OVO are unable to fit a Smart Meter in the utilities department in the building of my flat due to heritage meters and apparently the whole building would need to be rewired.
Apparently I might be able to have the Smart Meter fitted inside my flat and I was wondering if anybody knows whether or not this the case?
OVO say it is not possible to book a further appointment with an engineer to view my flat (he did not do so in the original visit) he only viewed the utility cupboard in the building of my flat.
I was wondering if anyone could advise me whether or not it is possible for a Smart Meter to
be fitted inside my flat?
Best answer by Lukepeniket_OVO
Updated on 20/03/25 by Ben_OVO
Hi guys and thank you @matthewkevin84 for the info, i’ve done some digging and found more photos.
L&G E470
Unfortunately the E470 is wider than the gap between the isolators so there is no room to fit it in there.
Also we would be unable to fit anything in the flat without the electric being fitted. You may have a Red Link Fuse in the apartment itself but we would be unable to move the meter up to that position.
Only solution i can currently see is to have a wider gap between each isolator but that would require an electrician to do.
That’s a smart water meter which is significantly smaller than the electric variety so, as we’ve said previously, it would take a huge reconfiguration of the supply to be able to fit a smart electric meter unfortunately
Nope. The building owner needs to do this at their cost
A Housing Association own the property so I will see what they say, presumably I just need to say in my communications what has been discussed on this forum but any further advice would be appreciated.
Blastoise186 am I correct in thinking that my Housing Association can be compelled to foot the bill for all required work that would be needed in order to fit a Smart Meter?
You can also remind them that the energy supplier for each flat owns the respective meter - and MUST be able to access the meter for the purposes of maintenance, meter replacements, emergencies and upgrades.
There are suppliers that won’t take kindly to deliberate obstructions or poor design that prevents them from doing so and this needs to be rectified. The Housing Association had an opportunity to design and build that meter cupboard properly and failed to do so, meaning it’s their fault and their responsibility to resolve it.
Be interesting to know if other tenants in the building have raised a query with the Housing Association about getting the room sorted so all occupants can have a smart meter.
Where are your meters located currently? (Or meter if you just have electricity). If they’re in a different location than inside the flat you’d need to get your meter(s) relocated before you could get a smart meter installed within the flat.
I was discussing Smart Meters with your good self and as you might remember I sent photos of my utility cupboard located in the building of my abode.
I have since noticed that a Smart Meter has actually been fitted in the utility cupboard in the building of my abode, with this in mind I was wondering you had any new advise you found give, please advise?
Hi @matthewkevin84 , looking back (and remembering that this isn’t a direct communication channel to OVO), you were wondering about space for a smart meter. Presumably that’s now been sorted. The message on the card is confusing as there is a display (and reading) visible on the meter. You would normally just check that your account is set correctly with the new meter details and that after a short period, it begins to communicate and send reading that you can see on your account.
Please refrain from spamming all Forum Volunteers via Private Messages and posting multiple threads about the same question at the same time. We know when someone posts publicly - and we don’t need to have it blasted at full volume. You only need to post once, not 50 times.
I’m surprised to learn a smart meter was installed without your knowledge? We require someone over the age of 18 to be present when an appointment takes place.
I think it’s best to contact the support team to find out what’s happened here.
No this Smart Meter is for another flat, it is not
for my flat! It is located in the utility cupboard of my abode directly next to the utility cupboard were my OVO meter is located.
When I originally posted on here re the OVO being unable to fit a Smart Meter in my flat I was not aware of this Smart Meter being fitted hence my new communications on here.
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