Updated on 22/01/25 by Chris_OVO
Advantages and Disadvantages of Air-Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) - Share your experience
As one of the leading options in our journey to decarbonising the way we heat our homes, Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) are really heating up (pun intended) and generating much discussion, both amongst the AHSP trialists here on the OVO community and in this recent article written by our content team covering both the advantages and disadvantages of this low carbon heating set-up.
We know a lot of you here have gained first-hand experience of life with an ASHP in 2021 and we want to give you another chance to share your stories and help others considering an ASHP installation in 2022 and beyond!
As the article outlines one of the main benefits of opting for this heating system over alternatives will be it’s green credentials:
“They don’t give off any nasty carbon emissions”
How important was this as a factor in making you decide on an Air-Source Heat Pump and how do you think the positive environmental impact could be supported?
We know, as with any new technology, there might be some misconceptions about ASHPs which could be putting off other potential adopters. Have you heard the one about how noisy heat pumps are?:
“They can make noise – but not as much as you might think”
We’ve ‘heard’ that the noise of an ASHP hasn’t been the issue you might have been led to believe before getting one installed - isn’t that right,
Was this a concern you had before the installation and if so what put your mind at ease when giving the go ahead to the install?
What would you say to others who might be concerned by the noise factor? Are there times that the pump might be louder than others or is it a constant hum?
Cost is always a major factor when making home improvements and could be the deciding factor for some. As the guide calls out, currently installation costs for ASHPs are much higher than for a standard gas boiler replacement:
“They’re more expensive to install than a boiler”
Whilst I know many of you here are participating in a trial so didn’t incur these installation costs, there may be other financial impacts to consider such as the ongoing running costs. This can be complicated to work out, but is essential information.
For those considering an ASHP in future there’s some positive news ahead:
“You can get some financial support for installing one”
We’ve also seen a few community members with ASHPs who aren’t part of any trials that OVO are involved in, and we want to hear from you on this one!
“You’ll need proper insulation to get the best out of your heat pump”
This is another big and complex factor to consider when changing from a gas boiler to an ASHP. Pipe insulation is one thing, loft insulation is another and the overall heat retention properties of a house can impact the cost effectiveness.
And what about radiator sizes? -
Potential heat pump owners, over to you!
As it’s usually the largest contributing factor in the carbon impact of a household, making such a radical change to the way we do things (over 85% of UK homes are currently heated by gas) will no doubt generate plenty of questions. We’re hopeful that by having honest and constructive communities (like this one!) on hand to de-mystify the process, this will give others the confidence to take the leap -
What would be the number one thing you’d want to know before making the ASHP journey?