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No Smart Meter readings shown on the Online Account since the 1st October?

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies

The website today shows the last smart meter readings as 30 September. Last night’s readings should be logged as 1 October. Have the new charges caused a problem? I have SMETS2 electricity and gas meters. It is now 10am on 1 October. My in home display is working.

Readings seem to have ceased at 00:30 on 30 September according to the app.


Best answer by Jeffus

Updated on 09/08/24 by Shads_OVO

The missing daily readings happens at every switch of the price cap since i had a smart meter with ovo when i look at my account. I have learnt just to ignore it as i suspect it will never change. It doesn’t impact me as the next reading catches up. 

This is as far as i can go back on the readings page although i had an ovo smart meter before this. I guess old readings are removed. 

So i suspect i will see it every 3 months now. 

1st April

1st July

1st Oct

1st Jan


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154 replies

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • October 1, 2022

I keep an eye on my mums account and we had some bother moving from SSE last month, but some excellent service from Ian seems to have fixed the issue (hugely overestimated projected use and consequently hugely increased DD.  Ian set the meter to send readings daily rather than monthly to fix this estimate over time.  It has since been sending daily readings for the last 3 days but I also note there is nothing for yesterday so I’m a bit reassured to see this being flagged up here.  I think that it may just be a glitch with the changes from 1st October plus probably huge volumes of readings being sent in manually.  I’m just going to keep a wee eye on it until the beginning of the week. 


  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies
  • October 1, 2022

I had no problems submitting meter readings through the app.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • October 1, 2022

I’m not going to submit a reading through the website as the automatic reading for yesterday was fine, so I can’t foresee it going too wrong in the space of one day 😀 


Carbon Cutter****
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 48 replies
  • October 1, 2022

It's Saturday afternoon and my smart meter readings have not been updated today. Usually they would be completed in the morning, with electricity at around 09:30 and gas a bit later.

Consequently I do not have usage data showing for Friday. In contrast my Loop app is up to date for yesterday and the better part of today.

A few days ago OVO stopped displaying half hourly figures - only daily - but that had been fixed. Now no data updates at all. Oh dear! Looks like we're going backwards.

I understand all the hoo-hah about tariffs, but that shouldn't affect taking consumption figures from smart meters. Yet somehow the ball has been dropped. Again.

I'm generally a satisfied customer, but this does seem a bit amateur. If the DCC has the data, why hasn't OVO?

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  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies
  • October 1, 2022
As you see, I only have half an hour of electricity data from yesterday. It looks as if the total charges are right,  The home website page said the last reading was 30 September rather than 1 October, but it still said Nice one! etc. After sending my manual readings the home page (after login) said the last reading was 1 October.
Last three days of September totals look right. The reading history did not show 1 October until I sent the readings online, and it is shown as ‘Manual’.


I’m having the same issue as you @mjt49 - meter readings stopped at exactly the same time as yours and “October” hasn’t appeared in the Monthly Reading list on the app yet.

I’ve checked the meters and they’re still recording data so maybe some glitch with the update to pricing? 

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 40 replies
  • October 1, 2022

Looking at the "day" readings on the App recently I've noticed they usually take 24 hours after the close of the day before they are fully populated.  So I don't think you will see the half hourly readings for all of 1st Oct until Monday 3rd Oct.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies
  • October 1, 2022

But I don’t have half hourly readings for 30 September after 00:30 or 01:00. Most of the day is missing half hourly readings, and the midnight 30 September/1 October reading didn’t appear to have been sent from the DCC to OVO Energy, as an earlier reply said. The results are from the OVO Energy web page or app. If you are using another app such as Uswitch, you will get more up to date data.

I expect it will all be sorted out by early next week.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • October 2, 2022

Readings in ok and looking correct this morning. 😀

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies
  • October 2, 2022

Same here. The half hourly readings are still missing for most of 30 September when using the OVO Energy app or website.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • October 2, 2022

Yes, mum’s is set at daily and nothing registered on 1st Oct, but todays reading looks to account for 2 days ok. 


Carbon Cutter****
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 48 replies
  • October 2, 2022

I now have electricity consumption data for the 30th, but nothing for gas. No October data at all, yet. Meter readings as shown in the app are stuck at 30th September values. September bill is "pending".

Great that it's working for some, but unfortunately we're not all there yet.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies
  • October 2, 2022

I have just noticed that half hourly gas data for 1 October ends at 21:30.  I’ll see if there’s a meter reading tonight.

Carbon Catcher**
  • Carbon Catcher**
  • 128 replies
  • October 2, 2022

According to my accounts, no actual smart meter readings are available for the 1st October!

No issues with any other smart meter reading apart from 1st April, the date of the last change in the price cap,


missing data on the day of a nationwide price increase! I see a trend forming.





  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 3, 2022

I have a smart meter. Why , on the morning of the 3 October, are there no meter readings for the 1 October but there are for the 2nd? My bill is due today and shows estimated meter readings for the price increase period? 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • October 3, 2022

Thanks everyone, I'm raising this internally and linking to this topic. If I hear of any updates I’ll be back here. 


It’s good to hear this has been resolved for some...

Carbon Cutter****
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 48 replies
  • October 3, 2022


I still don't have an automated smart meter reading for 1st October and my 30 minute data is missing for 30th September. 30 minute data is present both before and after the 30th.

