We’ve installed a new gas pipe and now we’re trying to get ovo to fit a meter. They failed to attend on 19 October, 13 November and 14 November. I asked for an emergency appointment on morning of 14 November which they gave me. But they didn’t show so I called back and they say they can’t do an emergency appointment for a new meter. The next available appointment is in January but we can’t book until they open tomorrow.
We’ve paid our plumber £3400 for a new boiler and half his fee. He booked out next week to do the work. We are on oil now but there’s a minimum order amount of 500 litres which would be £400 plus the costs to remove any oil left in the tank. We have very little oil left and have been purchasing it for double the price in 5 litre tanks.
Ive complained to ovo using the CAB letter template. By this ovo should have to sort it out by 14 December.
we’ve been trying to get on the gas system since April. It’s been a nightmare. What can we do? ovo told me to call cadent to fit a temp meter. They don’t do this and suggested we use British Gas if we want to get anywhere.
ovo suggested I call tomorrow and say I want to get an appointment through the complaints system to try to get an earlier appointment. I’m not sure I trust them to ever turn up now
No sign of the £30 compensation.