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OVO SMETS1 Secure Liberty 100/110 smart meter guide

  • September 14, 2020
  • 33 replies
OVO SMETS1 Secure Liberty 100/110 smart meter guide
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Updated on 17/01/25 by Emmanuelle_OVO:


SMETS1 Secure smart meters - Your guide


If you had a smart meter installed by OVO before 2019 it’s likely you’ve got a Secure Liberty SMETS 1 meter. Want to find out more about how these smart meters work? Check out the guide below.


What do the buttons on the meter keypad do?

1 - Displays cost of consumption and units used on the current day and previous day
2 - Displays cost of consumption in the current week and previous week
3 - Displays cost of consumption in the current month and previous month
4 - Displays historical data comprising monthly units consumed and cost of consumption
- Displays ‘Not Used’
- Displays tariff name, standing charge per day, active rate register(s) along with the consumption and cost per unit recorded in each rate register (Will provide Economy 7 readings: IMP R01 is the night read, and IMP R02 is the day read)
7 - Displays ‘Not Used’
8 - Displays ‘Not Used’
9 - Displays total import and export register values (will provide a total reading after IMP KWH)
0 - Performs display check and then displays date, time, load and CO2 data of the current hour and current day, yesterday, last week and last month (will show 'COMMISSION' instead if meter needs to be commissioned)

- Used for prepayment customers - Switches the display to UTRN(vend) entry mode; serves as backspace key during UTRN(vend) entry; enables Emergency Credit when made available; initiates supply reconnection from ‘READY' state. (Activates vend mode/Used to start reconnection process.)
B - Activates auto scroll display from sleep mode; used to scroll back through a display sequence; initiates UTRN(vend) authentication process; mutes alarm; used to confirm supply reconnection from ‘READY’ state.


Activating 'Boost' functionality on Liberty 110/112 meters


If you’re an Economy 7 customer with a Secure Liberty 110/112 (5-port) meter and you’d like to activate the appliance that’s connected to your fifth terminal during peak hours, you can do so using the smart meter keypad.

You can activate this either on the IHD or the meter up to 10 times a day and it will turn on anything attached to the 5th terminal for 1 hour, this will be charged at the peak unit rate.

To activate the boost function:

  • Via the meter, press '2' on the keypad and press the 'A' button to activate - you'll hear a click when the boost has been activated and your meter display will read 'BOOST ON'
  • Via the Pipit IHDpress 'Dual Fuel' and then tap on the 'Status' button at the bottom of the screen on the electric side of the display.



What is a Communications Hub?

The communications hub attached to the smart electricity meter is effectively our smart kit's brain. It works a little bit like a mobile phone, using a sim card to allow data to be received and transferred from the smart meters to OVO.

The hub allows for information to be stored, such as your meter readings and energy consumption history. This information is then relayed to the correct meter and will also be reflected through your In-Home Display (IHD).

There are two main communication channels used by the hub; WAN (Wide Area Network) and HAN (Home Area Network).


What is WAN (Wide Area Network)?


WAN allows an electricity smart meter to send/receive data (such as meter readings) securely through the S1 Communications Hub. It uses a roaming SIM that works on 2.5G to do this - the same kind of data network your mobile phone uses. If you have good 4G signal but no 2.5G in your area, the meter will have no WAN.



This LED light represents if there is a WAN connection. It will also indicate how strong this connection is by flashing between 1 - 5 times before pausing.

  • 5 flashes indicates the strongest WAN connection
  • 1 or 2 flashes indicates weak WAN connection
  • Solid light indicates there is no WAN


How does WAN work?


Using the sim card installed in the Communications Hub, the member's electricity smart meter will search for the strongest mobile data network in the area. (We call this roaming as the meter is able to pick and choose it's network depending on strength, unlike most mobile phones.)

  • If the electricity smart meter is able to latch onto a network, WAN will be established. This will allow for data to be transferred to between the smart meter(s) and OVO.
  • If a connection is unable to be established, it will be known in the industry, as a 'no-WAN'.



