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Delay in Power Move results and credit

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  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 66 replies
  • November 11, 2024

OK its now the 11th and still no Power Move Credit .There is no point talking with the chat line they can’t get their head around the difference between Beyond Poewer Move and Flex. No matter how many times I explained that they were 2 different schemes they just kept repeating what was on the bill. After an hour I had to cut off because I was getting soooo angry. I have seen that the Mods sometimes get a clearer answer from them so HELP!!!!!!

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 736 replies
  • November 11, 2024

As I suspected, and as Chris_OVO has now confirmed above, the delay this month is simply due to the fact that they are having to calculate some things manually.

They say that they should be back to speedier automatc calculation next month.

Chris_OVO wrote:

Hey all, 


Please expect a delay in payments this month due to a slight change to how your Power Move data is calculated.



They’ll need to process payments this month manually, which means a small delay until the credits arrive, but it’s nothing to worry about. You should receive an email confirmation of your award.

Things should return to normal in November with the process being fully automated …….



PS. You are also correct that we often know what is going one here before the latest information has had time to get down to the support agents.
Not their fault, they can only tell you what they themselves have been told about..

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 8 replies
  • November 11, 2024

“having to calculate some things manually” - what year is this Ovo? The javascript bookmark from @Tron Burgundy, and also post processing Glowmarkt data in Excel, have both been working for many months. But my gripe today is that Ovo haven’t updated the customer facing staff about this issue. Today I was on the online chat for ages because my most recent PM credit hasn’t been applied, when the reason was already known internally, and I should’ve been told that in the first 2 minutes. Wish I’d read the above first - but then, I shouldn’t have to, as they should know. Just wastes everyone’s time. [Edit: How can I get the email telling me I hit Tier 1 and what my payment is, and then that doesn’t make it to the bill - how has that anything to do with “...pull through data from the first 2 weeks of October that have previously been flagged as not having any”?]

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 724 replies
  • November 12, 2024

Hey @Sally123,


I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had issues speaking with our Support Team. If I can add some perspective for you when you call through to our Support Team they mainly handle account based questions and normally just have an overview of what Power Move/Power Move flex is. If you ever have any questions about Power Move feel free to ask them on the Forum and we can get you some answers as we have access to the team 🙂


@Alandamore I’d hope that it’s 2024 or my calendar is lying to me 😅 Normally the full process is automated from calculations to payment and the Power Move team only need to ad-hoc change something if an issue happens. Some of our members weren’t meeting the target due to a mismatch of when their data was available for calculation. The team made some improvements to the process and re-ran the process for this month to make sure they didn’t miss out on credits which is the reason for the delay. I’m sorry it’s caused you concern but you will have received an email confirming that your reward for the trial and these will be paid soon. I’ll link the thread where the issue was identified below. Our frontline staff haven’t been made aware of this as it was just tested within this cycle to ensure that it works as intended. 


If you have any more questions i’m happy to help. 

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