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I have three meters - Why is my Monthly statement wrong again?

Carbon Catcher**

Hello all.

I only joined OVO in March, so I’ve only had 4 monthly statements so far & every 1 of them have been wrong.

As a new customer I’ve been keeping an eye on my account, just to make sure my direct debit payment covers my actual usage costs.

I’m guessing I have a different setup to most, as in the fact that we have 2 gas meters & 1 electric. only 1 gas, 1 elec are smart meters.

The normal view on the illustrative statement is correct up until my monthly statement has been produced, so the billing on all 3 meters is in sync. Albeit as long as a manually supply my dumb meter reading.

But my actual bill so far every month has only incorporated any 1 of the meters, or 2 of the meters or even once after a phone call to OVO to let them know, it had been amended to show a combination of 2 different meters.

Every month I place a call to OVO to let them know my monthly statement is wrong again & eventually OVO produces a correct statement.

I’m almost certain it’s the 3 meters & not the usual 2 that are the problem.

I did have the smart meters turn dumb for 6 weeks in May- June with the IHD also showing no data, a power cut during the night restored the service, I lost the daily smart meter readings for a week the end of June so yet another phone call to OVO, but OVO we’re still receiving readings, my OVO account is now showing smart meter readings OK but is not showing any usage data for July.

I've had more conversations with OVO in 3 months than I’ve had with any energy supplier over the last 10 yrs.

How hard can it be to get my actual monthly statement correct.



Best answer by TomThumb

Updated on 18/10/23 by Abby_OVO


Sorry to hear of the difficulties you’ve had with the billing on your account since switching to OVO with multiple meters.


Usually, even with more that one gas meter associated to your account you should receive a monthly summary covering the combined usage on both meters. The easiest way to view these monthly summaries is via the ‘Billing history’ page of your online account of OVO app (download for Android or iOS).


Exact appearance may vary


If you notice any errors or missing usage on these monthly summaries, reach out to our Support Team who can take a look in to the details of your account and raise this to our technical team if it’s not something they are able to resolve immediately. 

In this example the combination of a smart and non-smart gas meter caused an unexpected technical bug. See the comment below for the action taken to resolve this unusual issue.


 Having given OVO 9 months to resolve my billing issues to no avail, I changed  my approach this month & I decided to raise an official complaint on this matter.


This resulted with an informative chat with the technical department & fingers crossed a full resolution.


 Previously I had requested that my traditional gas meter be moved to a separate new account, leaving my 2 smart meters in place, but after the customer service agent consulted with management, the answer came back as a NO.


This time however, ovo have agreed to this & a new account has been setup for the sole use of my dumb gas meter.

From a customer point of view, it’s the best possible outcome.

If all goes well?


I will gain accurate monthly bill’s,


I will see usage history across all 3 meters, 


It will make my energy usage / costs / bill’s & statements a hell of a lot easier to manage,


Im guessing my traditional gas meter will still have a conflict with it’s projected Vs actual kWh’s usage & costs, given the fact this meter is heavily used during the summer & has zero usage over the winter months,  I will be in a better position to identify any mismatch as this meter is no longer grouped with the remaining 2 smart meters. I’m also hoping that ovo’s backend system will see this as a trend & adjust it’s estimates accordingly for this supply?


I won’t have to call ovo every month to complain about my account & bills,


The only drawback is I’ll have to click to switch between accounts on a drop down tab 😳👍

(I can cope, bring it on)


What I did ascertain from the call with the technical department, 

The only error found on my account was a validation error for my traditional gas meter for this month?

The old billing system can’t cope with 3 meters!

The new billing platform can’t cope with 3 meters ? (I never got to test it!)

Ovo had no clue of what was broken, so didn’t know what to fix?

Ovo should have listened to my suggestion of 2 account months ago! (wishful thinking)


Hopefully after next months bill / statement, if all goes well, I can post an update & finally mark this as case closed? 






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  • September 1, 2020
TomThumb wrote:

I have had confirmation that I am still indeed on the old Ovo account & billing system, 

but I do not know it’s importance? Is this is an oversight / fault, or is it that my account is still in the process & timeframe of waiting to be migrated over to the new system?


There can be lots of reasons for the account not being migrated over to the new billing platform, @TomThumb  - maybe your two gas meter set up is the cause. We have around 40,000 members still using the old platform. Every week that passes, the devs improve the new platform that allow another batch of customers to be upgraded. 


If/when you next need to chat or speak to us on the phone, ask if there’s a note on the account to confirm the reason for being on the old platform, and keep us updated on this usage issue please! 

Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 1, 2020

@Tim_OVO  Thank you for the confirmation & further info.

My billing / statement date is the 12th of each month & my smart meter fault on the electric gave the smart team until the 7th Sep to contact me, so hopefully I will have an update soon.




Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 4, 2020


I have today received an email notification & I now have a statement / bill for my electric usage 22 Jul - 11 Aug,

so if I recall correctly, all 3 meters have now been billed up to the correct billing date of the 11th of each month.


If this new statement is automated or by the billing team doing a manual readjustment while looking into my account  I do not know,

but as my regular monthly statement is only a week away on the 11th, I will be back to update this thread.


on a side note: I’ve still had no contact to date on the issue of my electric smart meter turning  dumb.




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  • September 4, 2020
TomThumb wrote:


I have today received an email notification & I now have a statement / bill for my electric usage 22 Jul - 11 Aug,

so if I recall correctly, all 3 meters have now been billed up to the correct billing date of the 11th of each month.


This is progress. Good to see! If we can now automate your billing on the 11th September, we might be able to turn our attention to other things. Speaking of which..


TomThumb wrote:

 I’ve still had no contact to date on the issue of my electric smart meter turning  dumb.


I can see that you’ve described that your online account and IHD aren’t showing daily usage. As you’re on the old My OVO platform, I don’t like to use this daily usage feature as an indicator of smart meter health. Instead, let’s look at the lights on the communications hub 


Once we know that, I can recommend whether the Support team is needed to check if we’re getting daily readings onto the Smart Front End (SFE) interface and go from there. 

Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 4, 2020

@Tim_OVO  The last contact from Ovo regarding my electric smart meter going dumb, said the smart meter team will be in contact by the 7/9/20 so I am a still within scope for a reply.

A quick recap,  A smart meter health check my end shows no issues.

My ihd & Ovo account are still receiving / showing all the data from my smart gas meter, 

Nothing on my ihd or Ovo account since the 18/7/20 for electric.

If this is useful (I did lose all ihd data & both smart meters went dumb for 6 weeks May-June time.
Full  functionality returned following a short power outage in the early Hrs of one morning) 


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  • September 8, 2020

Thanks @TomThumb 


I raised this to our smart meter ‘Second line’ team for advice. They straight away suggested that the S2 team we have are best placed to check for anything they can do on the back end to fix.


They also suggested (which concerned me a little) that they had seen more then one example of drop outs with S2 meters. These things are always difficult to know if related to, similar or different to another issue with the same symptom. But I think our best best is reaching our for some back-end fix attempts, which I have done this morning. 


This is ongoing but in hand :) 

Carbon Catcher**
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  • Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 8, 2020

Many thanks for the update @Tim_OVO 

The latest info I have. 
After the date of 7th Sep for the smart meter team to be in touch had come & gone, I reached out to Ovo via web chat, I was advised that they will escalate (my electric smart meter turning dumb) up to the engineering team & they will be in contact by the end of this week.

Also while in the chat, I did ask if there had been any update from the billing team on the issue of only being billed on 2 out of my 3 meters.

The reply came as, “the issue of random statements being generated” The billing team did force a manual statement for 1 day of gas usage to confirm that it could be done”

That dose explain my previous post on the subject of why bill me for just 1 day,

I only hope the billing team are looking into the correct problem of why they keep missing 1 of my meters off  from my statement & bill every month.


Due to the location of the meters & health issues, taking a manual reading is not straight forward these days, hopefully both issues can be resolved sooner rather than later.



Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
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  • September 8, 2020

@Tim_OVOwrote: They also suggested (which concerned me a little) that they had seen more then one example of drop outs with S2 meters.

Well, yes! That’s one aspect of what we’ve been calling “missing data” here on the Forum for almost a year now.

It’s most noticeable when you look at the monthly gas meter histograms because you can see where data has been apportioned equally across all the days where it hadn’t been collected.

I’m happy to offer my meters for further tests if Ben wants to trial any code updates in the field again, Tim. We have enough data from my site to allow us to check if software changes offer any improvement…

… and I’m probably the customer who would be least concerned if everything went pear-shaped and we lost contact with the WAN! :scream:

Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 15, 2020


In regard to my electric smart meter turning dumb, the smart meter team have again missed the set date of 11/9/20 to respond, so once again on to live chat to chase up this issue.

On the plus side, the Ovo person on web chat did advise it will again be bounced to the smart meter team & that he would take a personal interest & keep me informed & updated.


