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Nonsensical target for Power Move Plus

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Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2561 replies
  • November 22, 2023

@Ria vote for this and add any comments if you think it would be useful 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 1980 replies
  • November 22, 2023
Jeffus wrote:

To be clear n3rgy is a 3rd party @Firedog 


OK, my language might have been a bit clumsy. I meant to point out that while it’s easy to access the data via third-party aggregators, it’s not the only way. I just happen to find the n3rgy/Lipman route the quickest and easiest.  

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 736 replies
  • November 22, 2023

“Never have so few decimal places been scrutinised so closely by so many”

PS. I got my background from 18/19 watts up to 20/21 watts by switching on a kitchen switch that has a neon indicator. (Greedy one). I'll watch the online figures but I do expect those overnight 0.01s to become 0.02s

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 14 replies
  • November 24, 2023
Nukecad wrote:

“Never have so few decimal places been scrutinised so closely by so many”

PS. I got my background from 18/19 watts up to 20/21 watts by switching on a kitchen switch that has a neon indicator. (Greedy one). I'll watch the online figures but I do expect those overnight 0.01s to become 0.02s

Yes, exactly.  Too many people getting bogged down by unnecessary analysis of figures. The whole point of a scheme like this is it should be simple.  You achieve the targets and get rewards, or you don't, and OVO must be in a position to clarify what is right or wrong.

I made a complaint to OVO based on the simple FACTS I have detailed earlier in this thread.  OVO checked the FACTS, not speculation about this decimal point or that, and promptly gave me compensation to cover all their failures. Result!  Simples!

  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • December 2, 2023

How does anyone hit the power move target. Such a swizz. My house was empty with nothing on but the fridge and we didn’t hit the target. Very disappointed in OVO. 😡😡

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 1980 replies
  • December 2, 2023
k666kag wrote:

How does anyone hit the power move target. Such a swizz. My house was empty with nothing on but the fridge and we didn’t hit the target. Very disappointed in OVO. Scam. 😡😡


Power Move is about using less than average in the early evening. My fridge and freezer are quite greedy, drawing about 15W on average around the clock. However, they will in general use more energy in the afternoon and evening (when the kitchen is warmer) than they do during the night (when it’s cold in the kitchen). So if that’s all that’s running in your house, it’s likely that its consumption between 4PM and 7PM is higher than the daily average. That could be why you didn’t hit the target.

What percentage did they report? 


  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • December 3, 2023

Yep 0.1kwh here too and I actually managed to reduce on the first power saving plus. I earned £0.03 credit.  Yippee! Not. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 14 replies
  • December 3, 2023

I do not believe this, but OVO have done it again.  They have informed me that I did not meet the Power Move Plus target for November.  Really??!!

I was and still am in hospital with no one on my home using anything!!

This really is all nonsense, and yet again I will await to receive a response to my complaint.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1047 replies
  • December 4, 2023

Hi @k666kag 


Sorry to hear you didn’t hit the Power Move target.


Power Move is not focused on using less overall energy, it’s focus is on ‘moving’ high usage out of the early evening like Firedog mentioned.


Being away for periods of time or using nothing at all all day won’t help meet the target, and will in most cases make it more difficult to meet, and defeats the purpose of Power Move. We don’t want people feeling like they can’t do their daily activities at home, or sit in the dark. We want people to be encouraged to ‘move’ those higher usage appliances like the cooker or tumble dryer outside of the peak grid time where everyone is using high energy appliances.


Firedog wrote:

What percentage did they report? 

Let us know what percentage you did get, and we can help make some suggestions.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2562 replies
  • December 4, 2023

Hey @Lizziekent,


How do you calculate my personal target?


We calculate your personal target using ESO’s methodology. For more information see DFS Participation Guidance Document

For working days – Your personal target is calculated using the half hourly electricity usage data taken from your smart meter over the last 10 working days (Mon - Fri excluding bank holidays) before an event. Days where there’s been a Power Move Plus event will not count towards the target. You must have at least 5 working days worth of data for a target to be calculated.

For non-working days (Saturday, Sunday & bank holidays) – Your personal target is calculated using the half hourly electricity usage data taken from your smart meter over the last 4 non-working days. Days where there’s been a Power Move Plus event will not count towards the target. You must have at least 4 non-working days worth of data for a target to be calculated.

This means, as your usage changes over the course of winter, so does your personal target.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 14 replies
  • December 4, 2023

So I typed a thorough reply highlighting how this power save exercise is a farce and when I tried to send it there was a problem!

Says it all about OVO!

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 14 replies
  • December 4, 2023

OVO want the great publicity , but not consumers questioning a ridiculous “promotion”.

I will now await a response to my three outstanding official complaints

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • December 4, 2023

Lucky you, mine was 0.1kwh! They do it at times you’ve been doing the main power move so of course our targets are ridiculously low. I’ve only achieved one, and by using nothing a got a whole 18p credit (not the £3 an OVO person is saying on here). They are pretty pointless to be honest


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2562 replies
  • December 5, 2023

Hey @Lizziekent,


Is Power Move Plus part of the ESO's Demand Flexibility Service (DFS)?


The Electricity Systems Operator (ESO) is currently running a Demand Flexibility Service (DFS). This is in collaboration with energy suppliers to help customers reduce their bills this winter and reduce demand on the grid at peak times.

Power Move Plus encompasses the ESO’s Demand Flexibility Service with notifications you’ll receive being triggered by ESO. 

For more information on the ESO’s Demand Flexibility Service and how it links with Power Move Plus please see here.


Power Move Plus and other grid balancing schemes have been started to reduce pressure on the grid so we burn less fossil fuels, you can find out more in our FAQs:


Why is it better for the environment to not use electricity during peak times?


