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How come I haven't been invited to tonight's Demand Flexibility Event?

  • 14 March 2024
  • 9 replies

My partner and I have our own homes and are both with Ovo. He signed up to Demand Flexibility Service events through Uswitch, I signed up through Ovo. He’s ‘invited’ to an event tonight (6 - 6.30). I’ve not been invited to anything. 

Can someone explain to me how / why  that happens?

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Might just be that OVO got outbid by others. That can happen

Not everyone is invited, it's random I believe.  But don't lose sleep over it, even if you managed tonkeep below Ovo's limited you could be lucky to get 15p off your next bill!!   I don't bother anymore...sadly.  they set the limit too high for little reward.  So no point in sitting with the lights out and candle on, as that's the only way you'll get your 15p!!!  ;)

Userlevel 4

Thanks @Blastoise186  - my partner is with Ovo so that means its more about who we sign up to for events and how they bid then. (?) 

I know you can only sign up to 1 event ‘manager’ but is it allowable / possible to change that?  (My partner has been invited by Uswitch to every event that I have been invited to by Ovo but he’s also been invited to 2 more events) 

Userlevel 4

Thanks @CatherineBridget you made me smile.

I do like a challenge though - and now its getting lighter I wouldn't even need to burn much of the candle lol

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

If you’ve already signed up for DFS via OVO, DO NOT attempt to sign up with any other provider. If you do, you WILL be banned from them all until the end of the scheme later this year. It’s an anti-cheat protection.

You must stick to the one you signed up with first and you can’t change it later.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

You can see the bids (winning and losing) via the NG ESO website and data portal. 
OVO did bid but it was rejected 

And if I am chosen as the best answer to your question...who knows OVO at a push may reluctantly deduct 20p off my next bill!! I can hardly contain myself...Good luck with your challenge, you'll need it😁!!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

That’s not how it works. Otherwise, I’d have gained 333 x 20p off my bills and would be absolutely rich by now. :P

Even us Forum Volunteers don’t get rewarded with hard cash for our efforts. But, we do get some perks like the ability to mark anything we want as a Best Answer (within reason), a private area of the Forum to hang out with the moderators, the ability to chat with senior OVO staff from time to time and some other secret perks...

Userlevel 4

Thanks again @Blastoise186  for the info - sad to know I’m trapped but better know it than get penalised for moving.

And thank you @BPLightlog for the info - I will check out the website and data :) 
