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£66 government energy bills support scheme deducted from my OVO account balance not added?

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Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2013 replies
  • March 8, 2023
Derek g wrote:

I then get a Government help payment of £67 to help me cope, WRONG !!!, 


It looks as if it might be difficult to help you understand what’s going on, but I’ll give it a go. 

Have another look at your bills. It may be clearest on the monthly PDF you can download, e.g. from Billing history - OVO Energy . 

On the first page, you should see the government payment (‘Energy Bill Support Scheme’) on both sides of the page, in on the left and out (as a refund) on the right. This should tell you that the bottom line - the Closing balance - is exactly the same as if the EBSS payment hadn’t appeared there at all. That doesn’t mean that you’ve been conned, because the refund is now in your bank account for you to use as you see fit. If you want to use it to reduce your debt to OVO, you can easily do that at

The payment is made through your electricity account because:

  • The payment is intended to ease the pain of high energy prices.
  • Just about every household in the country has an electricity account, so this seemed to be a straightforward way of delivering the grant automatically to those households. Because you pay by Direct Debit, OVO already have your bank details, making the process even simpler.
  • Paying it into, and then out of, your electricity account shows on paper that OVO have done what the government asked them to do: pass on a grant from the government to you. The entries in your OVO account form part of the ‘audit trail’.
  • By having the funds transferred to your bank account, you are left free to use them as you wish. The government doesn’t lay down what they are to be used for: some recipients will have used them to buy heating oil, others to help pay for their annual skiing holiday. It’s up to you to spend them wisely, to ‘help you cope’.

I’m sorry if this doesn’t make things clearer.

Thank you for your response. I just checked and it has been taken off my balance 7 times overall and there are only supposed to be 6 payments in total so does seem like a mistake. Has anyone else had this? 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • March 9, 2023
Kelly Elliott wrote:

Thank you for your response. I just checked and it has been taken off my balance 7 times overall and there are only supposed to be 6 payments in total so does seem like a mistake. Has anyone else had this? 

You’ll probably need to check with OVO direct as no one has access to your account here. 

Customer Support  -  tel:03303035063

Webchat  -

If you need billing -

Accounts/Billing  -  tel:08000699831

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2569 replies
  • March 10, 2023

Hey @Kelly Elliott,


Sorry for the issues you’re having,


Can you check your payments using this tool, and send us a screenshot of what you see?


Let’s get to the bottom of this!

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • March 13, 2023

Been looking at forum and i for one agree with those that say they are paying themselves. To put in simply FORGET about the £66 Govt Support as this is an in/out process. I’ve gone through all my bills since January 2022 but will only be quoting to OVO tomorrow from August 2022. Started off as credit £305.76.  Bills total Aug 22-Mar 23 £944.22.

Direct Debits £1159.00 + £305.76 credit = £1464.76.

So £1464.76 minus bills £944.22 = £520.54 Credit. Hope you’re all following this 😁

My bill for March £187.54 Credit .  Carry forward credit £520.54 minus £187.54 credit(March) = minus £333 Credit. Plus £67 i paid by card = £400 . Govt Support £66 x’s 2 + £67 x’s 4 = £400. )  Funny how it works out exactly !!! To reiterate FORGET Govt Support as in/out. To my reckoning i have received the payments but taken from my credit balance. Here we go, probably going to be a long drawn out discussion with OVO tomorrow !!!!😒😒

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 1258 replies
  • March 13, 2023

@DOG13 have you noticed on your bills where the VAT appears that for the months October to March theres a line saying  ‘energy bills support scheme -£67’ ? This reduces your charges each month.

Its OVO’s convoluted way of paying you..

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • March 14, 2023

Hi juliamc. Thanks for your response. YOU ARE RIGHT👍Taken me bloody hours of calculations. Obviously I bypassed their calculations and just took the bill amount. 🙄. Sorry forum members for boring you with my nonsense.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • March 15, 2023

I’m so confused, why do I pay £168 a month and then get the government discount of £67 deducted from that amount and sent back to my bank. I thought I’d pay £168 and get £67 back but not from my own money, in theory I’m only paying £101 a month which isn’t enough. Where’s my government refund cash. On looking at others comments OVO replied that’s it’s credited to your account then deducted as a refund but I can’t see the credit anywhere 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 1258 replies
  • March 15, 2023

If you look at the Charges Detail on your bill where you see the VAT the credit is paid in on the previous line - shown as Energy Bill Support Scheme. On the app look at See Details and scroll down to the VAT.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • March 15, 2023

Great, found it thank you

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • March 16, 2023

Hello, has anybody have experienced any issues with the rebate?

As far as I am concerned it should work with OVO adding the £66 to your OVO account and then deduct it and send a refund to your bank account.


However I went back to my bills prior the scheme kicked off.

My figures are as below

Aug-Sep 2022 (no energy scheme): OVO closing balance +£108.9


OVO opening balance +108.9

Total charges £25.22

Direct Debit £133

Refunds -£66

Closing balance +150.68


If they are adding the £66 to your balance as they say shouldn't my closing balance be £216.68?


It's the same for all the other months after OVO balance has never been increased by £66 in order to justify that amount to be deducted from my balance.


Can somebody please advise?



Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • March 16, 2023

If you look at your total charges, they are low. You should find that the £66 or £67 has been also deducted from that. Meaning the your energy cost £66/67 less and that is then refunded to you

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • March 16, 2023

Thanks for your reply…

I still can't figure out why the balance is going down though…


Opening balance 108.90 + direct debit of 133 = 241.90

At this point I got charged 25.22 (discount applied) therefore:

241.90-25.22= 216.68

Then why the refund gets deducted from my balance? It seems that they are considering me paying less than what I supposed to? As now I am in debit quite a lot and according to the total charge of every discounted bill and the amount I send every month, it shouldn't be the case 🤦‍♀️

Sorry, but I can't really get my head around it...🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • March 16, 2023

The idea from OVO was to reduce your energy cost and refund the support payment to you. If you prefer of course, you can just pay it back into your account. 
I believe that they didn’t factor this into the direct debit as the scheme finishes this month

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • March 16, 2023

The problem is it looks confusing .. 

