I am shocked, surely this cannot be correct? I understand websites being down for sometimes a few weeks for updates, but when I tried to log into the OVO Energy website today only to see the message “We're in the process of migrating groups of customers to our new website so access to your online account won't be available until the end of 2023” I was quite frankly flabbergasted. And with absolutely zero warning that this was pending.
So is that right, will there be no website for up to 9 months???
How will I monitor my usage in these trying financial times? How will I be able to check when my peak charge times are? How will I be able to check whether my direct debit is adequate to cover my monthly costs, and how will I be able to change it? How will I be able to view and compare historical bill values? And how will I be able to view and compare any new fixed rate deals that might become available.
Seriously, this kind of potential duration of outage of online services would be scandalous in good times, but to callously and without prior warning remove access to the website at a time when the budgeting and planning capabilities the previous website offered are essential in the middle of a cost of living crisis I find to be utterly unconscionable.
Suffice it to say that if the ability to view, monitor and control my monthly electricity bills online will indeed be removed for the better part of a calendar year, I will be moving my account to a different provider. I need that control and visibility now more than ever. Shame on you OVO.