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Add ability for OVO Support Team to reset the Future Annual Consumption figures

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Plan Zero Hero
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  • February 22, 2023
Firedog wrote:


Jeffus wrote:

1. I wonder sometimes if we get confused with the Future Annual Consumption figure that OVO say they calculate, with the EAC which OVO say they don't personally calculate, but is updated as meter readings are fed into it. 

I’m certain we do! I rather thought that Future Annual Consumption (FAC) was the mandatory one, to be used for tariff comparisons and thus stored centrally for other suppliers to access. I see it on my Plan page. The EAC, which I couldn’t find anywhere when I had a quick look just now, I rather thought was the one that OVO can manipulate and then use to calculate Direct Debit suggestions. Annoyingly, neither figure is now shown on monthly statements (although I’m fairly sure it ought to be), and, on the TIL on my Renewal page, I see yet another incarnation of this figure: the Estimated Yearly Use. I suppose, because I have a smart meter that’s been churning out figures regularly for years, they all appear to be identical, if a bit out of date. Incidentally, if I look at the code behind the website’s UI, I see a similar level of confusion as far as these and similar terms are concerned.

Perhaps @Tim_OVO could explain to us the precise meanings of these various terms (inasmuch as they have precise meanings, that is!).  


Jeffus wrote:

You mentioned quarterly updates, i assume you mean the EAC? My Future Annual Consumption figure is definitely updated much more often?

No, I was referring to the quarterly DD review. The FAC appears to be updated irregularly, but about weekly. I guess that this coincides with a new batch of data being transmitted to wherever ‘industry’ lives.   


@Jeffus The whole point of my suggestion was to work around the unacceptable 6-month DD adjustment period you referred to earlier. If a more realistic estimate of current usage were used in the first place, the DD could reach an appropriate level much more quickly without the need for CS intervention, possibly as soon as the first review (after two months for new customers). 

This would of course be a temporary arrangement until the energy market settles down. Sadly, no-one is predicting when that might happen.,accurate%20this%20figure%20will%20become.

Info on when they use EAC or not

Plan Zero Hero
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  • February 22, 2023

@Jeffus  Thanks. Your Q1 mentioned confusion - I think we’ve successfully demonstrated it. Doesn’t Tim’s article describe the FAC shown on plans and the EYU shown on TILs? If not, where would I expect to see the EAC?

A search revealed lots of pages, official and otherwise, mentioning EAC. In most cases, they were referring to the Ofgem-mandated quantity, Estimated Annual Cost - a different animal altogether. 

I think I’ll just crawl back under my rock. 

Plan Zero Hero
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  • March 25, 2023

  • Carbon Cutter**
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  • March 25, 2023

particularly for the attention of Tim_OVO

I have just been referred to this entry by Jeffus who picked up my frustration on a separate entry.

I was directed to your tutorial (extract below) but can categorically say that the calculation is not operating as you set out (which would be a sensible and acceptable approach to adopt).

I do have a Smart Meter and before that reliably provided monthly meter readings throughout the time I have been with OVO (over three years) - yet despite that the forecast for my property - and more significantly the basis for your direct debit charges to me are based upon estimates that appear significantly out of date.

If as you suggest the EAC is specific to my property and is computed in line with an industry standard then it clearly is not a suitable basis for establishing the direct debit charges. I would accept the use of previous years usage, or better still last 12 months rolling average.

In the current environment where customers have had an increased awareness of energy costs and taken action to reduce their usage - continuing to charge them in line with a long term historical trend is not only incorrect but could be argued as being immoral.


  Electricity Gas  
Projected (Kwh) 13925 31715 OVO projection
2022 Actual (Kwh) 13510 31418 OVO usage data

Last 12 months (Kwh)

March 2022-February 2023

13161 30131 OVO Usage Data




What is Usage projection?


Usage projection is a figure produced by our billing system, that uses smart meter readings (if available) to project the usage for you over the next year. If you don't have a smart meter, it uses any actual meter readings obtained over the past 12 months.


If we don't have any actual meter readings within the last 12 months, we'll use your EAC and AQ (the gas equivalent of EAC) to calculate your usage projection.


Usage projections will be displayed on monthly bills and will also be used for Direct Debit check in’s and renewal quotes.


How do we update an EAC?


Whenever a new reading is submitted to the energy industry, a new EAC is calculated for us to use.


If your EAC is incorrect, you should keep sending us regular readings. As the EAC is calculated based on the entire reading history of an electricity supply (MPAN), submitting regular readings over a period of time will gradually change the EAC until it matches the member's usage. The better alternative is to get a smart meter!


There are some exceptions where we may amend the EAC in other ways (e.g. when there has been a sudden and large increase/decrease in the EAC that doesn't match the most recent readings) but these wouldn't be applied without supporting readings.


We can't contact the industry to say we want the EAC amended, so all we can do is ensure the readings are correct on an account. If you’re not sure about how we’ve calculated your Direct Debit, the best thing to do is ensure we have accurate meter readings, and book a smart meter exchange


Plan Zero Hero
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  • April 19, 2023

@Jeffus you’ve been so wonderfully on point with bringing this idea together. Can you tell me if there’s a theme you’re seeing for what seem to be inaccurate future annual consumptions? 


i.e post migration / post smart meter installation?

Plan Zero Hero
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  • April 19, 2023

Hi @Tim_OVO

I see 4 main cohorts personally. There may be others, and you could group in a variety of ways. 

1. SSE migration customers

2. Post smart meter installation or SMETS1 upgrades in a recent example. 

3. Customers who dramatically change their usage, e.g. new Solar

4. Customers who calculate their own usage pattern and compare it to the Future Annual Consumption. 

I would say the extreme cases have been cohort 1. This is what initially prompted the idea

Cohort 3 tends to be frustrating as the Future Annual Consumption isn't particularly quick at adjusting. 

Cohort 4, the size of the difference varies. Perhaps knowing exactly how the calculation is done wound help so  customers can re create it. I am not sure how you would keep all the customers happy all the time. Perhaps the DD amount should be able to be set slightly lower than currently online, with a suitable warning if customers do this, but OVO may prefer this remains via a call to collections. 




Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • April 19, 2023
Jeffus wrote:


2. Post smart meter installation or SMETS1 upgrades in a recent example. 


My FAC froze on A&E at a value pretty close to the figure for the (electricity) consumption in the 365 days preceding migration on 27 February (the figure was1940; my records show 1938 for 27 Feb 2022 - 26 Feb 2023). Then, six weeks later, it suddenly shot up to 2903*, suspiciously close to that of OFGEM’s fictitious ‘average household’. It’s still stuck on that figure ten days later.


* Sniffing around as is my wont, I find that that figure is calculated to the nearest 100Wh, in my case
Night usage 1276.0 + Day usage 1626.9 > Personal projection 2902.9kWh

Plan Zero Hero
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  • May 2, 2023

Interesting Ofgem started formal compliance engagement with 12 supplier. OVO is still outstanding according to the last Ofgem update. 

It would be helpful if OVO published any final outcome at the end of the compliance engagement. 

"To date we have closed compliance engagement with Bulb, E.ON, Ecotricity, Green Energy UK, Octopus, Shell, TruEnergy, Utilita and Utility Warehouse. We continue to formally engage with Good Energy, Outfox the Market and Ovo to secure improvements or adequate reassurance of compliance."

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