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When do standing charges get added onto the IHD? I've noticed that when the unit prices went down this month the cost showing when I get up in the morning has actually gone up, suggesting it might be due to standing charges. However I had previously assumed it was late at night, because when I check the previous days cost against the cost showing when I went to bed, that has also jumped up. So I'm puzzled.

Updated on 19/09/24 by Shads_OVO

Hi @Topsy , the standing charge normally gets loaded to the IHD early each morning. Any late night adds might be just the device catching up - gas for example only adds every 30 mins


Good morning


Can anyone tell me at what time of day does the Daily Standing Charge get added.  


My standing charge for electric is 63.250p.  Yet every morning when I get up, whatever time, it is always starting around 72 - 75p

Hi @Katie B B B , welcome back!

Usually it’s around Midnight for Electricity and roughly 5am for Gas.

Hi @Blastoise186 

Thank you for your prompt reply to my question.

I will now look at the reading at midnight.

Just a note here @Katie B B B , the standing charge addition on your IHD can differ. For example while my electric SC is there just after midnight, my gas SC only gets added late in the evening. 
There are some calling for a standardisation which would be useful. 

(From a useful smartmeter site)
