I am on Economy 7 from 12 to 7.. At precisely 7.00 a.m. every day tariff changes to daily rate as verified by smart meter console (which readings tally exactly with my bill every month). However the storage heaters do not switch off until 7.06. This means that every day I am charged for 6 minutes at the daytime rate when there should be no charge at all. The smart meter was fitted new a year ago. When I realised what was happening I contacted Ovo thinking this was a timing issue which could be remotely adjusted. Ovo however decided to send an engineer to check the meter, After they had twice cancelled the appointment they then decided to try the remote method. This didn`t work however so they decided to fit a new meter. They then cancelled this latest appointment and made another. Then the contractor (SMS) rang to cancel this one and made another, an engineer finally turning up with new meter last week. He was adamant however that the meter was not at fault, saying that it had been set wrongly and after much work on his phone said that it was now done correctly and the heaters should go off at 7.00. Of course they didn`t so I am now waiting for another phone call from Ovo to doubtless make another appointment.
My question is - is this a common occurrence? Their reluctance to put this right makes me wonder if Ovo are deliberately setting the timers to run on after time? Perhaps others should check their heaters to see what time they actually go off.