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I got the email to switch over to a smart meter last week,just as I was away ,so only digesting it now! 

I’m reasonably okay with having the old meter taken out,but a few concerns/questions - for those that have had the switch, mainly how these things work compared to the old RTS meters that are being phased out and the tariffs.. 

So what are the differences between the two meters?

I’ve been on a PAYG tariff and understand that’s going to be the same with the switch to a smart meter, but for those of you that have,how much more expensive have you found it? 

And lastly,presuming the old meter key system for the RTS meter means I won’t be using that key to top up when the smart meter is installed?


Hi @mrsparkles5481 ,

Please note that Blastoise186 is a trusted Forum Volunteer, he doesn’t work for OVO

We don’t seem to have had many folks come here yet who’ve had RTS PAYG, so I’m not sure how many responses you’ll get on that front. Please accept our apologies for this.

The biggest differences are ultimately down to three things:

  • How the meter knows when to switch rates - Smart Meters control this locally without needing external signals as they’re effectively “Set and Forget”
  • How meter readings are submitted (PAYG Only) - as you’re PAYG a meter reading would be automatically submitted every night, rather than only when you top-up and these submissions would also back up your current credit balance to OVO’s systems, just to be extra safe, but you cannot change the frequency of these submissions
  • How meter readings are submitted (PAYM Only) - for those on Pay Monthly, meter readings will be submitted automatically every day by default but the submission frequency can be changed if you wish
  • How you top-up (PAYG Only) - you wouldn’t use a key/card anymore - you’d use a new method
  • How you pay your bill (PAYM Only) - there would be no changes to your payment method, frequency or amount as a result of the meter swap itself

Additionally, you may be able to keep the same tariff or you may need to change it. If you’re able to keep the same tariff, then nothing changes on that front. If you need to change it, OVO will help you with your options to find the best value possible based on what they can get for you. If you’re on Flat Rate, Economy 7 or Economy 10 right now, then there’s a 98% chance you’ll probably get to keep it that way. Otherwise, you may be asked to pick a new tariff.

As you’re PAYG, if you’re on the same tariff after the upgrade then it should cost you about the same as being on RTS PAYG does unless you are told otherwise. If it ends up being more expensive, either you’re using more than you thought or the RTS Meter was faulty somehow.

As for topping-up, you can still go to the shops if you wish and that will remain supported for the foreseeable future. However, you’d be able to use an app or website too so you could also top-up from home (or use the app barcode in shops) making it far more convenient. The key you have now however, would be taken from you by the installing engineer and returned to OVO as you’d no longer have a use for it.

Hope this helps!

Hey @mrsparkles5481


That’s some really great advice from @Blastoise186 and he’s correct when he says that we’ve not had many PAYG/RTS members on here so far. 


The email should have included a contact number so you could call, ask questions directly about the installation, and book yourself in. We currently have a dedicated team handling these calls that is trained in more complex meter types.


Are you considering staying with PAYG, or would you consider paying monthly? The new meter should give you more control over your energy; an example of this would be topping up. You can make top-ups online rather than going to a shop to do this. I would be interested to hear your thought process and how you feel towards this so far 😊

The team are aware of phone calls not being an option due to my mental health. So calls are not an option,yet they asked to call. 

Hey @mrsparkles5481,


​Do you mean it was in the letter/email sent to you? I understand your struggle with this and want to give some context. Most of the communications are targeted at a wider group of people, and a phone number would be included because these types of meters are more complicated than regular ones. Due to the complexity of the installs, we try to ask as many questions as possible so that when the engineers attend the installation, they’ll know exactly what they’re up against. This is typically easier via phone call as the advisors can have a back-and-forth conversation with someone more easily.


If you have any more questions please let us know!

Hey @mrsparkles5481,


​Do you mean it was in the letter/email sent to you? I understand your struggle with this and want to give some context. Most of the communications are targeted at a wider group of people, and a phone number would be included because these types of meters are more complicated than regular ones. Due to the complexity of the installs, we try to ask as many questions as possible so that when the engineers attend the installation, they’ll know exactly what they’re up against. This is typically easier via phone call as the advisors can have a back-and-forth conversation with someone more easily.


