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Today I have reached a milestone, my 20th phone call, covering 9 hours, 18 minutes and 10 seconds, in trying to finalise my FIT account.  I have had excuses of:

  1. We can not open the format of the documents you sent.
  2. We dont have the documents you sent.
  3. Some of the information is not in the right format.
  4. Here is your SEG application case number ( but not finalised at OVO’s end).
  5. Here is your complaint number, you wil be contacted within 48 hours.  ( the complaint was not actioned/finalised)
  6. You need to send a photo of the your meter ( it was a brand new system strting at “000000” back in november) as a staring point for any back dated payments.

This is complete chaos, as a cusomte of OVO from 2015, I have never been treated this way.  This has been ongoing since my Solar panel installation in October 2022.

Any ideas please?

You could move your FIT account to another scheme provider. It doesn’t have to be the same as your energy supplier 

Thanks for the advice, I was not sure that this was possible and will look into it.

Thanks for the advice, I was not sure that this was possible and will look into it.

There are several reports of better returns from others. My system has stayed with my original provider and although they had a few issues mid-term, it has been mainly without problem. I have moved energy provider several times during those years

From Ofgem

Good day. I have similar issues with OVO trying to claim seg. I decided to swap to octopus and went through simpler process and was connected within 2-3 weeks.  Seemed quicker. Then got a email from OVO stating that they hadn’t received the documents and was closing the application. Fine with me as I am now with octopus. 

good luck. 

I have solar pannels on my roof which have worked well for many years and we always submitted our FIT meter readings on time.

I went out to work and my wife looked after the house staying at home as we had an autistic son to look after so she acted as a carer to him and my elderly mother who also lived with us. As a result most of the household Bills were in her name so she could deal with any problems.

My business was not doing to well and my mother was getting worse so i gave up work to help with the caring resposibilitys. My Mother passed away and then a while after that it was discoverd in a routine blood test that my wife had cancer. 7 months of hell followed as she tried to fight the cancer often meaning that we had to travel to central London at short notice for treatment.

At that time we may have missed putting a FIT meter reading in on time and as a result of all this and the change of ownership when our accounts were passed over to OVO our details had somehow slipped through the cracks in the system so we were getting no Fit payments.

I have lived at my current address for over 50 years so there is a long history of my bills always being paid on time however since my wife passed away almost 2 years ago from the cancer it seems that i cannot get the FIT payments due to me, the account has been suspended as it was in my late wifes name.

Just over a year ago it was also discovered that i have cancer as well. So far my treatment is going ok but i would like to get this situation with the FIT meter finaly sorted out instead of phoneing up several times only to be told that the person on the other end of the phone cannot sort it out or that i have to wait another 3 months till the next FIt meter reading is due.

i was told back in january to wait till march 1st when the next FIT reading would sort it all out. I have just phoned today and your people are saying they can’t accept the reading as the account is suspended until I get the welcome message and i may have to wait till June to submit the next reading. i did give them the numbers anyway but it’s been over a year and a half  now of phone calls to get this sorted. If nothing happens soon i think i will have to go to a watchdog or Martin lewis.

any other suggestions would be appreciated.

