This is going to be used by absolutely nobody but just in case…
I’ve found I’m outside the target to get any power move credit this month and I wondered how far off I was after getting the mid-month email. I went to each daily page and was totting up the kwh used between 4 and 6.30. What a nightmare. So I wrote a tiny bit of javascript that’ll do it automatically.
If you press F12 while viewing your daily usage in a browser you can put this into the console bar:
(() => { let spans = document.querySelectorAll("span[data-testid='usage-table-data']"); let totalP = 0;for (let i = 32; i <= 37; i++) totalP += parseFloat(spans[i].innerText.match(/\d+\.\d+/)[0]); return totalP.toFixed(2); })()
It’ll show something like ‘0.46’ you can also save it as a watch expression to make stuff easier.
You still have to paste the result and total day’s usage into a spreadsheet. Like I said. Niche.
“Yeahhhh, riiiight” is definitely a valid response to this.