Can anyone tell me what these particular settings mean please see photo 1 of FTC6 controller (I am still on the ASHP learning curve) - I am trying to grapple with whether the Flow Temperature settings are too high/too low/just right. At the moment the outside temperature during the day has been about 18 degrees, at night we have been having near freezing temperatures. See photo 2 from Melcloud. My system is set to run 24/7 which I believe is the most economical way - low and slow. I have been having the room control set to 17 in the day and I have put it up to 18 in the evening during my off peak hours. if I move it up or down it’s only by half a degree. My problem is that I previously had old storage heaters and this thing is using a fraction of the electricity that they were using, so all the angst about 2.5kwh usage on this forum seems irrelevant to my situation. With my storage heaters I was using 40kwh a day on May 1st, if which 7kwh was all the other stuff including oven. The Ecodan was fitted on 2nd, and now my usage (total) is currently between 8 and 10kwh a day. Happy days! But I am trying to find out as much as I can about the way the current settings are working, preparatory to the Winter when we frequently have as many as 20 days a month with below zero temperatures. Snow lying many times between November and April. The Melcloud app is quite un-user friendly. I will go into the settings myself before winter to adjust if need be. I have already changed the legionella settings following Heat Geek video, once every 15 days to 60 degrees time 1 hour during off peak, holding for 5 minutes; that should save some money. What I want to do before winter is set up the weather compensation mode. At the moment though I am wondering what the Flow temperature settings on the right of the control panel mean. And if the flow temperature is low enough, too high, or too low - see photo three where something exciting seemed to be happening at around 2.30pm even though I didn’t change anything….!Presumably the water heating up as it had dropped below 40.

(as per advice on heat geek site for hotter weather).