Starting balance 12 Feb £100.45 in credit

Total charges £248.09 out

Direct Debit 13 Feb £262.00 in

Refunds 14 Feb £67.00 out

Closing balance 11 Mar £47.36 in credit

100.45-47.36 = 53.09 which is 67.00-(262.00-248.09) .. confused .. in trying to make it transparent it has just been made confusing ..

So people look at balance start 100.45 and see they have paid 13.09 more than  owed .. so expect new balance to be 100.45 PLUS 13.09 .. instead they see it is less.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • March 16, 2023
SteveM24C wrote:

The problem is it looks confusing .. 

Starting balance 12 Feb £100.45 in credit

Total charges £248.09 out

Direct Debit 13 Feb £262.00 in

Refunds 14 Feb £67.00 out

Closing balance 11 Mar £47.36 in credit

100.45-47.36 = 53.09 which is 67.00-(262.00-248.09) .. confused .. in trying to make it transparent it has just been made confusing ..

So people look at balance start 100.45 and see they have paid 13.09 more than  owed .. so expect new balance to be 100.45 PLUS 13.09 .. instead they see it is less.

Luckily the scheme ends this month, i think we will never see anything like this again from the government... The regular posters on the forum, including me, will be glad to see the back of it given the number of people we have helped understand it. 

Would have been so much easier for the government just to make the Energy Price Guarantee more generous and never have the Energy Bill  Support Scheme.... 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • March 16, 2023

Absolutely Jeffus .. but it still leaves an issue that regardless of the £67 in and out … your balance seems to get less even though you have paid more than owed. Or is that still the £67 issue .. anyway thanks ps I think the scheme has just been extended or it may just be the Cap… 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • March 16, 2023
SteveM24C wrote:

Absolutely Jeffus .. but it still leaves an issue that regardless of the £67 in and out … your balance seems to get less even though you have paid more than owed. Or is that still the £67 issue .. anyway thanks ps I think the scheme has just been extended or it may just be the Cap… 

Just the Energy Price Guarantee has been adjusted, it was due to go up from an average £2500 to £3000 for someone with a typical consumption (12000kWh gas, 2900kWh electricity).

But now the rates will stay the same on average between 1st April to end June.

You will get an email from OVO sometime after 23rd March to confirm your rate and DD.

Fingers crossed rates will fall quite dramatically after 1st July as wholesale prices have been falling. We may even see some fixed rates coming back before or just after that. 

No extension of the Energy Bill Support Scheme thankfully... 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • March 16, 2023
SteveM24C wrote:

The problem is it looks confusing .. 

A. Starting balance 12 Feb £100.45 in credit

B. Total charges £248.09 out

C. Direct Debit 13 Feb £262.00 in

D. Refunds 14 Feb £67.00 out

E. Closing balance 11 Mar £47.36 in credit

100.45-47.36 = 53.09 which is 67.00-(262.00-248.09) .. confused .. in trying to make it transparent it has just been made confusing ..

So people look at balance start 100.45 and see they have paid 13.09 more than  owed .. so expect new balance to be 100.45 PLUS 13.09 .. instead they see it is less.

A. Your balance starts at 100.45

B. Your charges include your usage, standing charge, vat and 67 from the government (you can't see that breakout on your post, you need to look on the full details of your charges) is 248.09

C. Your DD was 262

D. OVO put the 67 from the government in your bank account

E. Your closing balance is 47.36


A - B + C - D = E

100.45 - 248.09 + 262 - 67 = 47.36

It can get confusing as the EBSS money is added in B, then withdrawn in D and put in your bank account. 



  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 21, 2023

My bill shows my usage,my credit but it shows my payments less the govt rebate!!  
surely  my payments  are what I pay to them each month. Tge rebate is from the government, not Ovo! 
my usage is covered by my direct debit but my credit gas nearly halved !! 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • March 21, 2023 shows where it goes.

You’ll have had credits for £66/£67 each month to offset that, leaving your OVO account in the same state as if EBSS had never existed.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 21, 2023

Approx figures….     Credit 450 

                                     Bill.      520 

                                     Payments 276

                                      New credit 218

but I have actually paid            530 (ddbt) 

The £66 is from govt not Ovo.but Ovo have deducted it from my payments. 

if the 66 had come straight from govt and not through Ovo then I woukd have had approx 460 in credit !!

my direct debit is set just right 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • March 21, 2023

The way OVO chose to do this was to reduce your energy bill by that amount and then refund it to your bank account. The only way to put it back in balance is to pay the refunded £66/67 back into your energy account

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 21, 2023

Thank u for replies. Maybe I am being a bit thick here .
 I will break this up in to a monthly figure . All approx 

 Ovo say my energy usage is 150 but my ddbt is 150 so I am even . They give me back 66 (well govt does)  . So my bill says that I have  only paid 84 . ( 150 minus 66 . So I go into arrears, luckily I did start with a large credit 

Surely Ovo is saying that they have refunded me part of my ddbt!!  But it’s not Ovo who r refunding me , it’s the govt .  

i Just can’t get my head round it 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • March 21, 2023

The bit you’re missing @David easson is the bill reduction. If you look at a full bill, you will see your energy costs and then a reduction from the energy support scheme - look under ‘Charges in detail’. That’s why it all balances



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