On the recurring issue of only 2 out of my 3 meters being billed, the bill / statement for the last month is either late or Ovo have still not got my billing issue sorted.


If or when I have any updates, I will post back.



Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 21, 2020


After the billing team advised I should have no more issues with my account, my statement / bill has had a notable change this time round, in the fact that it is absent.
with a monthly statement date of the 11th of every month, I would now class this failed rather than just delayed.

On the issue of the electric smart meter turning dumb, again I’ve heard nothing from the smart meter team.


So I placed a call into Ovo & the cs agent has set up an appointment for an engineer to attend to my smart meter next month,(but why do I have to wait 17 working days before the appointment can be acted upon)

The none statement / bill issue has again been bounced to the billing department for another look.


The failure of the smart meter team to keep the customer updated & informed in the timeframe set by Ovo is disappointing, especially as the set timeframe had been extended & again missed.

In my opinion my billing issues are a result of having 3 meters on 1 account, in theory Ovo can handle 3 meters, but practice it seems to be lacking.
: The Ovo app has a tab for my 3rd meter, but all info (meter readings) are for my 2nd meter.

: My online Ovo account dose show the meter readings for my 3rd meter, but nowhere dose Ovo show any usage stats for it.

: Only billing 2 out of my 3 meters.


There can’t be many account with 3 meters, if any.

 My previous energy supplier had to set up a 2nd account just for my 3rd meter, but that resulted in a totally different set of issues & problems.


On a side note if any of the mods pick this up, 
I did try the web chat this morning, it all seemed fine on my side, but the agent asked

“are you still there” & “as I have not heard from you” then ended the chat.

I guess the agent couldn’t see my chat, if this was a glitch or a more widespread issue, I’ve leave it in your hands.





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  • September 21, 2020
TomThumb wrote:

The failure of the smart meter team to keep the customer updated & informed in the timeframe set by Ovo is disappointing, especially as the set timeframe had been extended & again missed.


@TomThumb I’m aware of large volumes of cases for this S2 team have caused a delay in working them, and I’m getting cases escalated and worked on a case by case basis, and I have now included your account number in this pot.


In your example, you’ve confirmed that a site visit by an engineer is needed. As this isn’t an emergency, a 17 working day appointment is standard practice. But at least the S2 team can make sure this engineer visit really is the best action at this point. 


TomThumb wrote:

On a side note if any of the mods pick this up, 
I did try the web chat this morning, it all seemed fine on my side, but the agent asked

“are you still there” & “as I have not heard from you” then ended the chat.

I guess the agent couldn’t see my chat, if this was a glitch or a more widespread issue, I’ve leave it in your hands.


You’re the second forum user to mention this today, and I’ve passed on both bits of feedback on to the software engineers that look after this web chat tool. I’m so sorry for that you were effected, and it’s being looked at!

Carbon Catcher**
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  • Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 21, 2020

Cheers for your input @Tim_OVO 

Call me cynical but reading between the lines as it were, I got the impression from my call to Ovo this morning that there had been some notes on my account that an engineer visit was needed to visit my property to resolve my smart meter issue, 

so if my home visit is indeed the best way forward & has been sanctioned by the S2 team, I have not been informed as such.


Also @Tim_OVO is there any chance of bouncing my statement / billing issues up to the next line in the billing department as the quote from the billing team of it being resolved & that I should have no more issues was over exaggerated & premature.




ps: in case it’s useful : failed web chat this morning,   iPad Air / iPadOS 14 / chrome browser 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
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  • September 22, 2020

Ah… you’re right @Tim_OVO - this probably wasn’t the best Topic to post in.


*Edited by mod: please be advised that the comments this refers to have been moved to this topic*

Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 22, 2020
Transparent wrote:

Good/useful feedback @TomThumb 

There should be a pretty exhaustive set of criteria to be fulfilled before code changes are made to the operational version of the new Billing System.

If it were HH data that was awry, then that’s not particularly damaging.

But we’re seeing issues on the monthly usage (which gets used for the next month’s bill) 

@Transparent  Just adding to your thoughts,  over the few days that my last bill / statement should have generated, I had been keeping a close eye on my account, the DD recommended amount on my Ovo account had a prominent view & was up by 20%.

That figure is now only showing a 3% increase,  but as I have still not been billed for the previous months usage & my electric meter has gone dumb, I’m expecting that figure to change especially when you factor in my 3rd meter.


Given the fact that suppliers forecast that demand & expected usage increases over the colder winter months, my 3rd meter (gas) is the complete opposite, in the fact that it will have zero usage, plus some ancillary electric equipment will not be running over the winter months that will again offset their predictions.

