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Insufficient Weekday readings for Power Move, even though my meter is sending readings

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  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 18 replies
  • April 3, 2024

OVO need to send an engineer to check your meters are installed and functioning correctly otherwise they cannot possibly bill you correctly or accurately.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7883 replies
  • April 3, 2024
Denzo1965 wrote:

It is a complete wast of time this energy credit if you use below such and such. My will for this month was just over £40 and most of that is standing charges as i have not been home much as i have been looking after my mother at hers and i still failed to hit the target. I am going to move myself to another company 

Moving elsewhere won’t make Standing Charges much lower.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2002 replies
  • April 3, 2024
mozzie55 wrote:

During March your smart meter failed to send us readings at certain times, so we couldn’t see the full picture of your electricity use.

There are a couple of constraints, without which the system would probably break for everybody:

  1. For a day to qualify, OVO must receive 48 half-hourly usage figures. If there is even only one half-hour’s data missing, the whole day’s data are discarded.
  2. For a day to qualify, OVO must receive its half-hourly usage figures before 1PM. 

You can check (1) by looking at the table on the Day usage page online. Any gaps there render the day ineligible for the reward calculation.

(2) is not so easy to check unless you look for the data at hourly intervals. At the moment (11:30AM on 3 April), there’s no sign of my usage figures for yesterday. I’ve not given up hope yet. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 279 replies
  • April 3, 2024

Hi @Denzo1965, if you’ve been away from home quite a bit, that won’t have helped your Power Move, I’m afraid.  It doesn’t reward low usage as such: your usage will have been quite flat and quite low over each 24-hr weekday as you’ve been away caring for your mother. What Power Move rewards is when weekday peak hours usage gets below a certain proportion of your overall weekday usage.  It’s that weekday proportion that’s the key thing, not whether or not the overall 24 hour weekday usage can be classed as low.


Hope you and your mother are doing well…you could always have a fresh go at Power Move this month?  Just don’t forget to daily (or nearly every day, at any rate) check your OVO account pages for your half-hourly weekday usage figures…it’s important to keep track of those to see where your patterns of usage could be maximised (i.e. that crucial weekday percentage). And you don’t have to be at home to check your online account if you or your Mother have a suitable phone or device that you can log on with.

Community Moderator
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  • 733 replies
  • April 3, 2024
mozzie55 wrote:

Today I received an email from OVO telling me that due to my Smart Meter not sending the relevant information at certain times that I would not be receiving my Power Move Credit this month.

So how come I can see my daily consumption/cost for the last three months on my usage account?????



Hi @mozzie55,

I’m sorry to hear that you missed out our your Power Move credit this month. Unfortunately the trial does have strict criteria regarding the reporting of your usage, you can find out more on the Power Move FAQ page.

I would recommend carrying out a smart meter health check. This will help ensure it doesn’t happen again. If you are having any further issues our support team is always on hand to help look into this further with you and book any site visits necessary. 

I hope this helps!

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 19 replies
  • April 3, 2024
Blastoise186 wrote:

The device in your lounge is NOT the Smart Meter, but the IHD. The one on the wall? That’s actually the electric meter itself which is also the Smart Meter.

This is a matter beyond OVO’s reasonable control - and will also be beyond the control of any supplier. If the WAN signal is poor in your area, things may struggle. Only DCC can fix this, OVO cannot.

The data must arrive with OVO by 1pm the following day in order to be “in-time” for the Power Move calculations to run. If it doesn’t arrive by then, that day is treated as having no data. One or two in a month aren’t a big deal, but too many will trip the failsafe.

What does WAN, and DCC stand for (and OVO for that matter😉😊)

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7883 replies
  • April 3, 2024

WAN is the Wide Area Network, used for the links between your house and the upstream network. DCC, or Data Communications Company is the network that ultimately links suppliers (and others) to all the Smart Meters around the UK.

