Updated on 20/03/25 by Emmanuelle_OVO:
If you have smart meter communications issues please complete our smart meter health checks:
I’m so sorry to hear of the communication issues you’ve experienced with your new gas smart meter, @mattwhyman, particularly as it means you’re still having to submit your gas meter readings manually.
It sounds like you’ve already been in touch with the team and they’ve been unable to get things sorted remotely, which is why we’d need to schedule in another engineer’s visit. I appreciate the frustration that’s been caused by the lack of clarity over when we might able to get something arranged. We’d always try to get an appointment booked in as soon as possible but this is dependent on engineer availability in your area.
As you mention you’ve raised a complaint but weren’t happy to close the complaint without an appointment timeframe you should’ve been given the option to escalate your complaint. Even once a complaint has been closed it can be re-opened and escalated at any point so we’d encourage you to get back in touch with the Support Team to request this. You can see our full complaints procedure here.
Quite apart from the meter communication, if your meter screen is blank, or can’t be read due to condensation behind the screen this would be classed as a faulty meter for which we can schedule a faulty meter exchange.
It might be worth checking out the advice given in this related topic as we’d need to make that if the condensation is due to an issue with your meter box, this is fixed before a meter replacement is arranged. If you haven’t already I’d recommend taking some photos of the meter showing the condensation and emailing these over to the Support Team to make sure this can be addressed as a priority.
I’m hoping we can get the initial issue resolved quickly so you can enjoy the full benefits of going smart!