If you have any more questions please let us know!

 Phone calls are an absolute NO as I have said due to my mental health.  The customer service team have added this to my account,so that when the appointment is eventually made (they told me at present there aren’t available ones in my area,despite the email saying differently?),it will be a web chat. 

As for the other question - switching from PAYG to pay monthly - whilst I’ve been waiting , been chatting with a friend that works for a local energy advice company where I live. We did the maths and it would work out cheaper to switch,if OVO allow me to. So yes,absolutely would do that if it’s saving me more,which the calculations suggest it will,based on my energy usage.

Hey @mrsparkles5481


When the team contacts you to discuss the installation, they usually review the available plans with you. Once the exchange has been carried out, we usually advise waiting 6 weeks before requesting any switch. This will allow the relevant meter details to be updated as if the switch was requested before then; it could lead to complications with any new supplier taking you on board. 


Hopefully, we’ll know more once you’ve had your conversation about getting the meter exchanged and what tariff options are best for you.


I hope this helps! 

Hey @mrsparkles5481


When the team contacts you to discuss the installation, they usually review the available plans with you. Once the exchange has been carried out, we usually advise waiting 6 weeks before requesting any switch. This will allow the relevant meter details to be updated as if the switch was requested before then; it could lead to complications with any new supplier taking you on board. 


Hopefully, we’ll know more once you’ve had your conversation about getting the meter exchanged and what tariff options are best for you.


I hope this helps! 

It does with the 6 week thing - absolutely agree as it causes more trouble than it’s worth from what I’ve read on these forums if you do it earlier than that! 

At the time of the initial chat,they did give me two tariffs which would be best for me,but they based it on PAYG - so Economy 7 and Economy 10. 

Hey @mrsparkles5481


It absolutely is and you want to make sure it’s done right first time rather than having to deal with any unnecessary stress. 


Good, i’m glad they were able to confirm what was available to you. Keep us updated on how things go for you and if you do decide to switch suppliers, you’re always welcome here 😊

Hey @mrsparkles5481


It absolutely is and you want to make sure it’s done right first time rather than having to deal with any unnecessary stress. 


Good, i’m glad they were able to confirm what was available to you. Keep us updated on how things go for you and if you do decide to switch suppliers, you’re always welcome here 😊

I just happened to be visiting extended family last week and they’d had theirs fitted within the last month and had no end of issues - and now I am more than concerned. So with what I found when I visited in mind (the IHD not showing what’s there,what’s being used,etc,the lack of good customer service with issues they’ve had - and the speed with which it seems that the credit is being used on a smart meter) , I am not prepared to switch until I have to.  

And will switch supplier as soon as I am free and able to do so.  I am aware of other customers on the islands surrounding where I live who haven’t made the move yet and won’t due to the well reported issues with smart meters. I share those views now, having seen for myself the troubles they’re causing.

Sorry to sound negative but I’m not convinced. And as I say, will as soon as I am free to do so , switch to another supplier. I refuse to have the worry,as a vulnerable customer (I will not disclose the nature of that).

Hey @mrsparkles5481,


If the meter has just been replaced within the last month as you said then that’s still within the 6 week window we spoke about. I understand your concerns and i’d suggest checking in with them in a couple of weeks to follow up with them. You can ask them again if they’re still having issues or whether the ones that you know about now sorted themselves out with time. 


If I can offer an analogy think of replacing a meter as throwing a stone in water. At first it’ll splash and cause ripples in the water but if you give it time the water will calm and return to normal. The same can be said for a meter when it’s replaced it changes where the data is coming from and it’ll take a little time for this to even out. 


We get more negative opinions on smart meters over positive ones but here’s a recent example of a member who was really impressed with the replacement:


I can only offer advice and support you’ll know what the best path for you is 😊 We’ll always be here to support the best we can. 