OVO means From the very beginning in Latin.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • April 4, 2024

I had the same. My smart meter didn't send enough readings. Very convenient that. For over a year I couldn't even log into the *edited by moderator* website so I missed the Summer Saver which I would have smashed! Ahh well. There are worse companies out there.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7883 replies
  • April 5, 2024

As we’ve said before, the fact that your meter didn’t send the readings in is 99% of the time beyond OVO’s reasonable control.

Try - this tool might help diagnose and fix that.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • April 5, 2024
Blastoise186 wrote:

As we’ve said before, the fact that your meter didn’t send the readings in is 99% of the time beyond OVO’s reasonable control.

Try - this tool might help diagnose and fix that.

I don’t believe that my meter is faulty, intermitent readings are due to momentary drops in the WiFi signal, which happen during peak times.

I have cut my consumption in half since the price hike and this is evident from my previous years usage so why not introduce a scheme that is relevant to that.

I am so frugal with my energy consumption now that I would actually have to increase my consumption outside of the Power Move times to show a noticeable difference during the Power Move time.

Anyway I am past caring now. Just another example of politicians answers, you know, the one’s that answer the question to get them off the hook but doesn’t actually solve the problem. 


Community Moderator
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  • 733 replies
  • April 5, 2024

Hi @mozzie55

I understand your frustrations. The challenge is designed to reduce the load on the overall energy infrastructure. As you have pointed out, you are a lower user in terms of consumption, so meeting the challenge would be more difficult as you already use so little. There may be challenges or incentives in the future that are more suited to your usage.

I’m sorry we don’t have a better answer to help you now, but as it doesn’t cost anything to enter the challenges, you are always welcome to participate!


Tron Burgundy
Carbon Cutter*****
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 43 replies
  • April 5, 2024
mozzie55 wrote:


I am so frugal with my energy consumption now that I would actually have to increase my consumption outside of the Power Move times to show a noticeable difference during the Power Move time.


So do that.  It’s what I did.  I did around 10 washloads extra because I worked out it would essentially be payed and give money back.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • April 5, 2024

Tron Burgundy, that is shameful, man’s time on this planet is in jeopardy and you are more interested in making a few bob out of it whist you can. I am old and will hopefully not live to see the devastation as global warming increases but I fear for my grandchildren and great grandchildren and what the future holds for them. 

I do however thank you for your honesty but it is a sad fact that all the time that ‘man’ puts more importance on money than it does on looking after the very planet that we live on, then there really is very little hope.

I am not having a go at you and I wish you well.




Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7883 replies
  • April 5, 2024

The idea of Power Move isn’t purely about money. Most people just think that it is.

It actually has benefits of reducing fossil fuel usage - that’s the real purpose.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • April 5, 2024

Yes but if people like Tron Burgundy are increasing their energy consumption outside of the Power Move purely to reap the rewards then the whole point of the Power Move falls apart.

Like I said before, there are statistics for typical energy consumption relevant to the size of property and number of people in it.

A more efficient and realistic scheme would be to use a sliding scale, those who use less than average would receive a discount, those who use the average would be charged as normal and those who use above average would be charged more,

Like you say, the point is to reduce the use of fossil fuels but the scheme is badly flawed and is open to abuse and as such does the opposite.

Still nothing in life is perfect, is it?



Tron Burgundy
Carbon Cutter*****
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 43 replies
  • April 5, 2024

I did all the extra washloads because it was a load of stored clothes and bedding that had mould on it from storage and it needed to be washed.  I did it in a smart way.

My energy usage is really low.  The tracker says I use 50% less than typical households my size.

This month is going to be the real issue as I’m not doing the power move and I’ll be using electricity just like every other household so will be using it at the peak time.

The idea of me being a squanderous planet destroyer is hilarious, but I love being a forum villain so I might play up to that.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • April 6, 2024

Hi Tron Burgundy, I apologise, in my defense the way it was worded sounded as if you were using energy unnecesarily purely to get the reward and clearly you are not but I am sure there are many out there doing exactly that because the scheme lends itself to that loophole. I had actually arrived at that thought myself.

