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Statement after a supplier change



In late January, I have switched the electricity suppliers and left OVO Energy. Today, I have received a statement for electricity for the period between 17 February and 16 March, which was already covered by my new supplier and not by OVO, indicating just over 66 pounds in debit. How can I owe this amount if OVO is no longer my supplier at the property? Upon trying to conact OVO in a reply to the statement sent by e-mail (at, I received a message that this e-mail account is not registered to an OVO account, which further complicates the issue. I would appreciate any help on the subject. If that helps, my OVO account number listed in the statement is *Edited by Mod*


Kind regards

13 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi @rrose1978 ,

Sorry, but we can’t answer that here as Forum Volunteers such as myself can’t access your account. Please try Live Chat via instead.


Userlevel 6

Updated on 02/07/2024 by Shads_OVO

Hey @rrose1978 


One of our volunteers Blastoise186 has left some really helpful advice here already as the Support Team will be able to access the account and view the bills to discuss this further. I just wanted to tag onto that and add this similar topic which may be of use to you:




Hopefully this has been helpful.🙂

Userlevel 1

Thank you both for your help, much appreciated. The linked topic is indeed useful, however, not applicable in/to my case. I have received a regular statement for a period already covered by a different supplier. I am about to lodge a complaint at and I will possibly send a letter as well.

Despite having contacted the OVO Webchat advisers on Wednesday and being told that my account is now closed, on Friday, I received energy forecasts for both electricity and gas (now both utilities provided by a different supplier after the respective switches) for the next year from Boost, on behalf of OVO Energy, which indicates that my account may not be closed despite what the advisers have said. 

Userlevel 6

Hi @rrose1978 


Sorry to hear this, it does sound like something might not be quite right.


Have you tried logging into the online account to see what that shows you?


Does the account number for the period 17 February to 16 March match the account number you had before or is it different? One other question sorry, have you spoken with your current supplier about this at all? 



Let us know how you get on.

Userlevel 1



Thank you for the answer. I never managed to register an online account with OVO Energy despite multiple attempts, quite frankly - I have always received error messages indicating supposedly mismatched data. The same applies to the phone app, I never got it to work for me, either, my main communication channels were the phone (when I opened the account) and the OVO Webchat (which I do keep records of).


If it is of any help, after requesting my account to be closed, my e-mails sent to hello@ovoenergy,com return a message to the effect of ‘


Regarding my OVO account number, it has remained the same in the statement for the period between 17 February and 16 March as before.


Right now, my main issue lies in the fact that my account with OVO was supposedly closed and yet I receive communication as if it has not been closed. I did contact the complaint team with a request for a confirmation of this issue, providing the documentation including both electricity and gas contracts with my new supplier specifying the relevant switch dates/dates when they started supplying the utilities.


In the meantime, I will contact my new energy supplier as well, as I have already received a statement/bill for the period between 25 January (the switch date) and 27 February (corrected the date after double checking the paperwork). I have also switched my gas supply to them as well and already had an engineer visit, so that switch seems to have gone through correctly - and yet I still receive communications from OVO as if I were a customer.

Userlevel 1

By the way, when I try to log in to my OVO account, this is the only message I receive, which means I cannot access any information regarding my account this way in any case:


As a follow-up, I have just had a chat with an adviser representing my new supplier and they confirmed that they are my supplier, effective since 25 January 2024. Their bill issued for the period I have mentioned above was also confirmed as correct. I have forwarded the transcript of the conversation to the complaint department as well, together with an e-mail I have sent to on 25 January this year, informing about the supplier change and containing a photograph of my electric meter taken that very day with what would be the final meter reading.


Like I mentioned, I just want my OVO account to get closed so that we can move on from the issue. The onus of having a utility supplier lies with me anyway and not on the supplier, so I see no justifiable reason as to why my OVO account would not and should not be closed.

Userlevel 1

The issue has now been successfully resolved. Once again, thank you - everyone who contributed with their insights - for help, much appreciated!

Userlevel 5

Hi @rrose1978,

Thank you for letting us know that you got this resolved! We wish you the best of luck with your new supplier 😊

Userlevel 1

I have an update - apparently the issue is not resolved, unfortunately. A few minutes ago I received an e-mail message indicating that I have been switched over from OVO Energy to Boost, a service I neither requested nor required. Since all of my previous correspondence, including a formal complaint, seems to have fallen onto deaf ears, I am afraid I have no choice, but to take further, legal action this time.

Userlevel 1

An update, it seems such actions will not be necessary, after all. :) I managed to get a hold of a Boost adviser who confirmed that the issue is now resolved and everything is in order.

However, please, and I really mean it - do get your systems to work more efficiently. I have no idea if this is the result of the recent influx of customers to OVO Energy combined with a system change/upgrade, I presume this to be the case, but in situations such as mine it can very easily make an impression that something very strange is happening with the customers and their accounts.

That said, once again, I would like to thank everyone for their assistance, very much appreciated!

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

My understanding is that Boost is closing down sooner or later anyway - this issue will hopefully go away once it does.

I’m also told that you can’t sign up with Boost anymore because all PAYG sign-ups are now with OVO directly. Only existing Boost customers still run on that side - and they’ll most likely be migrated back to OVO eventually once Boost completely merges back into the main brand i.e. OVO.

To help enforce that, it looks like even the get a quote option is gone from Boost to prevent new sign-ups. I think it’s really just a case of now waiting for everything to get migrated to OVO and dehydrated from Boost before that gets totally turned off.

Userlevel 1

Thank you for the reply. I was told that the records are indeed correct after a check - with neither OVO nor Boost being my supplier as things stand, as is indeed the case after my supplier switch which took place in late January. This seems to be the final solution to the issue at hand - today I also received a confirmation that my account with OVO has now been closed, I assume that the switch was not marked correctly somewhere in the system, as the advisers from OVO have sent me the final statement as well, including the contract end date.

Userlevel 1

Just for the record, I thought I could post the confirmation I have mentioned.