Generating renewable energy releases less carbon into the atmosphere than burning fossil fuels. But did you know that, even though you’re on a greener energy plan, more or less carbon is released depending on what time you use the energy?

Here’s how:

When it’s windy or sunny, renewable power is pumped into the energy grid and used in homes across the UK. But if we need more energy than the wind or sun can supply, we have to top up with fossil fuel power.

At times, lots of energy is being used by a lot of people at the same time. During those peak times or days, it's more likely we'll need to top up the system with fossil fuel energy, and it’s expensive to turn on fossil fuel generators. So it’s kinder to the planet to shift our non-essential energy use away from times of high demand, even if we’re on a green energy plan. This helps the country avoid having to top up with fossil fuels.


There is also ‘Power Move’ which is OVO’s own scheme running alongside Power Move Plus where we’re offering higher rewards:



  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 14 replies
  • December 5, 2023

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Same old explanation, but you are missing the point.  I have not used ANY electricity by way of appliances during ANY of the peak periods or at any other time, as I have not lived in my home since the end of October, nor has anyone else.  So your ridiculously low target means absolutely nothing as, obviously to achieve them I must not even have a background light on!!

Sorry, but that is just plain stupid and puts OVO into  very bad light, excuse the pun!


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2561 replies
  • December 5, 2023
Lizziekent wrote:

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Same old explanation, but you are missing the point.  I have not used ANY electricity by way of appliances during ANY of the peak periods or at any other time, as I have not lived in my home since the end of October, nor has anyone else.  So your ridiculously low target means absolutely nothing as, obviously to achieve them I must not even have a background light on!!

Sorry, but that is just plain stupid and puts OVO into  very bad light, excuse the pun!


Hi @Lizziekent 

Sorry to see you are still struggling to understand.

It doesn't put ovo in a bad light at all.

Because you have no usage so you have nothing to save by moving usage so you can't earn any money.

I am not sure what more anyone can do to try and explain the schemes but I will keep trying to help you as it is important that everyone understands.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 14 replies
  • December 10, 2023

Oh, really!

Funny how OVO how now calculated that I, like a number of here, have early…...9p….Yes,  a whole 9p. That's it for me.  I'll live with the gratefully received apology and compensation for the errors that OVO made initially with the scheme and my account, and now the 9p credit.  The whole promotion is not worth bothering about.












Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7965 replies
  • December 10, 2023

FWIW those who try to treat OVO Power Move and/or Power Move Plus as a get rich quick scheme will be sorely disappointed - that’s not the idea here.

The real idea is to balance the grid and encourage people to be more flexible in their usage patterns. Doing that long term reduces grid pressure and - could potentially - lead to lower bills overall.

  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • December 15, 2023

Just received an email from OVO to say that we didn’t achieve the Power Move Plus target for 5-6pm on Tuesday 12 December: this in spite of the fact that no one was home; the thermostat was set to Eco (9.5c); and so the only energy being consumed was by appliances that were “off” but not switched off at the mains.

There is no way we could have consumed less energy. This “challenge” just feels like a massive con and IMO is damaging OVO’s reputation and risking my loyalty to them as a trusted energy supplier. (Even when we do hit the target, we earn a matter of pence...)

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • December 15, 2023

Yes and today OfGem say we’ll pay extra every month now due to 3bn debt the energy companies have to recover due to people not being able to afford the energy prices. Please note I slightly altered that because they just said people who don’t pay which we all know is wrong. People cannot afford to pay due to what’s going on in the world but again they’ll blame Russia or Isreal or some other nonsense to deflect blame from our own Government 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7965 replies
  • December 15, 2023

The targets are not set by OVO per se. They’re set by National Grid ESO if memory serves.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • December 15, 2023
Blastoise186 wrote:

The targets are not set by OVO per se. They’re set by National Grid ESO if memory serves.

The fact remains that in the UK we generate enough energy for all UK households. We then sell it all off and buy it back at vastly inflated prices. It’s been happening for years and is public knowledge but for some reason the public are happy to be shafted 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2729 replies
  • December 15, 2023
superted_76 wrote:
Blastoise186 wrote:

The targets are not set by OVO per se. They’re set by National Grid ESO if memory serves.

The fact remains that in the UK we generate enough energy for all UK households. We then sell it all off and buy it back at vastly inflated prices. It’s been happening for years and is public knowledge but for some reason the public are happy to be shafted 

It’s generation required at peak times that’s the clue here and exactly what PMP is all about. 
These events at present are simply tests rather than being needed but they are in preparation for if there was a need to reduce peak demand .. or you could have power cuts enforced 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 15 replies
  • December 15, 2023
BPLightlog wrote:
superted_76 wrote:
Blastoise186 wrote:

The targets are not set by OVO per se. They’re set by National Grid ESO if memory serves.

The fact remains that in the UK we generate enough energy for all UK households. We then sell it all off and buy it back at vastly inflated prices. It’s been happening for years and is public knowledge but for some reason the public are happy to be shafted 

It’s generation required at peak times that’s the clue here and exactly what PMP is all about. 
These events at present are simply tests rather than being needed but they are in preparation for if there was a need to reduce peak demand .. or you could have power cuts enforced 

No, it’s about the government doing what they always do and the public accepting it because they think it’s right. It’s not right. If a third of the population of the UK who pay energy bills actually done some research into this and then if a third of those chose to do something about it we could start on a proper path to reduce our costs. OfGem hike the price, the government agree and the public bend over 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2729 replies
  • December 15, 2023

Sorry @superted_76 but you have no idea


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