We recently in Dec 2021 had a large PV solar install completed on our house. A new 24 panel [385W each] Solar array at 8kW by a seemingly professional company. Disappointingly the install has issues, the main one being that the house utilty meter has the same consumption rate as before the solar install started! This suggests there is wiring config. or equipment fault issue somewhere or the meter cannot cope with Solar supply since we are having large Solar Yields!
Either way we are none the closer to getting either the solar installer coming back to fix it in a hurry [I don’t think they understand it!] or the Utility company to check the meter! All this in rapidly rising energy prices ….. pause to weep …… seriously this is cry for help please, we have spent a fortune for nothing!
One thing that stands out to me, being a lighting engineer [as a I have some electrical knowledge - although a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing!] is that the Solar Installer has wired the Solar Arrays Inverted 240V output not direct to our Consumer Board but has put it through our Utility Meter with the grid supply [on a single split combined cable]. When I asked the solar installers engineer how the Utility Meter can tell the difference between electricity we are consuming direct from the grid or through the Solar he just shrugged his shoulders and exclaimed that it just can! Personally rightly or wrongly i am unconvinced!

I attach an image of our electrical utilty meter [ a SMET 1 – Elster AS300P] cupboard with the solar installers wiring config displayed. Please the question to those in the know is should the Solar always be through the consumer unit first [as in schematic A] or through the utilty meter [as in schematic B] shown , or does it depend on other factors?

Any help or direction most welcome.