Hey @mrsparkles5481,


If the meter has just been replaced within the last month as you said then that’s still within the 6 week window we spoke about. I understand your concerns and i’d suggest checking in with them in a couple of weeks to follow up with them. You can ask them again if they’re still having issues or whether the ones that you know about now sorted themselves out with time. 


If I can offer an analogy think of replacing a meter as throwing a stone in water. At first it’ll splash and cause ripples in the water but if you give it time the water will calm and return to normal. The same can be said for a meter when it’s replaced it changes where the data is coming from and it’ll take a little time for this to even out. 


We get more negative opinions on smart meters over positive ones but here’s a recent example of a member who was really impressed with the replacement:


I can only offer advice and support you’ll know what the best path for you is 😊 We’ll always be here to support the best we can. 

I felt the response from OVO which I had today,reiterating my worries and refusal to switch to smart until we have to, was not only dismissed but it was more “do it or we will do this...” ,which I have not replied to, and will not.  

I said about switching supplier and asked when is the earliest opportunity to do so, and that was ignored.  Then followed up by a second email with the usual “your meter will stop working unless you switch..” that others have had. I deleted the email.

As someone with a severe mental health condition which right now isn’t in the best shape, I don’t need this worry and upset. So ignoring all comms for the time being until I feel I can deal with it. 

Hey ​@mrsparkles5481 

I’m really sorry to hear this


It might be worth escalating a complaint if you’re not happy with the responses you’ve received.


You’ll be assigned a complaints handler. You mentioned you have mental health issues I just wanted to add that the priority services register might have some helpful resources. 

Priority Services Register (PSR)


What does the PSR offer? 

  • Gas Safety Checks
  • Engineer Passwords where you can agree a password with your supplier that the engineer will give you before entering your property
  • Adapted communications including black & white print, braille, large print
  • Warnings about planned power cuts in your area
  • Regular meter readers to attend your property

Find out more about it here.



Hey ​@mrsparkles5481 

I’m really sorry to hear this


It might be worth escalating a complaint if you’re not happy with the responses you’ve received.


You’ll be assigned a complaints handler. You mentioned you have mental health issues I just wanted to add that the priority services register might have some helpful resources. 

Priority Services Register (PSR)


What does the PSR offer? 

  • Gas Safety Checks
  • Engineer Passwords where you can agree a password with your supplier that the engineer will give you before entering your property
  • Adapted communications including black & white print, braille, large print
  • Warnings about planned power cuts in your area
  • Regular meter readers to attend your property

Find out more about it here.



I am already on the PSR. 

I will be escalating - to the Ombudsman. And I still haven’t been furnished with an answer as to how soon I can move supplier because of how this has all gone. I don’t want to stay a minute longer than I have to.

Ironic that the minute I’d posted my last reply ,an email appears trying to get me to book a smart meter appointment, which I have ignored. I am not taking one until I’m reassured that the problems I’ve seen as posted earlier,will NOT happen to me.  And the “if you don’t do this,this will happen to you” rhetoric as in the response to my complaint via email  is as far as i am concerned,intimidatory in its’ language,which really upset me,so I did not respond to it. And won’t respond to further comms.


Hey ​@mrsparkles5481 


I’m really sorry for the issues you’ve been experiencing.


I’m going to have our Forum_Support team reach out to you so they can help you further with this. Look out for a private message here soon:


Hey ​@mrsparkles5481 


I’m really sorry for the issues you’ve been experiencing.


I’m going to have our Forum_Support team reach out to you so they can help you further with this. Look out for a private message here soon:

I won’t be responding to it as I have made clear. 

You’re not helping yourself ​@mrsparkles5481 . By refusing support, you’re going to have a hard time getting anything done.

I’d strongly recommend you let Forum Support take a look, as not doing so could damage your Ombudsman case later if OVO can prove it tried to help you further but you disengaged.

You’re not helping yourself ​@mrsparkles5481 . By refusing support, you’re going to have a hard time getting anything done.

I’d strongly recommend you let Forum Support take a look, as not doing so could damage your Ombudsman case later if OVO can prove it tried to help you further but you disengaged.

I’m not going to respond to that upsetting comment. I’m done.
