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No Smart Meter readings shown on the Online Account since the 1st October?

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Community Manager
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  • 2561 replies
  • October 5, 2022

Hey @eezytiger,


It looks like your smart meter readings commenced again on the 2nd of October on the screenshots you have sent across? Have they stopped again since?


Please keep us posted if you smart meters aren’t yet back in communication. We know this was an issue affecting some customers but has seemed to since resolve itself for most.


If your meters aren’t in communication by the end of the week please complete a smart meter health check:




If they have regained communications you don’t need to worry about your billing being inaccurate, we have a live billing system so the account balance will update according to the new reads. We have a great guide about our live billing system here:



Keep us posted, other customers may be in the same boat!

Carbon Cutter****
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 48 replies
  • October 5, 2022

Hi, @Emmanuelle_OVO .

Here is the latest state of play for me. Normally I would expect electricity readings to have been taken by now today, for the 5th, but running late. Still some gaps for previous days.


Gas is looking far worse.




Community Manager
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  • October 5, 2022

Hey @eezytiger,


I’ve responded to you on this similar thread:


Carbon Cutter****
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 48 replies
  • October 5, 2022


Further update : Meter readings are now showing up to 4th October for electricity and gas, but there are still missing readings for the 1st and 3rd. Furthermore, allocation of gas usage to individual days and hours within those days is wrong, as is your total gas usage figure so far in October.

For example, the only usage of gas on Sunday 2nd was two showers, totalling 1.8 kWh. Your usage figures show 4.3 kWh for Sunday and your thirty minute figures are not shown at all.

You also have wrong numbers for gas on Monday and your total to date for gas in October is 16.7 kWh, whereas my IHD shows 15.86 kWh for October, including 1 kWh today. Loop shows 16 kWh in total (rounded to nearest kWh) for October, including today's 1 kWh. How you can already be up to 16.7 kWh without today's data is a puzzle to me.

Seriously, what on earth are you guys doing with your meter readings? And why are you playing so fast and loose with half hourly and daily figures? Don't you have that data? I do.


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2561 replies
  • October 6, 2022

Hey @eezytiger,


Sorry the issues with your readings hasn’t yet resolved itself.


I’d advise completing a smart meter health check. 


Emmanuelle_OVO wrote:


If your meters aren’t in communication by the end of the week please complete a smart meter health check:






Hope this helps.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • October 6, 2022
eezytiger wrote:


Further update : Meter readings are now showing up to 4th October for electricity and gas, but there are still missing readings for the 1st and 3rd. Furthermore, allocation of gas usage to individual days and hours within those days is wrong, as is your total gas usage figure so far in October.

For example, the only usage of gas on Sunday 2nd was two showers, totalling 1.8 kWh. Your usage figures show 4.3 kWh for Sunday and your thirty minute figures are not shown at all.

You also have wrong numbers for gas on Monday and your total to date for gas in October is 16.7 kWh, whereas my IHD shows 15.86 kWh for October, including 1 kWh today. Loop shows 16 kWh in total (rounded to nearest kWh) for October, including today's 1 kWh. How you can already be up to 16.7 kWh without today's data is a puzzle to me.

Seriously, what on earth are you guys doing with your meter readings? And why are you playing so fast and loose with half hourly and daily figures? Don't you have that data? I do.


Just a few things in case it is helpful when looking at the data. You may already know all of this. 

Hope it settles down again for you soon. It has always settled down for me if it is any help. 

The 30 minute readings aren't ever added up by ovo to make the daily reading. The smart meters transmit a separate daily reading. So you can't add up 30 min readings to reliably come to a day reading. 

When a daily reading is missing the system estimates what the reading might be, but with such a variable usage pattern this won't be perfect. It will/should net out ok on the bill over time once things settle down but the individual days on the usage page may not be perfect. 

Sometimes there can be local communications issues in a region, so some apps may well show different information as they won't all be communicating with the DCC at the same time so will be pulling slightly different data. It certainly looks like there are either local issues in your area or perhaps an  issue with your smart meter as all the apps have had at least some issues. 