What do we mean by 'no-WAN'?


If there's 'no WAN', your electricity smart meter can’t connect to a network. This means no data can be transferred between the smart meter(s) and OVO.

  • This will mean you will need to provide your meter readings manually. 
  • However, providing your IHD is within the HAN, the IHD will continue to display your consumption as normal.



What do we mean by intermittent WAN?


If the mobile phone network(s) in your area is weak, the WAN connection may drop in and out. This is known as 'intermittent WAN'. In such instances, you’ll need to wait for your electricity smart meter to establish a WAN connection again. We recommend providing manual meter readings in the meantime.


I think I have an issue with my WAN... What can I do?

If you believe you have an issue with your WAN, go through The S1 Smart Meter Health Check. From this we will be able to identify:

  • If you have WAN and how strong this signal is
  • If the meter has been commissioned and has the ability to communicate with us
  • If a master reset may be able to resolve the issue


What is the HAN (Home Area Network)?


The HAN is a secure network that works in the same way as other wireless systems in the home. It allows the smart electricity meter to communicate with the smart gas meter IHD and Smart Relay (remember: gas meters can’t send us readings on their own or send data to the IHD).

A smart electricity meter uses the HAN to collect the readings/data from the gas meter. It also uses HAN to send information to the IHD and to connect to the Smart Relay. HAN only works if the gas meter and/or IHD is within range.



The HAN light will be solid when the HAN is open - this’ll be activated during install (when pairing the electricity meter to the gas meter and any devices) as well as when pairing an IHD or smart relay via SFE. Once this process has completed, the HAN light will turn off.



What do we mean by 'no-HAN'?

If there’s ‘no HAN’ - the gas smart meter and/or IHD, can’t communicate with the electricity smart meter. This affects:

  • Gas meter - If the smart gas meter has 'no-HAN', it can’t send the meter readings/data back to the electricity meter. In this instance, you would need to provide a manual meter reading.
  • IHD - If the IHD is out of range from the HAN, it can’t display any data from the smart meters.



​​​How do you identify if a device is connected to the HAN?


Gas meters

  • In the bottom right-hand corner of the gas smart meter screen, there’s a HAN symbol. The symbol will be flashing or solid:
    • Flashing - This would suggest that the meter isn’t connected to HAN. In this case, please complete  The S1 Smart Meter Health Check.
    • Solid - This is confirmation that the gas meter’s been secured to the HAN. However it doesn’t necessarily indicate that we’re able to communicate with the gas meter. 


  • You will need to check the Wifi symbol on the IHD:
    • For Pipit IHDs, see the guide linked here
    • For Chameleon IHDs see the guide linked here



I think I have an issue with my HAN... What can I do?


If you believe you’ve got an issue with your HAN, complete The S1 Smart Meter Health Check. From this we’ll be able to identify:

  • If the gas meter is connected to the HAN
  • If the issue is with a meter or a device (please see processes below...)
  • If the meter has been commissioned



The metrology light


This light can be found to the right of the keypad and will most likely be continuously flashing which indicates there’s power going through the meter. All electricity going through the meter is measured, which is represented by the flashing of the LED. The meter is measuring this in kilowatt hours (kWh) and 3,200 flashes equal 1 kWh.





What to check if you’re off-supply


If you’ve lost supply and it’s not a power cut (check this by dialing 105) it could indicate a fault with your meter or the DNO equipment before your meter.


If the metrology light is off it’s worth checking that your meter is in credit mode - press any key on the meter to wake up the screen. It should then auto-scroll through various screens. The first display shown will be the meter mode either ‘CREDIT’ or ‘PAYG’, if your meter is incorrectly showing PAYG contact our Support Team. If the meter is in CREDIT mode contact your DNO to check the supply to the meter.



What are the dimensions of the Secure S1 smart meters?

Dimensions below are shown in millimetres.