 My statements from Ovo on the 1st page sometimes include a forecast of annual cost for gas, 

But as I have 2 gas meters, I have no way of knowing if that projected cost is for both gas meters or just 1. 

As far as the capabilities go of either my Ovo on the web or via the Ovo app, the billing is set up to identify 2 separate gas meters, but on the usage side,  neither can differentiate between my 2 gas meters.


Not knowing the projected usage Vs actual usage of my 3rd meter (gas) is of concern 









Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 23, 2020
TomThumb wrote:

Call me cynical but reading between the lines as it were, I got the impression from my call to Ovo this morning that there had been some notes on my account that an engineer visit was needed to visit my property to resolve my smart meter issue, 

so if my home visit is indeed the best way forward & has been sanctioned by the S2 team, I have not been informed as such.



 I have finally had a response from the smart team.

 I’ve just received an email stating that an engineer visit is needed to resolve my electric smart meter turning dumb issue.


& “Please be advised someone will be in contact to arrange a date and time for this to be booked in, at present I cannot advise a time frame for this.”


I’m sure my account should have confirmation of an engineer being booked for next month for this very reason already in place.


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  • September 23, 2020
TomThumb wrote:

I’m sure my account should have confirmation of an engineer being booked for next month for this very reason already in place.


It will do if my memory serves me correctly, @TomThumb - so at least we know the right process has been put in place already! Now, we await the engineer….. 

Carbon Catcher**
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  • Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 25, 2020

If @Tim_OVO can clarify a slight anomaly I’ve noticed with an old statement.

Is there ever a calorific value X 0 ?

 I’m guessing the current value should read circa X 39?




Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
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  • September 25, 2020

Oh no…. that’s hilarious!  :hugging:

The minimum input permitted for a Calorific Value is currently 37.

If there was a period when the CV sampling failed to deliver any result, the regulations state that the Energy Supplier can only invoice you as if 37MJ/m³ was the figure.

I think the programmer responsible for this section of the Billing System will be hanging his/her head in shame. A divide-by-zero is such a basic mistake!

Carbon Catcher**
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  • Carbon Catcher**
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  • September 25, 2020

@Transparent  cheers for your quick response & clarification, you are an asset to the forum.



Carbon Catcher**
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  • Carbon Catcher**
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  • October 6, 2020


A quick recap, I have 3 meters, but since joining Ovo in March 2020, I keep receiving monthly bills for only 2 out of my 3 meters.

That is until today, I’ve just received my latest statement & I have actually been billed on all 3 meters, a big plus for me is that now all 3 meters are aligned & running on the same billing period,

That will make my next statement so much easier to do a quick check on.


Only time will tell if this trend will continue over onto my next statement, but as my statements are due on the 11th of every month, I haven’t got a long wait..



@Tim_OVO the calorific value in the table from my statement is still showing zero.



Carbon Catcher**
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  • October 7, 2020

With all the inconsistencies with reported usage data recently, 

My engineer appointment next week is carrying over the trend

My appointment is either between 10-2 or 9-1 or even 8-12

In the grand scheme of all things Ovo, the appointment time is irrelevant, but a simple single reference point supplying 3 different data points is a rookie error!






Via email: 

Our engineer will be with you, ready to install your new smart meter on 13/10/2020, between 10:00 and 14:00.


Online account 

Or the app 




Carbon Catcher**
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  • Carbon Catcher**
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  • October 10, 2020

According to Ovo, the best time to supply my meter readings is today on the 10th of every month.

As I have a smart meter turned dumb & the 10th happens to be a Saturday, this is not as easy as it should be.


I have no option to enter my meter reading via the app or my online account.

The automated meter readings option via the phone comes  back with an error as not available.

As it’s a Saturday, nobody is manning the phones or web chat.


Am I right in thinking that if or when I migrate onto the new billing system, I will have the option to manually supply a smart meter reading online?

Is the failure on the automated meter readings via a phone call also due to the limitations of the old account system?

The only positive is that Ovo’s statements have always been missing or late for my electric supply, so hopefully the email with my meter reading might make it onto my account before my next statement has been completed.




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  • October 12, 2020

Hi @TomThumb - thanks for these posts. 


It really is two steps forward and 1 step back with this account, maybe a few side steps chucked in for good measure. I really appreciate your patience and perseverance with us, and your use of this forum to document the issues. It really helps. I’ll go into the nitty gritty now:


1 - Billing: great to see that a bill for all 3 meters has been generated. This sounds like a manual bill if you’re monthly bill is now due. Is it online now? 