I raised this through chat with Abbie this morning and included screen prints.

It's the second time since 20th September that OVO has dropped the ball on reading and presenting smart meter consumption data.

Both Bright and Loop are showing 30 minute data for the 30th. Only OVO is not caught up.

Carbon Cutter****
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 48 replies
  • October 3, 2022

And now they haven't bothered with meter readings today. Normally electricity would be available around 09:30 and gas a bit later. It's now 17:30 and no readings.

Also, they seem unable to decide whether to show half hourly details or only whole day totals for individual days. Or sometimes nothing.


How can they have half hourly detail for electricity, but no day total for electricity, and nothing at all for gas?

I get that there might be some commotion regarding tariffs, but this isn't about price/cost. It's just consumption data - from smart meters. It should be automatic and seamless. That said, they seem able to calculate a cost on one page, but not another.

Very disappointing! D-

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • October 4, 2022

Hi @Cherripie, thanks for posting this. 


For some this data did appear on the online account later in the weekend. For others it’s still missing. Are you able to check and let us know?


Your smart meter can store your usage data and meter readings for a certain period of time. @Blastoise186 can you remember how long / how much? 


So when something happens that means your online account doesn’t get the data on the day, it can get everything it needs in the following days. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • October 4, 2022

Greetings humans!

I am SkyNet Blastoise Bot, an advanced AI digital assistant designed and built by my master, @Blastoise186 for two purposes. Firstly, my primary purpose to make jokes about @Tim_OVO , and secondly my secondary purpose is to assist whenever my Master Blaster isn’t around.

My algorithms detected that User: Tim_OVO wishes to retrieve retention period data from my database. This request for information requires Security Clearance Level 1 - Visitor. User: Tim_OVO has been identified as possessing Security Clearance Level 5 - Administrator. Request Granted.

The SMETS2 Aclara SGM1400 Series Smart Energy Meters have support for the following Metrology and Data Capacity:

  • 13 Months of Metrology History (as mandated by SMETS2 specifications)
  • 60 Days of Load Profile Data Storage
  • 3 Months Voltage Profile Data

This data can be retrieved by the Supplier at anytime via SMETS Commands using the DCC Supplier Role. It can also be retrieved by any SECAS Approved DCC Other User with consent from the customer.

Thanks for using SkyNet Blastoise Bot! Have a nice day!

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 4, 2022

Hi Tim. No the meter readings for 1 October are still missing and my monthly  bill ending 3October shows estimated usage from 30 September 

Carbon Cutter****
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 48 replies
  • October 4, 2022

I've been replying on the other missing readings discussion, but here's today latest as at almost midday on the 4th.

Basically it looks like Ovo have given up with smart meter readings and also with reporting usage figures in any satisfactory fashion.


EDIT : OOPS! Annotations on the screen print below should include 3rd and 4th, not 2nd and 3rd.

Figures for the 1st do look to be complete, based on actually taking a meter reading on the 2nd, but 30th, 2nd and 3rd are missing or only half baked.

Bright is up to date for electricity to the current time, right now, but gas readings are only available up until Sunday the 2nd. Nothing after that, and I certainly used gas on Monday 3rd.

Loop has electricity data up until midnight on Monday 3rd, nothing today. For gas it looks like they have full data until midnight on Monday 3rd, but nothing yet today. In fairness, I have not used any gas today, but I'd assume null readings to be shown for at least some hours of this morning.


So, it's a bit of a mixed bag, but OVO appears to be in a bigger mess than the other data providers I use.


Obviously this detail won't help the OP, but maybe it will help OVO to identify where things are breaking down.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • October 4, 2022

Thanks for sharing the latest here, @eezytiger 


I’ve seen a few examples of new meter readings, missing usage, a bit of a mixed bag, but all from the 1st October, with smart meter customers. 


I’ve raised it internally as an example of something going wrong, as I will with any other examples. Whilst the best way to get this looked into for your account is directly with our Support team, it may be worth waiting a few days to see if whatever ii the cause of this is fixed. It so often happens that way.  


Smart meters store your usage and readings (one or both of the two, I always forget), so any missing data can be populated into the online account when the problem causing it is removed. 

Carbon Cutter****
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 48 replies
  • October 4, 2022

@Tim_OVO Already reported, using online chat. I'm looking forward to somebody getting it fixed. 

There was a similar problem only a couple of weeks ago when daily readings were available, but not half hourly readings, for several days. I reported that problem over online chat and that was resolved quickly, unlike these latest problems.

Problems two weeks ago were the same with both electricity and gas. The zero gas figures on 23/24 September are correct, so that's not the issue, just the absent half hourly breakdown. That data has been recovered. But straight away we're into a new set of problems, only worse.


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • October 4, 2022
eezytiger wrote:

And now they haven't bothered with meter readings today. Normally electricity would be available around 09:30 and gas a bit later. It's now 17:30 and no readings.

Also, they seem unable to decide whether to show half hourly details or only whole day totals for individual days. Or sometimes nothing.


How can they have half hourly detail for electricity, but no day total for electricity, and nothing at all for gas?

I get that there might be some commotion regarding tariffs, but this isn't about price/cost. It's just consumption data - from smart meters. It should be automatic and seamless. That said, they seem able to calculate a cost on one page, but not another.

Very disappointing! D-

Never been any cost data on the Day tab either for the 30min slots or the total at top of page

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