Tim_OVO wrote:
The teams are really busy at the moment. It’s September which represents a generation (if feed in tariff (FiT)) or export (if SEG) reading window, so high volumes of contact. Alongside that the price cap news is meaning all customer facing teams are very busy and response have been affected.
Despite this our teams are committed to getting to your emails, applications and any outstanding payments as soon as possible. It’s still something we’re trying to put right for everyone.
Hi @TrishT
I’ve recently been advised that a smart export guarantee (SEG) applicant is only eligible for SEG once an export supply number (MPAN) has been created. As soon as that's been done we ask the customer for an opening reading which is the point they will be paid from. Unfortunately we cannot make payment for anything exported before then.
At the moment there’s a longer time frame than usual for applications and emails to the SEG team. Any customers still waiting to be set up may wish to cancel their SEG application with OVO and re-apply elsewhere as a different supplier may be able to register them quicker. It's not ideal by any means but unfortunately we can't process any quicker than we currently are.
Hope this helps outline your options,