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V2G Tariff, Smart Meters, and Solar Panel Export Payments - how does it all link up?

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  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 9 replies
  • September 2, 2019
This is a very complicated subject and any final FAIR charging strategy will be far in the future, but I would like to return to the present and discuss further the current system of paying Solar panel owners 1/3 rd f the standard payment. I have put forward arguments against this but until now I missed the best argument of all. Today I will be lucky if my 4 Kw system produces more than 2 Kws. Obviously this will be used at home with no feed back. This is the situation (on average) for most of the year. Any substantial feed back which could justify the lower rate will happen at most in 3 or 4 moths called "SUMMER". For the other 8 or 9 months all feed bck will come from the EV regardless of whether solar panels exist or not.
Surely this shows clearly that the rate paid should be the same for all?

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • December 20, 2019

Hey EVers, check out the latest import/export results for this V2G trial here! 

  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • February 12, 2020
Rishi the Fox wrote:

Hi @Hari_OVO and thank you so much for your helpful reply!

Your reply does indeed answer the bulk of my questions on this topic. It's always seemed crazy that there could be people out there generating electricity, feeding it onto the grid, and yet not receiving any kind of credit or payment for that. Utilities and DNOs pay generators for the electricity produced and fed onto the grid - if individuals are slapping solar panels on the roof and providing that energy to the grid, why shouldn't they receive payment for it too, given the energy produced will then be resold for a profit?

The recent news that the government are looking to legislate for utility companies to pay export payments is wonderful news, and hopefully should open up a lot of exciting possibilities for people who are generating electricity and feeding it back, regardless of how it's produced.

I'm not surprised your V2G tariff is only open to Nissan Leaf owners at this trial stage. However, would it be reasonable to assume that once the tariff is complete, you intend this tariff to be open to the public, and anyone is free to sign up for that tariff, that it won't be limited to Nissan Leaf owners?

Also, would it be fair to say Ovo will be looking to introduce export credits more broadly after the government's latest announcement?

The tying-together of EV car and solar generation, EV and home battery storage, smart meters and export payments opens up a lot of exciting possibilities for individuals... to generate and to import electricity during 'off-peak' periods, charge up the car, store it for use at 'peak' consumption times, and then discharge the surplus onto the grid during peaks when it's needed most in exchange for payment.

We live in exciting and innovative times. :)

Kind regards,

I think the V2G trials are limited to Nissan primary because CHAdeMO bras the necessary V2G protocols whereas CCS wil not have them until 2025.

  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • March 4, 2020

Just thinking of changing supplier but need to know 

  1.  How soon would SMETS-2 be fitted after taking new OVO contract offer?
  2.  Is SMETS-2 compatible with my solar panels i.e., will I still get the benefit of my free daytime solar generated electricity?

Can anyone contribute to the above please?

Thank you

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • March 5, 2020

Hi @Turbotec and welcome to the Forum.

The speed of getting a SMETS2 Meter fitted depends on where you are in the country. In my area of Devon there are installation slots available next week. But in some parts of the Northern Territory (including Scotland) there are areas of the network still not operational.

If you fill out your Forum Profile, that’ll give us a better idea of where you are!

Yes, all SMETS2 Meters are compatible with houses that have solar PV. They record electricity exported as a separate reading to that which you draw from the grid.

The question is whether you want to do this!

Many PV owners receive lucrative FIT payments based on an estimate of 50% of their generation being exported. Once you have a Smart Meter, you can be paid at the true rate.

Have a look at this other Topic where the pros and cons were discussed a year ago.


Let me just tag a Moderator… @Amy_OVO can you move this Topic across to the other existing one please?

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 171 replies
  • March 9, 2020

Hi @Transparent - I’m not sure which topic in particular you mean. The URL you’ve included in the link is back to this topic (V2G Tariff, Smart Meters, and Solar Panel Export Payments - how does it all link up? ).

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • March 9, 2020

Erm, yes it is @Nancy_OVO !

That’s because another Moderator ( @Amy_OVO ?) has now done as I asked and moved the discussion I had with Turbotec into this Topic!  We were originally talking about this in a Topic which he’d started.

Consequently, my link does indeed now point to (page-1 of) this very same Topic.

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 171 replies
  • March 9, 2020

Ha! Sorry @Transparent. It’s been a long day I didn’t notice that :joy:


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