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National enrolment and adoption (E & A) of SMETS1 smart meters onto the Data Communications Company (DCC) - Your Guide

National enrolment and adoption (E & A) of SMETS1 smart meters onto the Data Communications Company (DCC) - Your Guide
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Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • July 4, 2023
dartiss wrote:

So, despite lots of other companies not supporting my meter (as a smart meter anyway), there are no plans to upgrade it? I guess there’s no incentive for Ovo to do it but it is a bitter pill for being so keen to be on the smart meter rollout.

All suppliers will support your meter as smart as the software has been upgraded on your meter as confirmed when you ran the citizens advice check. 

You don't need a new physical meter. Obviously that doesn't help with your IHD query. There options to buy an IHD from a 3rd party. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2557 replies
  • July 4, 2023
Firedog wrote:
Jeffus wrote:

… the citizens advice tool appears to  use data that takes a long time to update. 


@Jeffus I’m not so sure that this has to do with the time it takes to update. It’s more likely that it’s something systemic at DCC, which seems to have problems with these Secure Liberty meters. It is after all 18 weeks since mine was E&A’d, and the CA tool is still giving the wrong message. It’s bit cryptic, though, so I can’t rule out that the hiccup is at OVO. This is what it says:

You have a first generation (SMETS1) electricity meter.

Your supplier can't support it in smart mode yet. You should take regular meter readings and send them to your supplier. If you don’t, they’ll send you estimated bills.

If you normally top up using an app and you're no longer able to, talk to your supplier.

If you want your meter to work in smart mode you can switch to a supplier who can support your meter in smart mode.

Your supplier is also working to upgrade your meter to smart mode. They'll let you know when they’ve done this. They'll do it remotely, so you won't need to do anything to your meter.

It’s as if the tool thinks that it’s OVO that has the problem (“you can switch to a supplier who can support your meter in smart mode.”), even though everything is working more or less as expected. 



Interesting, difficult to know. 

The poster has a secure meter and this is recognised as updated on the CA website so it is not a universal issue. The poster had their smart meter installed by ovo, unsure if that made a difference. 

Perhaps asking people to attempt to sign up to loop etc is a better check than the CA website at the moment. Certainly that is a real time check. 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • July 4, 2023

It’s also worth noting that the CA tool couldn’t find my S2 meter for over six months after I had it installed to replace a dead S1. And that doesn’t even count the year or so between the install and us forum volunteers first discovering the tool.

Plan Zero Hero
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  • July 4, 2023
Blastoise186 wrote:

It’s also worth noting that the CA tool couldn’t find my S2 meter for over six months after I had it installed to replace a dead S1. And that doesn’t even count the year or so between the install and us forum volunteers first discovering the tool.

Yep. I am wary about just relying on the tool rather than other methods like trying the 3rd party apps. 

Plan Zero Hero
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  • July 4, 2023
Jeffus wrote:

The poster has a secure meter and this is recognised as updated on the CA website so it is not a universal issue. 

Sorry, I missed that in yesterday’s posts (“Your electricity meter's working in smart mode”). So @dartiss is good to go and shouldn’t have any problem with switching to a different supplier, which was one of the main reasons for launching this prolonged upgrade process. I got hooked up to both Loop and Bright within days of E&A, so I knew the migration had worked regardless of the CA tool’s misleading result. 

 So long as the Pipit IHD is working, I’d hang on to it if I were he.


  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • July 4, 2023
Blastoise186 wrote:

Yup! Aclara meters went through E&A some time ago and work like a SMETS2. All suppliers should support it. If it breaks, it can be replaced with an S2.

Source: I had one myself.

Wow, you really have spent a lot of time documenting your findings with those meters! It’s a shame Pikachu never managed to get the update. Thanks for sharing your story.


Firedog wrote:
Olu wrote:

We put the MPAN into into and it comes up with:

Your electricity meter isn’t working in smart mode

However, I’ve heard that tool is not completely reliable.


Just FYI, my meter went through E&A a few months ago. It started providing data to OVO and third-party data handlers within a couple of days, but the CA tool still tells me the same as you’re seeing. So yes, the tool is unreliable as regards some SMETS1 meters. 

Thanks - that’s good to know.


Emmanuelle_OVO wrote:

Hey @Olu,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community,


I can see @Blastoise186 and @Firedog have already given some helpful advice here. Just wanted to add that the following topics may have some helpful advice:



Thanks for the links. Out of curiousity, the dates for the meter upgrades on the first link seem to be “Started - planned completion end of 2022”. Given that we’re in 2023 now, does this mean that they have been completed at by point?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • July 4, 2023

@Olu try one of the regulated 3rd party apps when you move in

For example

They only work if your meter software has been upgraded. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • July 4, 2023

Yeah, the problem with Pikachu was that it was one of the very first Aclara meters that was attempted to be migrated and there was a bug at the time which messed things up. A bug that has since been fixed.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 1999 replies
  • July 4, 2023
Olu wrote:

Out of curiousity, the dates for the meter upgrades on the first link seem to be “Started - planned completion end of 2022”. Given that we’re in 2023 now, does this mean that they have been completed at by point?

That deadline has sadly slipped several times. I think it is now ‘end of 2023’, with suppliers and DCC working overtime to meet it. They say - somewhere - that any meter not enrolled and adopted by then will be replaced by a shiny new SMETS2 device. Of course, there’s no indication of when this might happen.  

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7913 replies
  • July 4, 2023

Likewise (as in my case) if the migration is attempted and the meter implodes with no recovery, it too will be eligible for replacement with S2 kit.

The other edge case is S1 EDMI meters. Those ones WILL be hardware swapped regardless as EDMI refused to play ball.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2557 replies
  • July 12, 2023
Firedog wrote:
Jeffus wrote:

… the citizens advice tool appears to  use data that takes a long time to update. 


@Jeffus I’m not so sure that this has to do with the time it takes to update. It’s more likely that it’s something systemic at DCC, which seems to have problems with these Secure Liberty meters. It is after all 18 weeks since mine was E&A’d, and the CA tool is still giving the wrong message. It’s bit cryptic, though, so I can’t rule out that the hiccup is at OVO. This is what it says:

You have a first generation (SMETS1) electricity meter.

Your supplier can't support it in smart mode yet. You should take regular meter readings and send them to your supplier. If you don’t, they’ll send you estimated bills.

If you normally top up using an app and you're no longer able to, talk to your supplier.

If you want your meter to work in smart mode you can switch to a supplier who can support your meter in smart mode.

Your supplier is also working to upgrade your meter to smart mode. They'll let you know when they’ve done this. They'll do it remotely, so you won't need to do anything to your meter.

It’s as if the tool thinks that it’s OVO that has the problem (“you can switch to a supplier who can support your meter in smart mode.”), even though everything is working more or less as expected. 



Interestingly the Citizens Advice page simply interrogates the DCC in real time which I didn't realise. This is from the DCC website who built the tool which they are required to provide by law. 

"Once you have submitted your personal data via the Citizens Advice website, it will be securely transmitted to DCC. DCC uses that data to find the information that we hold. We then send the relevant information to the Citizen’s Advice website for you to read. Once you leave the portal, your results will not be retained by Citizen’s Advice."

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