2 - Calorific value: this is an automated element of your bill that doesn’t seem to be working. Has this been raised to our Support team at all this year? 

3 - Smart meter appointment time: :confounded:  I have sent a screenshot of that comment to the product manager of the smart booking tool. Thanks for flagging!

4 - Customers with smart meters that haven’t sent us their readings for 5 or more days are able to submit them manually on the new billing platform / online account. But this confusing account has just got more confusing. As your meters aren’t in comms, but you’re on the old billing platform, but you have 1 non-smart meter. One question to help me to help you on this point: have you ever been able to manually submit meter readings online

Carbon Catcher**
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  • October 12, 2020

@Tim_OVO  Firstly a big thanks for trying to keep on top of this. In response to your post above

Tim_OVO wrote:


1 - Billing: great to see that a bill for all 3 meters has been generated. This sounds like a manual bill if you’re monthly bill is now due. Is it online now? 

My bill / statement should be on the 11th of the month, no new statement showing as yet (12 Oct)

my last statement on the 6th Oct (over 3 weeks late) was for the the billing period up to 10th September. 



Tim_OVO wrote:

2 - Calorific value: this is an automated element of your bill that doesn’t seem to be working. Has this been raised to our Support team at all this year? 

 I’ve only posted this anomaly on the forum.

some of my statements show the correct formula, others do not. with no discerning pattern.


Tim_OVO wrote:

3 - Smart meter appointment time: :confounded:  I have sent a screenshot of that comment to the product manager of the smart booking tool. Thanks for flagging!


Tim_OVO wrote

4 - Customers with smart meters that haven’t sent us their readings for 5 or more days are able to submit them manually on the new billing platform / online account. But this confusing account has just got more confusing. As your meters aren’t in comms, but you’re on the old billing platform, but you have 1 non-smart meter. One question to help me to help you on this point: have you ever been able to manually submit meter readings online

My smart (now dumb since 18th Sep)  electric meter is not supplying any readings to ovo, but no issues with my smart gas meter, 

I’ve always had the ability to enter just my 3rd meter readings (none smart gas) via my online account.

I always supply my 3rd meter reading on the recommended date of the 10th, I did that via my ovo account,

but no way to supply my electric meter reading online. / the automated system via the phone to supply meter readings kept reporting an error & would not complete  / as the 10th fell on a weekend, nobody manning the phone to take my elec reading.



Now as of today I have noticed a change, I placed a call to ovo this morning to supply my electric meter reading, then a while later I checked my ovo account to see if the supplied reading had been applied, It had, but I now also have a manual entry available to supply my electric meter readings online, hopefully that option will not be needed next month, as my engineer appointment is tomorrow & fingers crossed it will result in full smart meter functionality being restored.


On a side note Tim, the cs agent this morning confirmed there is nothing flagged on my account that is keeping me on the old billing platform & the problems with my billing / statement is still an open case, so along with you, I suspect my last statement on the 6th Sep had been manually pushed.

I will post any findings from the engineer visit tomorrow in due course.




Carbon Catcher**
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  • October 13, 2020


The Ovo engineer has attended to my dumb electric smart meter & after pulling the main fuse to force a shutdown / reboot, all checks came back good & all communications have been restored, inc my iHD.

Also a comms refresh / update has been pushed to my unit to bring the grossly under reported ££ cost shown on my IHD  back inline to match the actual ££ costing for my gas usage.

So I just need to wait 24hrs for my ovo account & IHD to hopefully populate with the correct data.

Something for maybe @Tim_OVO  or @Transparent 

Last  month for a few days after my bill statement should have been produced, my Ovo account informed me that my recommended direct debit payments should be increased by about 20%, after a few days this figure dropped to about a 5% increase.

Again this month, Ovo account is flagging an increase of about 20% for my DD payments. with no new statement as yet, the billing system is pulling data from somewhere to calculate my projected usage.

(with the confirmation that I will not see any usage data for my 3rd meter) even when I migrate onto the new billing platform)

Is there a breakdown of projected usage data that separates my 2 gas meters?

How much of the projected increase is down to my 3rd meter?

As from past experience, the standard projected higher usage figures over the colder winter months are the opposite of my known usage figures of zero usage (Sep-April) for my 3rd meter for a 6 or 7 month period. 

I am now seriously considering setting up my 3rd meter on a separate account, there are many benefits in doing so, with very few negatives. 
Would there be any reason Ovo would object to my thinking?







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