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I check my usage every day - especially as my daughter has started to use the oil heater in her bedroom. However, I have had no usage statistics for Gas or Electric since 14/02. Does anyone know why this might be?

You probably just need it rebooted. Let the Support Team know as they’ll also be able to backfill missing data.

They’ve already told me it’s their problem.

I’m utterly fed-up with Ovo at present.

Hey @Gingernut49,


I’m really sorry to hear this, it sounds like a very frustrating situation.


We do offer Economy 7 plans, but you’d need to have an Economy 7 meter as OVO can’t change the functionality from single to dual rate. 


When you contacted Support did they give a timeframe of when it would be fixed or say they’d raised a tech issue. 


I’d advise sending them screenshot’s if you haven’t already so that our tech team can see what you’re seeing on the Online Account.

I’ve sent them screenshots - last batch I sent was on the 17th and I haven’t yet had a reply. The last full day’s usage data was 8th October. 



I’d suggest signing up for one of the 3rd party authorised users of DCC eg the Bright app (Hildebrand) or Loop Energy. They’re smartphone only, not web page.

They update the half-hourly energy usage data every few hours, so you can see what’s happening today without waiting until the following day (which is all that Ovo, Octopus et al. will show).

Loop Energy will also try and interpret your usage as heating, standby, etc. but to be honest, when they only have 30 minute resolution on usage, that’s a pretty hopeless task - hence (I think) the misinterpretation of your data.

Like Energy Insights, this is using “Artificial Intelligence” (aka “Machine Learning”) which is certainly artificial, but it isn’t intelligence in any real sense. It’s statistical analysis, often implemented by people who don’t really understand statistics. and it’s certainly not magic.

Good luck


Thank you, Simon. I tried Bright and Hugo but both said that my meter needed to be SMETS2 and mine is SMETS1.

I’ll try Loop and see if that’s any better.

It’s easy for me to deduct my car charging from house use, but I want to see the difference using my washing machine (cold) costs.

It’s so frustrating that Ovo can’t get their act together for me!

I even had an email from a ‘Bobby’ yesterday that called me Christine, when Christie is my surname. Their customer service used to be excellent (11 years ago!).

Ah sorry to say Loop won’t work either. I’ve had that problem in the past, but am now at a different address with a SMETS2 meter…


Also, I joined around the same time and was very happy with Ovo, but switched away almost a year ago. I have to say, my mental health improved markedly when I wasn’t seeing the tales of woe on this forum so frequently. (I still visit occasionally, out of curiosity, but am entirely content to stay away.) The other thing I noticed is that my previous obsession with understanding smart meter data seemed to evaporate on switching away - I found the simple transparency of dealings with my new supplier did wonders for my levels of trust. I didn’t need to care any more.


With apologies for straying off topic.

Yes, Loop doesn’t work either. :(

Who are you with now?
I’d really rather stay with Ovo as they’ve been marvellous for me in the past, but they’ve definitely “gorn off” with their Customer Service. It’s very sad.

Chipping in here to say I have the same problem, I think:

Half-hourly readings not available for the days since 8 October

I lost the daily readings for a few days, but they mysteriously reappeared. There’s still no sign of the granular readings; this is all I see for the days since 8 Ocober:

Trying - very.


It happened a few weeks ago, just for a few days, then came back. Then stopped again on the 9th. Surely they’ve had long enough to fix the problem.

We have to know what our appliances are costing us!

It’s absolutely infuriating.

Hi @Gingernut49 are you seeing daily smart readings on the readings page?

Best looking at the website rather than app. Should say Smart next to each reading. 


@Gingernut49 according to the link below all the easy SMETS 1 meters have now been migrated and the DCC (Data Communication Company) is working through the more difficult ones with energy companies. See link for further info:

It says they will complete it by the end of 2022 or replace your meter. 


Thank you. That's interesting, especially if the upgrade can happen remotely.

I'd never seen that smart reading page before. All my readings are there.

I can see how much I've used each day on the Ovo website and app. What I'm missing is the half-hourly information during each day. I know then how much my washing machine load, for example, has cost.

I'd never seen that smart reading page before. All my readings are there.

I can see how much I've used each day on the Ovo website and app. What I'm missing is the half-hourly information during each day. I know then how much my washing machine load, for example, has cost.

That is good. At least it means your bills are not being estimated. That is always the risk when looking at the usage page as you can't see if the readings are smart or estimated.




Thank you. That's interesting, especially if the upgrade can happen remotely.

There is a thread with further migration info just in case there is anything useful in it


I had a smart meter fitted on 5th January 2023, all my useage data is on my IHD, but on the app and on the website the useage data is only there up to 16th January 2023, the 17th January isnt there (not even listed as a day), then from the 18th onwards it all says £0.00, and my most recent bill only gives my useage from 28th December (the start of my billing period) up to the 4th January (the closing meter read the day before I had my smart meter fitted) so I have only been charged for 8 days of electricity. Does anyone know why all this useage data appears to be missing? Thanks

Hi @Matty21 it takes a little time for the data feed to settle down and link correctly to the central hub (DCC). Your IHD is just showing your local link and not necessarily that available on the data store

Hey @Matty21,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community,


It can take up to 6 weeks for things to settle down. This similar thread might be helpful to you:



Hello All,

Yet more smart meter and connectivity issues. My smart meter had been working perfectly for months and then last Sunday stopped sending any readings to the mother ship. It still sends to my home device and I can get readings, they just aren't being sent to OVO (or picked up by OVO) and nothing is showing on the Hugo app 


​​​​​Has anyone had their connectivity just stop without explanation before. I know it sometimes goes but it has been a week. The man at OVO said I needed to have 30 days off before they looked into it but that seems excessive??!


​​​​​If something similar happened to you, how did it all resolve itself??


Thanks for any input 

A while ago, a few lost their meter connection due to a faulty update. Most we’ve heard from now have things back in place but I found reporting missing data to Hugo (or Hildebrand if you have the Bright app) dug into the issue. 
Your connection to the IHD is via a different link to that for the main data feed the supplier uses (goes via DCC)

Thanks have messaged Hugo. Fingers crossed.

This has started to get some results but the issue today is that the gas data has showed up but it says that there is no meter reading.  Does anyone know why there may be a discrepency?



It’s too early in the day yet - try again after 4pm.

When you look at data for gas, it takes a while for the calculations needed to convert from cubic metres to kWh (which needs a calorific value only published after the event).

Often your gas data (unless estimated) will not show until later the day after the usage
