If you do request to switch to Single-Rate, your Smart Meter can be updated remotely via SMETS Commands, so you won’t need to have it replaced or have an engineer visit to disable Economy 7 mode.
I hope this helps. If you need any more advice on what Economy 7 is or what it means, we’ve got some great guides on the Forum like this one.
But if you’re still confused, feel free to ask. :)
I'm sorry, I'm not with OVO, but a Google search for my problem brought me here and I think this is the answer I was looking for!
My tariff is currently single rate, but until last month my supplier couldn't communicate with my meter, now they can. (Before they could, they just set the day and night rate charge to the same amounts). However I'm switching back over to an Economy 7 rate with someone else, as in the current crazy climate it's actually cheaper than single rate (at least the one I found!)
However, I wanted to check that the storage heater in the bedroom was working. Turned it on all night and... Nothing. Tried turning on the immersion water heater too (don't normally use as it's so expensive!) And... Nothing. If I press the separate boost switch on the water heater though, it turns on. It's just not working on the timed night time connection.
I went to my meter to try and turn on boost mode today to check the storage heater again, and ... It's gone! I press 2 and it shows me usage history, and if I press A it just says VEND. Boost mode won't come on
I then realized that since my supplier started to use my smart meter, I haven't once heard the loud CLUNK at 12:30am that was the sign it had changed to the night rates. However, my meter readings still show separate day and night readings when I press 6…
So it's no longer switching onto a separate thing at night, but as my storage heater is connected to that other one, it doesn't work at all.
Sorry for the long winded-ness, but my question is: was the economy 7 mode disabled once my supplier could use my smart meter? Would that also disable boost mode and the actual CLUNK of switching to the other power as they're no longer needed, and mean the appliances connected to that won't work? When my new economy 7 tariff starts in 2 weeks, will it automatically get switched back to economy 7 mode and I'll get these things back? As well as my storage heater working again? As I kind of need them if I'm going back on eco 7!
Thanks for your help :)