Electricity meter

Height - 178mm

Width - 146mm

Depth - 64mm

Gas meter

Height - 264mm

Width - 235mm

Depth - 174mm




Had a SMETS 1 meter installed by another supplier? Your meter type might be covered in one of the guides below (if not let us know in a comment below so we can widen our content):


Was your smart meter installed more recently? You might have a SMETS 2 meter there, in which case your meter guide is below:


OVO member but not got a smart meter yet? - Book today!


Interested but not yet an OVO member? - Check out our plans!


33 replies

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • August 20, 2022

I have a Liberty 100 meter installed by Ovo in the very early days of smart metering. 

I am now considering adding Photovoltaics to the property.

Will this meter be able to handle feed-in to the Grid, or is it too old?  The meter has serial number 14PO120074 and appears to have been made in 2014.

I notice other parts of this post mention ‘import’ and ‘export’ kWh but being a bit of a cynic, (and a writer of firmware for all sorts of things) this is not really a guarantee that the function actually works!  With thanks,  Chris


Plan Zero Hero
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  • August 20, 2022

Hey @Broomwoodian ,

In theory, you should be good. Whether the meter can handle exports isn’t a problem because you have a smart meter. Older traditional meters used to get confused by exports and trigger Reverse Energy Detected warnings, but a properly configured smart meter will not only be able to track legitimate exports correctly, but will also not trigger RED warnings.

Admittedly, your meter is eight years old at this point and is well beyond halfway through its service life, but you should be good. The bigger question is more about whether your supply can handle exports - and that’s for your DNO to figure out!

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  • August 22, 2022

Yep @Broomwoodian that Secure Liberty smart meter can definitely measure your exact export, to be used in the smart export guarantee. Pressing 9 on the keypad brings up the export reading. 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 10, 2022

Hello, I moved into a new place, As I just came into the UK , I want to switch to set up my account, please how do I check the current meter reading

Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 10, 2022

Hey @ejisdafe ,

If you can post photos of your meters, I can help you get a meter reading from them.

Also, if you want to switch supplier to OVO, you’ll need to first sign up with the existing supplier so you can pay off their bill. Once you’ve signed up, you can then switch freely.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 10, 2022

The home is currently being supplied by OVO.


See attached as requested


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  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 10, 2022

Something doesn’t seem right… Your meter shouldn’t be on that screen!

Has it always been like that?

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  • October 11, 2022

Hey @ejisdafe,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community.


I’d advise following this guide and trying to take some manual readings. It is unusual though as @Blastoise186 pointed out, hopefully we are also in remote communications with your meter. This means you won’t need to send in readings yourself. 


Hope this helps. 



I’m posting because I need some clarification / advice on my smart meter which is a Secure Liberty 100.

  1. When I press A + B on the meter to check what I’m using, the “USING NOW” screen displays 8.6 kW/h, this is with everything turned off by the switch board. I assumed this meant what I have used in the past 24 hours, as I can’t possibly be using 8.7 kW with everything turned off. Does this get refreshed at an interval? Is this telling me what I’m using this second or the past 24 hours? The “COST NOW” is displaying £3.54.
  2. When I press number 6 on the meter, the “STCHG / DAY” reads “053 - 620P”. - can someone verify what this means. Does it mean the standing charge varies from 53 pence to £6.20? I need some clarification.
  3. The next screen to be displayed when pressing 6 is “ * IMP R01 * ” - I know this is the night rate, and my reading is 49346.3. The next screen shows “034 - 980P” - again, can someone clarify what this means please.
  4. For “IMP RO2” (no asterisks), the reading shows 2999.2, followed by “000-000P”. I’m know this is the daytime reading, but I am confused as to why it is so low in comparison to the night rate. Is it possible that the dual tariff has been changed to a single? Or am I missing something?

