On Thursday my minimum monthly payment was £29. I am currently paying £37 per month, which would supposedly leave me £49 in credit by 31st March.
That all changed on Friday when …..
Through the mobile app, my minimum monthly payment has been showing as £36 – but it still says I'll be £48 in credit if I continue paying at £37.
On the surface, that's fair enough, because OVO predicted that my increased costs resulting from the tariff change will be £66.36 (i.e. £6 per month) … HOWEVER, the predicted 31st March balance is self-evidently complete nonsense, given that I only have seven payments remaining until 31st of March, so paying only £1 less than the minimum would only leave me around £7 in credit come 31st March, not £48.
Complicating matters even further ….
If I now access my account through a pc browser it tells me a completely different story:
Paying £37 will leave my 31st March balance at £20 in credit, but my minimum monthly payment is still £36. Again different numbers but either the minimum payment or the predicted balance is once again self-evidently wrong, because a credit balance of £20 by 31st March would require me to be paying around £3 a month more than the minimum, not £1.
Still through the PC browser, if I now go into the calculator itself, it is back to showing me the same nonsensical numbers I got accessing through the mobile app.
The level of crass incompetence simply beggars belief.
EdIted to add: If I now change my Direct Debit amount, the 31st March balance on the home screen doesn’t reflect that change … and whilst the amount in the actual calculator changes, it is self-evidently still incorrect