response on all OVO’s part, Including Ramans Office, have had to resort to the ombudsman! I am not asking for a response here on the Forum to that position but believe OVO could be well advised to, with the help of the Forum and it’s seniors, provide a better response to customers.
- All of these Schemes, Power Move, Power Move Plus, Enforced Smart meters etc.etc. IMHO are just part of a large plot/ploy by the powers that be to remove the individuals control of their own needs as far as electricity and gas goes. CONSPIRACY THEORY? maybe maybe not bot how long before they tell us when we can and can’t use our power?
- What Most Customers really need from their Electricity and Gas Provider is a ,”does what it says on the Box” Provide clean electricity and Gas at a reasonable cost, with Fair and accurate billing and prompt payments where money owed. Anything else is just costly froth!
I generally agree with much of your comment and you’re right that being able to collate similar problems or ideas for improvement is a great help which I would hope the forum can help with.
I think one of the negatives is the throw away comment, more fit to broader social media and instances where the poster believes this to be a direct link for account issues - no one here can access user accounts, OVO moderators or otherwise.
Having worked alongside the electrical industry for most of my working life , I know from what I’ve seen that the UK infrastructure is lacking in being able to deliver the higher level of power being demanded by the introduction of EV’s alongside the desire to change heating to lower carbon emission fuels and so we are in a state (I believe) of needing to measure, understand and better plan for improvements in power links to enable that to happen. The Power Move Plus initiative from National Grid is an example of researching if users can be encouraged to move from using at peak times although I still believe that eventually cost will be the deciding factor and pricing will follow according to time of use.
I am of an age where I remember plain and simple energy delivery and billing - although they were not always straightforward depending on the supplier even then.
I wasn’t expecting any forum Member, managers or otherwise, to access any member accounts, I am a former senior engineer myself, but not from the power industry, Of course a supplier such as national grid will need to assess the impacts of energy use but they have been placed in this position by insufficient funding by successive regimes since the 70’s. The problem is not going to go away anytime soon as despite all the hype the great green revolution is just pouring into others pocket. Unfortunately I myself am precluded from Power move as the 3 phase meter that is used on my not insignificant solar array is deemed by OVO as Not “Smart”
That does not bother me as I am allready recompensed adequately for the energy I produce, but not including us in the “research” is skewing the figures. You are not wrong about peak time tarriffs, they are definately in the wind, but Jo public is being hoodwinked into thinking it’s all their fault. Come On Forum Members Wake up and start holding Companies/ governments etc.etc. to account, I dont mean revolution I mean Democracy!
If you want to start a revolution… This forum is probably not the ideal place for that. Try social media instead… Or you know, just set up a website of your own and do it there. I’ve done the latter before - works great! XD
Revolution not required, what is needed is simple quality products from quality companies run by quality people. End of story!
This Forum is precisely the place for it, as it is this companies customers, (Forum members and readers) that are afffected by it’s actions!
everything else is just Flim Flam which ends up costing us all money!
This is not a call for a revolution it is a call to get back to good old fashioned values and ways of doing things and only changing that when there is proven value in doing so, stood us in good stead till the 80’s but has gone steadily down hill since then. IMHO.
No personal attacks intended in this post!
Well, from experience the threads that perform best here are ones that genuinely help folks out, such as this one. Disclaimer: That thread is one of my own creations and is probably some of my best work that I’ve ever posted to the internet.
Most people don’t tend to read anything else that often. They usually come here only for their own reasons and then move on.
I’m sorry to hear that your account issue resulted in you having to go to the Ombudsman, this sounds like a really frustrating experience.
Power Move and Power Move Plus are optional, and only customers who wish to take part, take part.
We try to be as transparent as possible about the purpose of the Forum:
If it’s quick support or advice, or access to information on green energy and greener living from members with first hand experience, the OVO Forum has you covered.
Moderators can’t fact check all content that’s posted, so don’t take everything you read here as proven, or factual. It’s just advice, it might be out of date, inaccurate, or simply an opinion. People here are happy to help, but that doesn’t mean they will always be able to fix everything. For more info on our responsibility for content you find on the OVO Forum, see section 10 of our T&Cs here.