The bills don't use the data on the usage. The bills only use the data on the readings pages. These are monthly, weekly or daily depending on your settings. In your case daily, either Smart or Estimated if the daily reading is missing. 


Carbon Cutter****
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 48 replies
  • October 6, 2022

Thanks, @Jeffus . I understand everything you are saying. I drew the same conclusions for myself. 

The irritation for me is that use of gas is very sporadic in our home at the moment. It is easy to identify gas usage by timeslot to be either heating, shower or cooking etc and this use is very temporary each day, if at all - very compartmentalized onto half hour slots. Therefore I can tell whether numbers are correct, a load of baloney or just missing.

My OVO IHD is tracking everything correctly. Thus the meter is producing valid readings. Furthermore, Loop is accessing my data from the DCC and its numbers match with the IHD and they both match my expectations for values. So the DCC has my data and it is correct, daily, half hourly and so on.

OVO, on the other hand, is simply not reading the data on a timely basis if at all. If Loop can manage the task, what is stopping OVO?

I've already performed a smart meter health check. All comms are in place and the numbers are spewing out. This is an OVO problem, not a meter problem. It's now been several days and it's still not fixed.

p.s. The correct history must be stored somewhere, so I don't see what is preventing OVO back filling the missing data with valid data instead of bad guesstimates. They just need to get on with doing it.



Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • October 6, 2022

@eezytiger i suspect it may take a couple of weeks based on previous experience to settle down. Do keep us updated on here as it's always useful to see examples for the few ovo customers who regularly post. 

As no one on here has access to your account, you might find it useful to post on the ovo twitter or Facebook feed if it goes on a long time. 

The ovo social media team there can access accounts and it just may help. 

Yes the readings will be stored in the comms hub so in theory it should sort itself out over time but won't always be quick based on previous experience 

While it is happening i would particularly keep an eye on the last meter reading on the reading pages as that is what is driving your bills. 

On the website not the app there is a check box for showing estimated reading. Just in case you haven't noticed 

Good luck! 


  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies
  • October 9, 2022

Readings ceased at 7 or 8 in the morning on Saturday 8 October, and there are no meter readings logged for 9 October. It is 9:45 on Sunday morning now.


Of course we are now past the tariff change, but there still shouldn’t be problems at weekends.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies
  • October 9, 2022

Readings for 9 October have been sent to OVO. Usage data for yesterday still stopped at 8 am.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1866 replies
  • October 10, 2022

Thanks for this update, @mjt49. I’ve added it as another example of smart communication drop offs internally. Can you keep us updated if you see any changes?

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 37 replies
  • October 10, 2022

Can’t get through on phone and chat function said they can’t help. 

Trying to be to see my daily/hourly/half hourly usage using my online account.

It’s been nonfunctional for a very long time….weeks at least. Was told it’s been a ongoig issue…??? 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • October 11, 2022

Hi @Amerififer it has unfortunately been a similar issue with a few people recently.

For most it seems to be correcting over time. 

You could try downloading one of the free ofgem regulated 3rd party apps to see if it is an issue related to ovo or something else like a fault with your meter.



  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 37 replies
  • October 11, 2022
Jeffus wrote:

Hi @Amerififer it has unfortunately been a similar issue with a few people recently.

For most it seems to be correcting over time. 

You could try downloading one of the free ofgem regulated 3rd party apps to see if it is an issue related to ovo or something else like a fault with your meter.



Hiya Jeffus,

Thanks very much for the info/heads up.. 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 11, 2022

@Amerififer do let us know what you find out in case we can help. 

Community Manager
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  • October 11, 2022

Hey @Amerififer,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community.


I can see @Jeffus has already given some great advice here. Just wanted to step in and add, if it looks like it might be an issue with the smart meters themselves, the following guides might be helpful:





Hope this helps. 

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 25 replies
  • October 11, 2022

My electricity meter stopped sending readings to OVO 5 days ago, yet my IHD has the latest readings available (so clearly the meter itself is working).