I was not having a go at you but trying to point out to OVO that their scheme is flawed and with the intermittent readings disqualifying people, it is also unfair.

We and the planet would benefit from a sliding scale that gives low users a discount for using below the average consumptuon and high users a penalty for using above the average.

That would be a fair and effective way to get people to cut down.

So my message to Ovo is this, implement a scheme that actually helps reduce the use of all fuels 24/7 because even sustainable fuel does damage, instead of using a scheme that is open to abuse.

Since discovering that I can be disqualified by my wi-fi signal glitching I feel that there is little point in even trying to comply and I cannot be alone with that thought.

I will continue to be a low consumer for the sake of the planet, my grandchildren and great grandchildren and I hope that OVO will at least consider the points made and implement a scheme that actually makes a difference and that actually encourages all to use their energy as economically as possible.

My apologies again for misunderstanding your original post.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7883 replies
  • April 6, 2024

A scheme like that won’t work without significant safeguards - not least because it punishes vulnerable customers with things like medical equipment that uses a lot of go juice.

You can’t just apply blanket rules like that.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2002 replies
  • April 6, 2024
mozzie55 wrote:

… a sliding scale that gives low users a discount for using below the average consumptuon and high users a penalty for using above the average.


There are many customers who are high users out of necessity: electric heating in no-gas areas costs several times more than gas heating, for example. Another class of high-usage customers consists of those with energy-guzzling medical equipment at home, like a dialysis machine or an air purifier. I don’t think you’d want to penalize this sort of customer.


mozzie55 wrote:

...I can be disqualified by my wi-fi signal glitching


This has nothing to do with your wi-fi. Smart meters connect over their own network: in the South, this uses equipment and signals similar to those used by the mobile phone system, while in Scotland and England north of a line roughly from the Mersey to the Humber, it uses long-range radio. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2002 replies
  • April 7, 2024
Firedog wrote:


  1.  For a day to qualify, OVO must receive its half-hourly usage figures before 1PM. 

… At the moment (11:30AM on 3 April), there’s no sign of my usage figures for yesterday. I’ve not given up hope yet.

Those figures eventually turned up at 9PM, which should mean that the day would be disregarded for PM purposes. So long as this this doesn’t happen too often (leaving fewer than 14 days’-worth of data), it may not have been to my disadvantage. See what happens when a day of less good performance is discarded:


[I hope no-one gets the idea of putting a biscuit tin over the meter one day when he really wants to over-indulge during the peak period, with a view to preventing the signal from getting out and so causing the day’s data to be disregarded 😉]


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7883 replies
  • April 7, 2024

Doing that would trigger tamper detection. And guess what happens when you trigger tamper detection? Yup, you can get automatically self-disconnected! Muhahahahahaha

Mind you… It could also be a rather shocking experience too… XD

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2002 replies
  • April 17, 2024
Firedog wrote:

Those figures eventually turned up at 9PM, which should mean that the day would be disregarded for PM purposes. 


… which proved to be the case. I just received the mid-month email saying that “Your average use during peak times is 5.32%”. This matches my own calculations for 15 April (5.322%), so long as I disregard the data for 2 April when the usage figures were delayed. If they hadn’t been disregarded, my percentage would have been 5.634. 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2002 replies
  • April 17, 2024
Blastoise186 wrote:

Doing that would trigger tamper detection. And guess what happens when you trigger tamper detection? Yup, you can get automatically self-disconnected! 


So if the builder inadvertently propped a sheet of corrugated iron up against the wall where my meter happens to be while mending the roof, this would disconnect my electricity supply? I find that hard to believe.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 39 replies
  • August 14, 2024

Anyone else having this problem? I can get my daily usage manually from the meter readings page but that doesn't help as I need the half hourly usage page in order to know if I've kept within the 6.5%!  Grrrr!

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 39 replies
  • August 14, 2024

Whoops! subject error,  couldn't edit, sorry! 


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