Great to see our resident smart meter usage data analyst, @Simon1D has already helped to explain the discrepancies you’ve noticed between the usage figures on your In-Home Display and the usage pages of your online account, @Paul_Bedfordshire.
It’s worth calling out that both your IHD and these usage pages may be affected by intermittent signal issues and therefore the daily consumption figures may not be 100% accurate throughout the month (as Simon has well-documented!). Any time we do re-gain connection with your meters you may notice your charges or daily usage figures are corrected based on the up-to date smart meter usage data we’ve received.
If the signal issues continue for more than 5 days it’s worth taking a look at this guide which helps to diagnose signal issues via your online account.
Let us know if this helps, or if you notice any further discrepancies. It’s really helpful to others who may find this topic in future too!
I didn’t see the bill, trusting my flatmate’ s word since they are out. But they also mentioned the price of the actual bill, and that they’ve taken double. The math adds up.
We trust you 😊
Once you have a copy of the bill and answers to the questions i am sure between us we will start to get better idea and can ask some more specific questions.
@Blastoise186 i am sure will also have useful questions. He is great at these sort of things
You’ll be billed to the meter readings sent from the Smart Meters themselves (not the In Home Display IHD).
If you check the statement and it shows actual readings, instead of estimated readings, you can be sure the bill is correct. If the readings on the bill are estimated it might be that the smart meters aren’t in communication with us:
On top of that, let me know if you still need me! I’m a dab hand with diagnostics and I’ve got several that I can run through with you here if you’d like me to.
is it simply 2 months charges on a fixed direct debit, one for this month and one for last month. when did you move in and what is the date on the inflated charge?
My smart meter and display meter were both installed by EON but I have been with OVO now for about 5 years. I am concerned and confused that my display readings bear no resemblance at all to my OVO usage on the app
Hi @DianneW . Yes the In Home Display (IHD) can have different settings (perhaps not updated). If you can give details on which type you have, there are people on the forum who can help
I think you’ll need to log into your SSE account first. The refund option should be in there somewhere. Otherwise, you’ll need to call SSE Customer Service to request a refund.
I have a similar problem in that the daily amount I'm being charged by the app is up to 50% percent higher than the daily reading I take from my actual meter (not in home display) . For instance on Sunday 20th November 2022 the app tells me I used just over 10 kW hours of electricity whereas when I read my actual meter it showed 6 kwh. I take meter readings every day at 10 am, so my reading for Sundays usage wax taken at 10 am on Monday. My bill is due today so when I payment is taken I will check to see if the readings match my smart meter and if they don't I'll submit the correct figure and hopefully this will be corrected.
Geoff, you responded to an old thread about what appears to be a different problem. It might have been better to ask your own question using the link at the top of the page.
The different ways of seeing your readings and consumption figures vary a lot, depending on where you look. However you access these figures, the basis for them is the meter readings - at best submitted by your smart meter, or submitted manually by you or somebody else, or at worst ‘estimated’. Your meter will show the current reading, but the website and probably the app will show the starting reading for the day, i.e. what it was at 00:01 GMT. So your 10AM readings will include consumption since midnight, but the others might not - and that could be a big difference, e.g. if you have storage heaters that charge up overnight. You can see the latest daily readings at Meter readings history - OVO Energy
So long as the meter readings - which count the kWh you’re actually using from time to time - are accurate, your bills will be, too. If you’re seeing a discrepancy that can’t be explained by these remarks, something’s really wrong and it should be investigated. Please post evidence of any such discrepancy, e.g. screenshots from the website or photos of the meter itself.
When checking my usage on my Ovo account. It says as of 6 Dec Gas reading 204.6. However just photographed my actual gas meter about 1205 am on the 8th and it says 204.3 .. Why such a discrepancy between 24 hrs???
Are the two figures showing the same thing? Gas meters record gas volume which is converted to kWh for billing.
Is the later reading correct? If it is I wouldn't worry too much about one that's slightly wrong. It won't affect your overall bill.
0 replies
February 4, 2023
Not a major concern as my online account shows exactly correct but just interested why on the same day there are differing figures in the usage page. My actual daily usage showing is correct and showing for Feb to date:- see below
Shots same time of usage do not match up with:- THE FEBRUARY AMOUNTS ABOVE
Hi, just switched from Swalec and the in home display that they originally supplied me with is not showing the correct gas and electricity credit and use age. Having mobility issues, the in home display helps me keep track on my usage and credit. Is it possible to be supplied with a new Ovo in home tracker.
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