The gas meter readings are still being uploaded!

Is this a problem at OVOs end?

I wonder if it’s related to any work going on behind the scenes to prepare for unit adjustments for when the unit price cap is applied at the next billing period?

Also, I noticed that my unit rates are still showing the fixed rates that I started earlier this year and have not been adjusted in line with the fixed rates as advised they would be (from 1st October) in other threads on here!

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • October 12, 2022

I’m having the same problem, albeit only for three days. My current fixed rate contract expires in 11 days so I'm still paying those rates. I'm guessing that as long as your rate from January is lower than than the new capped rates you will be paying those and once that contract expires you will be moved onto the new capped rates.

Community Manager
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  • October 12, 2022

I’ve seen a few examples of this smart meter drop off around the time the prices change. 


The good news is that for those affected, the sending of smart meter data to the online account resumed and updated any historical usage that’s missing. The smart meter comms hub stores this info for several months. 


For anyone else who’s unsure if they’re affected, you can diagnose meter-side communication issues here:



Lastly, if your smart meter hasn’t sent us readings for 5 days or more, it will let you submit them manually via the online account

Carbon Catcher**
  • Carbon Catcher**
  • 128 replies
  • October 13, 2022

Forgive me if I’m mistaken!

But wasn’t this thread originally 

“No Smart Meter readings shown on the Online Account for  the 1st October?

& not

No Smart Meter readings shown on the Online Account since the 1st October?


The only day’s that no smart meter readings show on my account are the day’s of the energy price cap change ie: 1st April & 1st October,


I did originally post back in April that just a 1 kWh error being tagged on the new tariff instead of the old unit cost resulted in a small overcharge being applied to my account,

but if that small error affected all of ovo’s customers! an estimated £500,000 would be generated in income for ovo,

Failing to gather smart meter data on the day that the price cap changes is a worrying trend that has still not been addressed…


Community Manager
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  • October 13, 2022

Hey @TomThumb,


Yes you are correct, similar threads are often merged in order to stop unique or new topics getting lost in a sea of the same topics. 


As Tim advised we have raised this internally and will update this thread if we hear any more information 🙂

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • October 13, 2022
TomThumb wrote:

Forgive me if I’m mistaken!

But wasn’t this thread originally 

“No Smart Meter readings shown on the Online Account for  the 1st October?

& not

No Smart Meter readings shown on the Online Account since the 1st October?


The only day’s that no smart meter readings show on my account are the day’s of the energy price cap change ie: 1st April & 1st October,


I did originally post back in April that just a 1 kWh error being tagged on the new tariff instead of the old unit cost resulted in a small overcharge being applied to my account,

but if that small error affected all of ovo’s customers! an estimated £500,000 would be generated in income for ovo,

Failing to gather smart meter data on the day that the price cap changes is a worrying trend that has still not been addressed…


@TomThumb Interesting. No data on the meter reading page for me for that day. I wonder if only the Simpler Energy tariff customers see this behaviour. 

Although there is data on the usage page for that day on both the Day (30min readings) and Month (daily readings) tab

Also the bill is interesting on the change over. Estimated on the 30th? Didn't have any day smart meter issues from what i can remember. I have a smart meter reading on the reading page on the 30th, not an estimate. 

Certainly curious to known how it works on the change over of tariff days @Emmanuelle_OVO 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 1258 replies
  • October 13, 2022

I also have no smart reading for 1st Oct on Simpler Energy (rental property). I have 2 accounts and the Drive one (main home) also has no 1st Oct smart reading.

Community Manager
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  • 2561 replies
  • October 14, 2022

Hey @Jeffus,


Yes I'm also interested to find out. It seems some people also experienced this in April when the tariff changed. 


That’s interesting @juliamc so it seems to be fixed customers too. Do you know if it happened in April, to your fixed property? 


We’ll keep this thread updated when we get more information. 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 1258 replies
  • October 14, 2022

Yes ! I didn’t notice at the time but there is no reading for 1st April either.


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