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Is there a facility to block users here?

I understand that is what the moderators do, there are a set of rules.

Use the three dots in the bottom right hand corner to alert a moderator if you think that is necessary. Unfortunately some people are just annoying rather than rule breakers and there isn't a lot you can do about that. I know there are some forums where you can hide the posts but not on this one.



The admins / moderators have the abilitly to remove unsuitable posts and block futher posts from those users. OVO Energy Forums will work to a set of “rules” to determine unsuitable content to ensure that there is nothing offensive or incorrect on the forums.

This comment was left by a Forum Volunteer rather than a Forum Moderator/Administrator

Hey @DesHarcus ,

I’ve just had a look at the threads you’ve been involved in so far, and I can’t seem to find any signs of rule breaking activity in any of them unless I missed something. But I’ve scanned your activities a few times now and everything on the public Forum in the threads you’ve posted in seems to be above board from what I can see.

With that being said, you cannot report another user just because you disagree with and/or don’t like the answers they give - such reports would just be closed as non-actionable. As much as it may hurt, sometimes you just have to accept the answer is what it is even if it’s not the one you want. You can report them if they deliberately give misleading answers (for example, saying it’s OK to never pay your bills would absolutely be considered misleading), but that’s then up to Moderator judgement to deal with.

Were you getting dodgy Private Messages from someone by any chance? Let us know if you are - we can help you with that with at least two possible options.