Please help me. Thank you

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  • October 13, 2022


When I press A + B on the meter to check what I’m using, the “USING NOW” screen displays 8.6 kW/h, this is with everything turned off by the switch board. I assumed this meant what I have used in the past 24 hours, as I can’t possibly be using 8.7 kW with everything turned off. Does this get refreshed at an interval? Is this telling me what I’m using this second or the past 24 hours? The “COST NOW” is displaying £3.54.

You’ve probably got something turned on that you didn’t think of. Either that, or it means the last 24 hours which is more likely.

When I press number 6 on the meter, the “STCHG / DAY” reads “053 - 620P”. - can someone verify what this means. Does it mean the standing charge varies from 53 pence to £6.20? I need some clarification.


Your Standing Charges are most likely 53.62p a day

The next screen to be displayed when pressing 6 is “ * IMP R01 * ” - I know this is the night rate, and my reading is 49346.3. The next screen shows “034 - 980P” - again, can someone clarify what this means please.

For “IMP RO2” (no asterisks), the reading shows 2999.2, followed by “000-000P”. I’m know this is the daytime reading, but I am confused as to why it is so low in comparison to the night rate. Is it possible that the dual tariff has been changed to a single? Or am I missing something?


You’re probably on single rate but you haven’t given enough info for me to work this out. Please check your online account to confirm.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 19, 2022

I’m busy getting a PV installation done, and would like to be able to log import and export data myself.  I have a ‘Secure Liberty 100’ meter  Is there an API which is exposed for ‘read only’ data?  I notice there is what looks like an IRDA port on the front.

The rather ‘Noddy’ remote unit supplied (labelled Pipit 500) does not seem to allow me to even manually read the export kWh, although I see the figure (presently 0!) when operating the buttons on the meter.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • November 8, 2022



My daughter has just moved into a flat with a Liberty 100 prepayment meter, but doesn’t know how to use it. Does anyone know how she can find out her credit balance?


  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • November 8, 2022


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • November 8, 2022

If that meter is currently with Boost and you’d like to switch to Pay Monthly, feel free to ask your daughter to have a chat with the Boost Support Team. They’ll be able to make the arrangements to migrate her to OVO Pay Monthly.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • November 17, 2022


  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • November 17, 2022

gasmeter says off , do you have any idea why ? and what i can to do with it ?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7868 replies
  • November 21, 2022

The supply shouldn’t be off if you’re Pay Monthly. Please contact the Support Team for help with that one.

  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 4 replies
  • December 14, 2022


I’m trying to install a Geo LED Hub which uses the speed of the flashing metrology light on the Secure Liberty 100 smart meter to measure the electricity consumption.

The app needs to know how many flashes of the metrology LED = 1 kWh. I can’t find this information documented anywhere online, does anyone know the answer?

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  • 7868 replies
  • December 14, 2022

Hi @DavidG23 ,

That’s a rather unusual way of doing it! If you can post a clear photo of the meter though, I can grab the details you’re after for you.

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  • December 14, 2022

Don’t know if this helps … 

Taken from here

  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 4 replies
  • December 14, 2022

This is a photo of the meter. Those grey wires up to the fusebox above are pulled so tight they won’t move out of the way to read the writing behind properly.


If I put 3200 in the Geo Home app configuration (which I just noticed is written on the meter albeit partly obsured) it thinks I’m drawing 11.4 kWh which is not correct. The house draws about 640 watts.



Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7868 replies
  • December 14, 2022

Yup, as we suspected. It’s 3,200 flashes/impulses per kWh.

Try entering 0.3125 into the app instead.

  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 4 replies
  • December 14, 2022
Blastoise186 wrote:

Yup, as we suspected. It’s 3,200 flashes/impulses per kWh.

Try entering 0.3125 into the app instead.

The smallest value it will accept is 1.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7868 replies
  • December 14, 2022

Ahh… Ok…

I’m wondering if I can use a lifeline here. @kevinmcintyre09 might know the answer to this one.

  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 4 replies
  • December 14, 2022

FYI I have also just e-mailed Geo’s support to check if they have any ideas.


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