Thank you so much for your very kind and comprehensive (and swift!) reply, that certainly looks like a great way of viewing one’s stats. Fortunately I have the newer type of IHD, but I’m still going to look into the Ivie package, thank you again. Loop I’d heard of when I searched previously for APIs (when I was initially trying to find out what they were!), but not Ivie.
This is the other one of the regulated 3rd parties that has a good following.
There are a group of companies like Loop that simply access 30min consumption data on the smart meter often using N3nrgy. Loop uses N3nrgy
Then there are others like Ivie and Glomarkt that have IHD CAD devices that can also send data to you via their IHD CAD via your Internet connection.
Thank you for this Jeffus for sharing, this has actually helped me with my IHD
Last winter I managed to hit the target each month and received all the discounts which I was really pleased with.
This time is awful. Each week I find 2 or 3 days out of the 5 where Ovo say they can't get my data (even though on another page it says they are receiving my smart meter readings OK each day)
I haven't received the email we usually get half way through the month to tell me if I'm on target or not. So I presume because they're only getting half the readings they should, I won't be on target even though I've been doing exactly the same as last year so I'm sure I would've been within range IF they'd got all my data through.
As for power move plus, well, for the hour they gave me last Wednesday, all I had on was the tv, no lights, nothing else, ( apart from fridge and freezer of course) my target was .2 and yet I used .32 in total for that hour so to me this seems totally unachievable and a waste of time trying.
Power move plus aside, I feel so frustrated that I'm doing all I can to reach the targets for power move, but due to gremlins in the system somewhere I won't reap the benefits because Ovo are not getting all the data required. I feel like it's not worth the effort if I'm doing all this to swap my usage to hit the target and then it's all for nothing.
See if there are any days here that look like they have incomplete 30 min data
Do you know which days ovo say the data is incomplete?
The 30min data is never estimated, unlike the data on the tabs which may contain estimated data
It says tus 9th, fri 12th Mon 15th 18th 19th 22nd all like this below. There's only one weekend day (Sunday 14th) which doesn't have the data, all the other weekend days do and I know they don't count. So frustrating.
Do you use any of the third party data feeds
Incidentally it’s worth mentioning that for Power Move Plus, the time slots come from National Grid, not OVO
Thank you Jeffus and BPLightlog for all the info.
No I haven't used anything like that. I didn't even know there was such a thing lol. If I get a chance I'll look into it thank you.
To register with Glowmarkt is free of charge, but they will need you to give them permission to offer you the half hourly data from your smart meter, and will ask you on their form for the MPxN of either your smart gas meter (10 digits) or your smart electric meter (13 digits). Either of these numbers can be found easily on the newer versions of the in-home-display (IHD) unit by scrolling through your Meter Info menus. You will also need the GUID of the IHD unit itself, which you'll find printed on the base of the unit, a long alphanumeric string of characters, separated into 8 pairs by 7 hyphens; you just need to supply Glowmarkt with the 16 characters, ignore all the hyphens, and don’t mistake any zeros as upper case O!
Any queries get back to us, and the Glowmrkt support staff are really helpful, as are, in my limited experience, the staff of all these 3rd party sources of data. This is just one other good one from those available: https://hugoenergyapp.co.uk/, one of several well covered and discussed elsewhere in the forum, so have a good explore!
Good luck!
I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’ve been having this time around with the meter data.
Our volunteers have left some really good advice, let us know if you give any of the third parts apps a try.
Do you know if the meter reading schedule is set to every half hour? If not, or you’re unsure, it might be worth contacting the Support Team to have this updated.
The following is from a similar topic, I’ve also linked below to this topic so it might be worth checking that out too;
“Our Power Move team have automated systems that determine if we have enough half hourly data to work with for that month.
- We need 48 HH meter readings per day so if the smart meter does not provide 48 it will be considered a non-communicating meter for that day
- We have a 1pm daily cut off and if the data arrives after (for the previous day) then it would not be captured so it would be classified as a non-communicating meter for that day even if they would see the usage in their account”
Keep us updated with how you get on.
