Updated on 27/06/24 by Shads_OVO
Hey @ALH,
I’ve found out more about our internal process for switching:
How Faster Switching affects the cooling off period
All domestic customers get a 14 day cooling off period when they sign up to a new supplier, this starts from the day they sign up and allows them to cool off and change their mind about the switch as long as they inform us within the 14 days. This period remains the same.
Before, as a switch would take 21 days, they could cancel in their cool off period and allow a supplier to withdraw from the switch before the new Supply Start Date (SSD).
As Faster Switching now allows us to complete a switch within 1 working day, a customer could successfully switch to us and still be within their cooling off period.
What if a customer changes their mind?
Before the cut-off (5pm on the day before Supply Start Date)
If a customer changes their mind before the cut-off, 5pm on day before SSD, then they can still cancel the switch and remain with their current supplier.
After the cut-off
If the customer changes their mind after the cut-off, then they can no longer cancel the switch to us. Instead they have 3 options:
- Revert to their previous supplier and retain the tariff they were on previously (suppliers have to keep this offer open for at least 16 days after a loss).
- To do this the customer needs to contact their previous supplier directly
- Switch away to another supplier without any penalty. They can even choose to switch to their previous supplier on a different tariff if they like.
- Stay with the new supplier, but alter the tariff to an alternative that's available within the cool off period. The customer won't be charged any exit or tariff hopping fees if they choose to do this.
- To do this the customer needs to contact the current supplier.
This is our internal process, so, if you contact OVO it seems you can revert your supply back to us and we can keep this open for at least 16 days after your supply was lost to ensure you retain the tariff you were previously on. One thing to note, I’m not sure if Octopus will need to flag something on their end to ensure you aren’t automictically charged exit fees.
Really hope this helps, keep us posted with how you get on!