I just wanted to post this month's update. Once again Ovo have sent the email saying unfortunately they haven't received enough days of data to work out my power move usage this month. They say they need at least 14 week day readings. I have looked at my account, and from the 6th Feb (when my months bill starts) up to today I have 16 weekday readings and only a few days where there's no data, and I still have tomorrow - monday, and Tues before the new months bill. So I have the potential to have 17 or 18 days IF it works tomorrow and Tues. So I don't get how ovo say they haven't got the readings. I am sick of it now. Last winter, all the readings went through OK and I got every month's target. This winter I've been doing the same as last year, worked out my usage and done the maths and it looks to me like I would've reached the target IF they'd received the usage data. I'm not putting off cooking my evening meal and putting lights on etc til 7pm anymore. You put yourself out each weekday to hit the targets only to be shot down in flames each month being told they've not got enough data when I can see they have. I'm done with it.
… they've not got enough data when I can see they have.
Don’t forget the other criterion: late arrival of the HH data. This is what OVO said last time you complained about this:
Sadly, neither we nor OVO have any control over either of these, so some users like you will be just unlucky.
Today I received an email from OVO telling me that due to my Smart Meter not sending the relevant information at certain times that I would not be receiving my Power Move Credit this month.
So how come I can see my daily consumption/cost for the last three months on my usage account?????
My smart meter reader is situated by the exterior wall of my lounge half a meter from the the electricty meter which is installed on the outside of my lounge wall. If my readings are erratic one has to question the equipment provided. Personally I don’t believe a word of it.
I am so tired of these high profit large companies pretending to act in you best interest when in reality the only real interest is the interest paid to themselves and their investors.
Today I am looking into moving to Octopus.
This is what they sent me:
During March your smart meter failed to send us readings at certain times, so we couldn’t see the full picture of your electricity use. |
Unfortunately this means you won’t receive a Power Move credit this month. |
Well l don’t understand that at all. l just got an email to say l didn't meet targets for march it is quite hard at times. I do use appliances different times when they suggest to. not always is it easy. like we having a cuppa why should you go without.
The device in your lounge is NOT the Smart Meter, but the IHD. The one on the wall? That’s actually the electric meter itself which is also the Smart Meter.
This is a matter beyond OVO’s reasonable control - and will also be beyond the control of any supplier. If the WAN signal is poor in your area, things may struggle. Only DCC can fix this, OVO cannot.
The data must arrive with OVO by 1pm the following day in order to be “in-time” for the Power Move calculations to run. If it doesn’t arrive by then, that day is treated as having no data. One or two in a month aren’t a big deal, but too many will trip the failsafe.
This is a matter beyond OVO’s reasonable control - and will also be beyond the control of any supplier. If the WAN signal is poor in your area, things may struggle. Only DCC can fix this, OVO cannot.
That's a good point, but can also have its own issues. For reasons that I've still not had an answer from OVO about my gas meter readings work as you'd expect, and can be viewed on third party apps like Loop, Ivie, etc due to the DCC access. My electric meter, for reasons known only to itself, is sending readings to OVO but not via the DCC it seems. So I can't access my data via a third party, not I assume switch suppliers because they wouldn't be able to get my readings. WAN is obviously fine since the gas readings go through OK, LAN must be ok too for the same reason. All communication goes through the electric meter so I'm stumped as to how the meter that sends the information doesn't seem to be sending its own data.
I seem to be stuck at the moment in a OVO blame DCC and DCC blame OVO type loop.
I've had my Power Move £15 every month. No problem at all.
Morning. Just used it and got no errors but did see these warnings:
Communication Device: Firmware Age: 2 2030D680] (number of newer versions available)
- Warning: Communication firmware is older than expected (greater than 1) - Could indicate a communication problem
Security Expiry Date: 2023-08-30 00:00:00
- Warning: Security Certification will expire in less than 3 months or has already expired
The same security certification warning was on both meters too. Other than those, no other warnings or errors.
I had a long email back and forth with Ivie when I first noticed I could no longer access my data and they essentially said the DCC wasn't getting the electric meter readings and that the supplier has other means if getting the smart meter data. I took that as "No idea, go away now"
In that case, flag this via https://smart-meter-help.ovoenergy.com if you haven’t already. What you’re seeing there isn’t meant to happen.
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